As soon as I
heard this, Ye Fei was so grateful that he wanted to feed the dog. As soon as he heard what Primordial Spirit Dan is so precious, he quickly took a mouthful and gave it to him. Spit it out.

Shang Luo also quickly took out another bottle of spiritual liquid, taking advantage of Ye Fei’s mouth, a whole bottle of spiritual liquid was poured into Ye Fei’s mouth, “Ye Fei, tell you to stop talking, rest assured, everyone I’m so familiar, this bottle of spiritual liquid is free.”

“I…” Ye Fei wanted to cry without tears, and finally knew what it means to be without a traitor and without a business. Seeing to defeat Zhou Budou , The 500,000 contribution point is about to be handed, but Shangluo randomly took out a broken medicine pill, and he just divided him in half. Ye Fei wanted to swallow the medicine pill out of his stomach.

However, the medicinal power of Primordial Spirit Dan is really strong. As soon as it is swallowed in the stomach, it turns into an astonishing Spiritual Qi, which makes Ye Fei’s ailing Primordial Spirit regain spirit again, immediately With the ability to fight.

Of course, Ye Fei has spirit pill and marvelous medicine like Primordial Spirit Dan. On the one hand, Zhou Budou will not have this treatment. It is the Jane instructor who is in charge of the referee rushing over and sending Zhenyuan. , It was another time to slap Zhou Busu’s body, and it took him a long time to wake up from a coma.

The first thing that Zhou Buyu wakes up is to stare at Ye Fei with hatred, angrily roared: “Ye Fei. You cheated!”

“I cheated, Why did I cheat?” Ye Fei looked at Zhou without doubt and shook his head secretly. This person has talent, but his mind is too narrow.

“No, you must have cheated! I am more talented than you, and I have a higher realm than you. Bloodline is even more of a wasteful ten streets. How do you compare to me? Head-on fight, how can I It may lose to you. You must have used some kind of treasure, and you have calculated me, don’t think I don’t know!”

Zhou Busu has red eyes and his angry eyes are blue, but he is Earth Grade is the first, and it is not a defeat. How could he be willing to lose to Ye Fei, especially Ye Fei still has no future to speak of.

Hearing this remark of Zhou Budou, all martial artists looked at Ye Fei with shocked eyes.

“Cheating, Ye Fei cheated in the battle?”

“It’s not possible, we all witnessed all the battles, and we didn’t see what treasure he took out. ?”

“That’s hard to say. Some treasures can also be hidden within the body, divide the space to injure the person. At the last moment, Senior Brother Zhou has suppressed Ye Fei, but the result Don’t you feel weird to be defeated by Ye Fei?”

Hearing the discussions around the disciples, at the last moment, Zhou Budou was defeated indeed unfathomable mystery, the referee’s Jane tutor, looked towards Ye Fei’s gaze , Suddenly became extremely harsh: “disciple Ye Fei, Zhou Busu’s accusation against you, can you admit it?”

“I don’t admit it, I didn’t cheat!”

Ye Fei said calmly.

“Yes, my big brother has never been invincible. There is no need to cheat to defeat Zhou Busu!” Xia Jun Little Fatty was very excited. Even Lin Heaven’s Chosen, who came to hear the news, had a look of anger in his eyes.

Instructor Jian is still full of suspicion, said solemnly: “Ye Fei, since you are not cheating, then I ask you, at that time, Zhou Busu had already suppressed you and was about to defeat you. What means to turn defeat into victory.”

“Teacher Jane, what he said to this waste, he must have cheated! Otherwise, he is a waste body, even if he encounters a little Little Qi, how can he beat a bloodline like me? Genius! Please also ask the instructor to call the shots for me!” Zhou Busu was angry.

He doesn’t believe it, and he can’t accept it. A bloodline martial artist like him is inferior to Ye Fei’s abandoned body. This fiasco has already affected his confidence.

For the strongest genius in Earth Grade, Instructor Jane is still more optimistic. He could not help but look towards Ye Fei again: “Ye Fei, what else do you have to say?”

“If Dignified Saint Court tutor, if you don’t even know that your mind can be telekinesis, I have nothing to say! If you can’t beat even a trash like me, what qualifications do you have, keep on saying, call you a genius?” Ye Fei’s tone is ironic.

However, in order to prove that he did not cheat, he suddenly released his mind again, this time he stared coldly at the teacher Jane in front of him. He was addicted to refining people, and he didn’t doubt that he was not enough after refining, so he simply practiced this half-emperor tutor again, saving him here chirping.

“You!” Upon sensing Ye Fei’s powerful thought power fluctuations, Teacher Jian was shocked. He found that Ye Fei’s thought power really confined his body, although there was only half a breathless time. , But for expert, this time is enough to do a lot of things.

“Nianli can still be used like this?” Zhou Xiaoyu was also surprised. What is even more strange is that, as Zhou Busu’s sister-in-law, she did not stand on Zhou Busu’s side. The relationship between the two , Doesn’t seem to be very good, and this also makes Xia Jun secretly happy. He knows that Zhou Xiaoyu’s hooligans, as long as Zhou Xiaoyu doesn’t tell her, her powerful nephew, It shouldn’t be to avenge him.

“Hey, let me confess once, am I easy! Big brother, I am all for you!” Xia Jun’s face was filled with a sigh of avoided a catastrophe.

Zhou Busu’s face is even more ugly than eating a fly. “The power of mind is actually the power of mind. It still has attack power. Isn’t it used by the Refiner Master to build weapons?”


It’s no wonder that Zhou Budou couldn’t think of it.

In fact, Refiner Master seldom participates in battles. Even in battle, he uses various powerful weapons built by himself. For example, as Shangluo, dozens of Quasi-Emperor Artifacts are smashed out, and even the half emperor is here. To drink hate, since it is not commonly used, of course it is unexpected.

Only Ye Fei can be regarded as a different kind of Refiner Master. All the cultivation technique martial arts he has obtained will be used for combat subconsciously. This is how to use mind power to assist combat. .

After listening to Ye Fei’s explanation, not only Zhou Doudou was stunned with the disciple present, but was amazed by Ye Fei’s strange fighting method. In the Void Hall, the Martial Sovereign watching the battle was also full of surprise.

“Mind power can still be used like this, damn, how can those Refiner Masters of Saint Court, they can’t think of it?”

“It is not unexpected, but not used, after all, mind power can only Auxiliary combat, actually knowing this, it is also easy to guard against, for example, some martial arts who are converted to divine sense can easily break the imprisonment of mind!”

These Martial Sovereigns of Saint Court, all have knowledge Very out of the ordinary, they only listened to Ye Fei to explain the reason, and soon they found a way to restrain the restraint of the mind.

For Ye Fei’s fantastic idea of ​​combining mind with martial arts, Mr. Lu’s eyes suddenly lit up and laughed heartily: “No matter what, this kid can think what the predecessors didn’t dare to think. It’s actually a genius of Tianzong, with unlimited potential. Everyone, the old man suggested that Saint Court is now working hard to train this kid. You should have no opinion, right?”

Chapter 1183 Going astray

Chapter 1183 Going astray

The words of Mr. Lu, this time I finally got a lot of nodded approval from Martial Sovereign. Other Martial Sovereigns without nodded, even for Ye Fei’s identity as the abandoned person, Still a little worried.

But Ye Fei’s performance in the ranking battle was remarkable. The final use of thought power made them even more amazed. They couldn’t find a reason to stop Saint Court and cultivate Ye Fei with all their strength.

The most excited person is Mr. Lu, “Ye Fei’s talent was first discovered by the old man. According to the rules, this discipline should be under the old man. You old guys, you can’t follow I’ll grab it.”

“haha, Junior Brother Lu, what do you say, since you value this Ye Fei, of course we will not compete with you.” Martial Sovereign present all laughed.

But without waiting for Mr. Lu to come forward, he went to solicit Ye Fei. Suddenly, there was a long sigh in the hall, “Wait a minute, this Ye Fei cannot visit any Martial Sovereign gate, Saint Court, and must not fully cultivate Ye Fei.”

Martial Sovereign was all surprised.

Old Lu was even more excited and stood up. He faced the void and argued for reason: “The Third Dean, you don’t let us accept Ye Fei as a disciple. We can follow it, but why don’t you let it? Saint Court strives to cultivate Ye Fei. Ye Fei is a man who is abandoned by the sky, but his perception is so strong. In Saint Court, can you find the second one?”

in the sky, The sigh became stronger, and then an old man wearing a saint robe stepped out from in the sky. He was the director of the Third Institute of True Martial Saint Court, and he was also the Saint Court, one of the few remaining quasi emperors, but This quasi emperor is already very old.

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