” Everyone , I know that you will question my decision. Even the old man himself. It’s very difficult to make this decision, but there is no way. Ye Fei, the discipline, his perception of martial arts. The four great Saint Court, also the Shenwu Saint Court, Lú Family that girl, can be compared with him.”

Old Lu was even more puzzled by hearing this, and immediately asked: “Since the third president, you are sure of Ye Fei’s talent. , Why don’t you pay attention to him yet, is it because he is a man who has been abandoned?”

Other Martial Sovereign also looked towards the Third Dean with all their faces, but no one said anything, they knew, The three presidents must have his reasons for making this decision.

Faced with Lu’s doubts, the third dean suddenly showed a look of regret, and let the excited Lu sit down again, “Don’t you think it’s strange that Ye Fei doesn’t have a special bloodline, which itself He is a man who is abandoned by the sky. Why, his battle strength is stronger than many bloodline martial artists?”

“Dean, do you suspect Ye Fei’s identity is wrong?” A rough man His Martial Sovereign suddenly revealed murderous intention.

The three presidents waved their hands again and again, “It is not identity, but his power. The Martial Dao chosen by this kid is the path of despair! Don’t talk about our Saint Court, it’s the quasi-emperor Aristocratic. Family, no one dared to train him.”

“What, the road to despair?”

Old Lu was shocked.

The other Martial Sovereigns all stood up unbelievably, the road of despair. Of course they knew that it was Ancient Era, the strongest road circulated, but because of the strongest, this The road is extremely difficult. Since ancient times, countless geniuses have fallen on this journey.

Over time, the ancient Martial Gods have unanimously concluded that the road to despair is simply an impassable road to death, and even some sages suspect that this road is a race with ulterior motives, fabricated lie.

The purpose is to let the strongest geniuses of Human Race die on this desperate road to achieve the purpose of weakening Human Race.

As soon as the third president said this, the Martial Sovereigns present were all silent.

Even Mr. Lu no longer speaks, but a face full of regret and helplessness: “This Ye Fei, he went astray. What Martial Dao he chooses is not good, he just chose a destined one. A desperate road to death!”

“It’s a pity that this child, Ancient Era, I don’t know how many Martial Gods, descendants of Martial Emperors, aptitude and talent, are all ten times stronger than Ye Fei, one hundred Bai, but they all failed in the end, and they all died on this road, plus he himself was a man who was abandoned by the sky…”

“This kid, he is so dead! As long as he shows a reliable talent, we can still work with a common purpose and push him to Martial Sovereign Realm forcibly. It’s a pity that he has embarked on a path of despair.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity! This child is congenital inadequate, and now he has not gone astray. Not to mention that Saint Court can’t train him, but the entire Zhong Prefecture is his backing. He is also impossible to walk the road to death.”

“The end of despair is death! Saint Court impossible puts hope on a dead person.” The third president closed his eyes, and finally made the most sensible decision he thought.

The most disappointed thing is Mr. Lu. He has long been willing to accept Ye Fei as a Direct Disciple, and has made a lot of preparations for this, but after knowing that Ye Fei is walking on a path of despair, Elder Lu hesitated, and then he sighed: “It seems that he can only give up. However, the third director, please don’t tell Ye Fei, Saint Court has given up his affairs. This child can be abandoned by heaven. It’s not easy to be a human being today.”

This request is not too much. The third dean directly nodded and said: “Yes, Ye Fei, the child, although he went astray, in the end, He joined my Saint Court as the number one in the Heaven Ranking. We can’t let him chill. Let’s do this. Ye Fei’s treatment in Saint Court will not change in the future. It’s just that any Martial Sovereign will not accept him as a disciple, let alone let him become. Heavenly Grade disciple!”

Because according to Saint Court’s rules, once you become a Heavenly Grade disciple, Saint Court will do your best to cultivate. Of course, the third dean also feels that making this decision will inevitably be too cruel to Ye Fei.

Thinking about it, and ordered again: “Saint Court can’t train Ye Fei, but the old man can take the initiative and make up for him once, so let’s pass the order, this time it is ranked in the top ten, and all can enter Really, Martial God Palace, one year of cultivation. As for what they can comprehend within one year, it depends on their own destiny.”

After that, the silhouette of the three deans is slowly in the sky. disappear. Martial Sovereign present, including Lu Lao, all disappeared in the hall.

This surprised many long-awaited disciplines who were waiting for Martial Sovereign to come forward and announce the outcome of the battle.

Ye Fei is also a bit unfathomable mystery, “What’s the matter, the True Martial manual doesn’t say that after the ranking battle, Martial Sovereign will come forward and announce the ranking? Is it because I came too late, Saint Court doesn’t want to admit that my Earth Grade is number one?”

“They dare! This Fairy has placed a heavy bet on you. If they don’t let you be the number one, this Fairy will dismantle them. Martial Sovereign Palace.”

Speaking, Shangluo took out another treasure from his body. It was a complete set of Emperor Artifact. Ye Fei’s eyelids jumped sharply, and he quickly moved away from this dangerous element.

Zhou Xiaoyu and Mentor Jian were also embarrassed for a while, and hurriedly pretended not to understand what Shangluo was saying, and then they discussed with each other for a while.

Is the Jane instructor in charge of the referee, stepped up into the sky, facing the many disciplines majesticly: “Unfortunately, you have something to do with Martial Sovereign. Impossible has appeared. It is up to me to announce the final ranking of the ranking game. , The first place, Ye Fei, rewarded 500,000 contribution points.”


As soon as the reward came out, many discipline looked towards Ye Fei’s eyes were red, a full 500,000 contribution point , That is equivalent to 5,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone.

But as soon as I thought, I ate a medicine pill in Shangluo and was immediately slaughtered 2 billion. Ye Fei was instantly depressed. But Martial Sovereign does not appear, he is also relaxed.

He is a smart man. Of course, he can see that Mr. Lu is planning to accept him as a disciple. He has no choice but to have already worshipped Demon Sovereign as his teacher. If Mr. Lu proposes it again, he really doesn’t know. How to respond.

It’s just that Ye Fei didn’t know. After discovering that he was on a path of despair, the senior management of Saint Court had decided to abandon his training.

Chapter 1184 Saint Court is unfair

Chapter 1184 Saint Court is unfair

“Second place, Zhou Doudou, rewards 500,000 contribution points.” Followed by , Mentor Jane, announced another unexpected reward.

According to the rule of decreasing rewards for ranking battles, as the second week, no doubt, you should only get 400,000 rewards.

As a result, Saint Court actually decided to give Zhou Budou the first place in the ranking battle and reward him with 500,000 contribution points. This situation has never happened in previous Saint Court ranking battles. . Aroused a burst of noise and jealousy from the old disciples present.

There is no weak person who can join Saint Court. Of course they can see that this is Saint Court, who is partial to Zhou Busu.

Obviously, even if Zhou Buyu loses to Ye Fei and Saint Court, he still attaches great importance to Zhou Busu. This emphasis is even faintly above Ye Fei. Otherwise, Saint Court would not Regardless of Ye Fei’s feelings, let the defeated Zhou Doudou get the same reward as Ye Fei.

Hearing this decision, Ye Fei became even more depressed. He had all his cards out and finally managed to overwhelm Zhou Doudou. In the end, Saint Court evened the gap between the two sides with a word.

Vaguely, Ye Fei also feels that Saint Court’s move may not be a good thing for him, “Is it my identity as a person who was abandoned in heaven, which made Saint Court’s senior officials dislike it. They deliberately Hit me like this?”

Hearing this decision, Zhou Budou, who was still immersed in failure, took the medicine and became a lively dragon and animated tiger. Haha proudly laughed: “Ye Fei , Have you seen it, what if you were lucky enough to beat me? Compared to your hopeless trash, Saint Court only values ​​me, and will always be a bloodline genius like me!”

Having figured out Ye Fei’s hole cards, Zhou Buxu took this opportunity to completely step on Ye Fei and regain his lost position, provoking: “Ye Fei, can you dare to compete with me again?” /p>

“Sorry, I’m not free!” Ye Fei refused simply.

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