“Coward! Are you scared?” Zhou Busu exasperated. He was confident that he would defeat Ye Fei this time and wash away the shame, because he had already thought of breaking Ye Fei’s mind power. Method.

Looking at Zhou Fusu’s small man intoxicated by success, Ye Fei’s tone can’t help but feel ignited: “I’m going to fight with you now, what good can I do, unless you can contribute to everyone in you. Lose to me.”

“boast shamelessly, I think you are a courting death!” Zhou Busu was furious, he didn’t find this waste to settle the account, this waste, how dare he pay attention to his contribution point first?

Zhou Busu couldn’t bear it.

I was desperate immediately and rushed to force Ye Fei to take action. Zhou Xiaoyu never made a sound. At this time, he suddenly warned in a deep voice: “Zhou no doubt, don’t stop! Saint Court values ​​you,” It is for you to improve your strength, not for you to take advantage of one’s position to bully people!”

“cough cough, mentor Zhou, young man, who is not ignited! But Zhou does not doubt, it is still It’s not when you resolve conflicts. The dean has ordered that you can enter the Martial God Palace in the top ten of this Earth Grade. You can enter the Martial God Palace for one year of cultivation. If you have any grievances, wait for your cultivation to end, and then resolve it yourself.” Instructor Jane coughed So, the help was rounded up. Of course, this remark also caused a huge shock to the entire Martial Practice Stage.

“What, the top ten of Earth Grade this time, can you enter the real Martial God Palace cultivation?”

“Oh my god, that is only the Heavenly Grade disciple can enjoy the treatment. !”

“The sky is unfair. I knew I was in the top ten, but I could enter the Martial God Palace. I tried my best, and I would not voluntarily give in!” The screaming was the Earth of Ranked 10th. Grade disciple.

He was originally Ranked 10th, but because he was afraid of Shangluo’s wealth and he took the initiative to surrender, he let Shangluo get a big deal in vain, and his regretful intestines were blue. It’s not just him who regrets, but all the top 20 Earth Grade disciples regret it.

I knew that there was such a big fortuitous encounter. When fighting, all of them would die. There was no hope for hitting the top five, but the top ten is still very likely to get in. At this moment, the only thing they can do is to look at the ten people on the stage with envious and jealous eyes.

Zhou Busu also changed his words immediately, staring coldly at Ye Fei and continued to provoke: “Ye Fei, our battle will be changed in a year from now, when the time comes, I will let you know me It’s amazing.”

“When the time comes, look at my mood. I’m a person who makes a shot, but it’s very expensive. I don’t have a 1,000,000 contribution point. Please don’t come to me. I don’t have the time to talk to you. A waste of time.” Ye Fei helplessly spread out his hand. He could hear that this Jane teacher seemed to be biased towards Zhou not suspicious, and was a little disappointed with Saint Court in his heart.

But Ye Fei did not express his inner dissatisfaction, and he still has to hang out in Saint Court. Let’s take advantage of it first.

Ignoring Zhou Fusu to eat people, Ye Fei walked directly off the ring. This made Teacher Jian very dissatisfied, and his voice reminded him coldly: “disciple Ye Fei, in ten days, you can go to Zhen Martial God Palace, remember, this is your only chance, it’s out of date.”

“In ten days, I will definitely go!” Ye Fei walked away without looking back.

There is no way to force Ye Fei to take action. Zhou is not suspicious of being unwilling. Face revealed disdain’s irony: “hmph, a trifling, a trifling man who dares to have no respect. There is no education at all.”


“Zhou Wusu, you shut up! The martial artist can be killed, not insulted! The villain is just triumphant, don’t think you are amazing.”

Suddenly a piece of spirit flew towards you. Gu, almost didn’t slap Zhou Busu’s face, and then Shangluo ignored everyone’s surprised eyes, strode off the ring, chased Ye Fei, and left at the same time, Xia Jun, Little Fatty, Lin Heaven’s Chosen .

Many martial artists of the former Snowstorm Empire hesitated. At this time, many people chose to leave to express their dissatisfaction with Saint Court’s neglect of Ye Fei.

“On the contrary, this group of new disciplines are really bold.” Teacher Jian was very angry this time. This is obviously ignoring the majesty of their teachers.

“You can’t blame them for this. If you want to blame, Saint Court. The handling this time is really not fair.” Zhou Xiaoyu sighed, and Jane’s tutor hearing this was helplessly smiling. Obviously, they have all learned that Saint Court has decided to abandon Ye Fei and try his best to cultivate Zhou Wu’s decision.

“To be honest, this decision is painful! But it is not worth wasting resources on people who are destined to die.” Instructor Jane said the voice of Saint Court’s senior management.

It’s just this voice, Ye Fei can’t hear it. Leaving early, it seemed that he was dissatisfied with Saint Court’s disposal. In fact, Ye Fei was worried. He left the King of Gua on the mountain and was not at ease. So he took advantage of Saint Court’s chance to leave him in the cold, and deliberately left the court early, so that he could hide the King of Gua in advance.

When leaving, Ye Fei also borrowed Little Fatty’s Xumi space. Then he returned to his Cave Mansion as quickly as possible, “King of Gua, how about it, during the time I left, did divine sense find you?”

“Young Master Ye, don’t worry. , I hid in Cave Mansion, and kept deducing good and bad things. It was all good and good, indicating that our business was not at all discovered.” The King of Gua said solemnly, he was a smart man, but he didn’t ask anything.

Ye Fei also appreciates the King of Trigrams. In the end, the matter of the corpses is of great importance. It is Xia Jun and the others. Ye Fei does not intend to let them know that this is not a question of trust, but a law. Home is too strong.

Chapter 1185 True Martial God Palace

Chapter 1185 True Martial God Palace

But in order to prevent any accidents, Ye Fei still took out the Sumi space. Instructed to the King of Gua: “King of Gua, trouble you to be wronged again, enter the Xumi space, later, I will excuse to go out once, and then bring you back.”

So no one will find out, he I once took the fake King of Gua and got out of Saint Court. As for the missing Tyumen Mountain, Ye Fei didn’t bother to care about it. That was also the headache of Cui Yongxuan, the Heavenly Grade disciple.

In the end, it was Cui Yongxuan who killed the people. He just made good use of the corpse of Tyumen Mountain.

“I just don’t know, I use the corpse puppet to hide the plan of crossing the sea, can I deceive the Legalist.” Ye Fei was a little worried to let the king of Gua enter the Xumi space. At this time, Shangluo and the others also chased them back from the Martial Practice Stage, and saw that Ye Fei locked himself in Cave Mansion as soon as he returned to the mountain. He looked “unhappy” and “depressed”, and he was very worried.

Xia Jun suddenly yelled: “What bullshit Saint Court, when we came in, we talked about how to treat the big brother well. When they came in, they left the big brother aside. In this way, it’s better to join other Saint Court.”

“Second brother, it’s not right, I remember you said, True Martial Saint Court has many beautiful women, you are tens of thousands of people, go alone, only choose True Martial Saint Court.” Little Fatty is very honest. But this kind of honesty made Xia Jun burst into tears.

“Fatty, you must never go outside to talk about things like this in the future.” Xia Jun cautioned, in exchange for the unanimous contempt of Shangluo and Lin Heaven’s Chosen.

At this time, hearing the movement outside, Ye Fei also took the Xumi Space and quickly walked out of the Cave Mansion, too late to talk to everyone. Just nodded, Ye Fei hurriedly moved towards the outside.

Shangluo finally couldn’t help it. She couldn’t watch Ye Fei so “depressed”, so unprecedented encouraged: “It’s not that Saint Court doesn’t take you seriously, there’s something at worst, At most, it’s the same as before, cultivation alone. By the way, the Primordial Spirit Dan, this Fairy gave you, so you don’t need your Spirit Stone.”

It’s rare to see Shangluo so generous, Lin Heaven’s Chosen Ye Fei was shocked. Ye Fei was anxious to send the King of Gua away. At this moment, he couldn’t help but stop, and turned his head in shock and said, “Shangluo, what you said is true?”

“Of course it is true!” Shangluo said very generously: “It’s not worth a few Spirit Stones anyway.”

Ye Fei almost vomited blood when he heard, “It’s not worth a few Spirit Stones, you still take me A full 2 ​​billion!”

However, it is rare that Shangluo is generous, Ye Fei is not so stupid to refuse, nodded and said happily, “Shangluo, many thanks, I have something to do, go out first!”

After speaking, Ye Fei ran away.

“Strange, how does this Fairy feel like being fooled.” Shangluo’s face was full of suspicion. Didn’t Ye Fei feel depressed? Wasn’t Ye Fei depressed? Hit the person.

Shangluo said he did not understand.

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