Look at
his words and watch his actions.

Ye Fei actually understands these Earth Grade disciples, and the reason for this is aimed at him. He may still feel uncomfortable in his heart after a year ago.

But at this time, the Young Master domain is in hand, do you still care about your scum? Ye Fei was a rare madness in his heart, but on the surface, he was still calm, unmoved, and not shocked.

“Zhou Doudou, you are right. From now on, we will be members of the two worlds, so I hope you don’t bother me again, otherwise, take responsibility for the consequences!” Kindly After warning, Ye Fei turned around and left. Just like the ranking battle a year ago, Zhou Busu was once again ignored.

This makes Zhou Budou, who has regarded himself as the future emperor, Earth Grade Number One Person, half-emperor powerhouse, and future Martial Sovereign, the mainstay of Saint Court, how can he not be so angry.

“Okay, okay, Ye Fei, you have a kind, now I am busy apprentice and don’t care about you. I will finish my apprenticeship when I come back. With the support of Martial Sovereign, we will calculate the new and old accounts together!” Zhou Undoubtedly, his face was fierce, his eyes staring coldly at Ye Fei who left early, but he didn’t say this remark.

However, Ye Fei’s defiance of Senior Brother Zhou’s behavior, and Zhou Busu’s jealous face, could not be seen by the Earth Grade disciple present. Ye Fei, actually already offended Zhou Busu to death.

“Ye Fei, what is there to rely on? Knowing that Zhou Budou fish leaping over the dragon gate, he is about to soar into the sky, so he dare to ignore Zhou Budou?”

” I don’t think this is ignoring, but this person knows that he had been arrogant and conceited before. There are too many people who have offended him. They don’t dare to expect Senior Brother Zhou’s forgiveness, so I plan to have no desire to improve. In ten years, Ye Fei guesses that regretful intestines are all green.”

The one who can shoot such a horse is of course Wang Hao, seventh in Earth Grade, and he is also Zhou Budou’s most powerful follower. .

But Wang Hao’s words also make sense. If Ye Fei doesn’t have no desire to improve, how could it be possible to cultivate in the temple and not have a breakthrough in ten years?

Don’t say that Wang Hao thinks like this, it’s Lu Lao, watching Ye Fei leave alone again, he will inevitably sighed in his heart: “Hey, this child, what a pity! If he didn’t go astray. , Even if he is a man who is abandoned by the sky, the old man must promote him. I hope he can get through this hurdle.”

After all, he still couldn’t defy the dean’s order, and finally he encouraged him. After the others, Elder Lu still took Zhou Wusu and entered the Martial Sovereign Hall alone.

If nothing else, when Zhou Budou walks out of the Martial Sovereign Hall, his reputation will surely overwhelm everyone in Saint Court except Heavenly Grade.

Everyone knows this very well. Except for looking at Ye Fei, who is about to be avenged by Zhou Budou fiercely, with pitying eyes, it is still the same as before. No one is like Ye Fei. Speaking, even many people just pretend that Ye Fei does not exist.

“Sure enough, the world is very cold. Saint Court is a small society, sometimes fierce competition can better see a person’s heart.”

On the way back to Spiritual Mountain, Ye Fei sighed. Then, he noticed that Shangluo, who was leaving with him, seemed abnormal.

“Shangluo, why don’t you speak?” Ye Fei looked towards her strangely.

“I’m not talking, because I’m afraid you will deceive me.” Shangluo’s eyes are piercing, and there seems to be a little star in his eyes. She suddenly got close, which made Ye Fei a little embarrassed. .

Ten years, everyone is very mature!

But Shangluo didn’t care, he continued to approach, his lips were almost close to Ye Fei’s ears, seemingly charming, but Ye Fei’s words were scared to death: “Honestly, are you in the temple? Martial Dao, who obtained True Martial Saint Court, is back? Otherwise, I can’t figure out why you suddenly own the domain.”

Even Mr. Lu didn’t see that he had a domain. Shangluo actually saw through it at a glance, Ye Fei Fiercely was shocked and depressed at the same time, this girl, what kind of pupil technique of her cultivation, why is my secret, she can always see through?

Fortunately, Ye Fei did not intend to conceal this matter. Shangluo is considered a trustworthy friend. Ye Fei is nodded and said: “Yes, I was in the temple and got a little fortuitous encounter. , Martial Dao returns to the real, the comprehended field. As for what a fortuitous encounter, I can’t tell you.”

He didn’t dare to talk about the big bluestone, otherwise, the big bluestone might sell him and Xiaocao. Up. So he asked Shangluo: “How do you know that Martial Dao is true?”

“Of course I heard from my family! It is said that there are many ways to return Martial Dao, but Martial Dao of True Martial Saint Court is true. The most time-saving and labor-saving thing, don’t you think that I joined True Martial Saint Court just to join in the fun?” Shang Luobai glanced at Ye Fei, and then looked forward to Ye Fei with some expectation.

Ye Fei shuddered with his eyes, full of affection. Knowing this Eldest Miss, it must be Martial Dao’s idea to return.

“However, Daqingshi’s Passion of My Return to the True Story, I didn’t say that it is not allowed to pass it on to others.” Ye Fei is not a stingy person. Now that he understands the benefits of Martial Dao’s return, he certainly thought of Xia Jun and the others. As for the small profiteer around him, it’s an incidental.

The two talked, and they had already stepped on the Rainbow Bridge and returned to the peak of cultivation. On the mountain peak, Xia Jun had already ran over yelling, without saying anything, hugged Shangluo next to Ye Fei, and shouted excitedly: “Big brother, I want to kill you.”

“But you are not holding me.” Ye Fei, with a black face, watched Shangluo Dao Void pass by empty-handed, and suppressed Xia Jun on the spot.

Lin Heaven’s Chosen and Little Fatty despised them one after another, and then they came to talk to Ye Fei. The king of Gua quietly pulled Ye Fei aside, “Young Master Ye, when you entered the temple, Saint Court found that Tyumen Mountain was missing.”

“What did Saint Court say? Any doubts about us? “Ye Fei said solemnly, although Tyumen was not killed by him, in the end, Tyumen has become his corpse puppet, which is also against Saint Court’s rules. Not to mention that it also involves Life and Death Palace and Legalists.

“Young Master Ye, don’t worry, Saint Court didn’t doubt us, but Cui Yongxuan, using the Heavenly Grade decree, wanted to call me to his hall, but I refused.” King Gu quickly took the situation of Saint Court’s absence Said it again. Saint Court attaches great importance to the disappearance of Tyumen Mountain, but the most important thing is Cui Yongxuan, the Heavenly Grade disciple.

In the end, it was Cui Yongxuan’s Poison Pill who killed Tyumen Mountain.

“This person originally wanted to use Tyumen Mountain to help Fa Yihai enter the Saint Court, kill me and kill the mouth, and then kill Tyumen Mountain. It’s just that Cui Yongxuan dreams will not think that Fa Yihai is actually me People.”

Chapter 1194 Blocking the door

Chapter 1194 Blocking the door

Ye Fei pondered for a while, feeling that this matter didn’t need him to worry about. If Fa Yihai helped him cover it, I expected Saint Court could not suspect him. Besides, he has now realized the realm that only Holy Son can understand, within Saint Court, Heavenly Grade disciple, he can walk unhindered.

“Cui Yongxuan’s matter is not urgent, kill Tyumen Mountain, he was a poisonous hand, now the life and death of Tyumen Mountain is unknown, he will only be more afraid of being detected by Saint Court than we are.”

Comforting the king of Gua, and considering that since he was buried in the gods, the king of Gua swore allegiance to him without any credit, but he was also diligent and cautious. Ye Fei decided to reward the king of Gua well.

“I was in the temple and I got Martial Dao return by chance. I will teach you personally later, but you must swear that you will never spread it, even your own relatives!”

In terms of confidentiality, Ye Fei is still quite principled. After all, the Guizhen chapter is True Martial Saint Court Absolute Art, and there is a heavenly punishment Zhundi, the Guizhen chapter and True Martial chapter glare like a tiger watching his prey. So Ye Fei decided that Martial Dao Guizhen can be taught, but only to a small number of absolutely reliable people. It must also be a Saint Court disciple.

So I was dismissing the excited Queen of Gua, Ye Fei had to open the array again, and completely closed the mountain to avoid leaks of words and words, and then simply called out Dragon Tortoise to block the Cave Mansion to prevent Someone peeped divine sense, once they peeped, they immediately encountered Dragon Tortoise.

At this time, King Gu also brought Xia Jun, Lin Heaven’s Chosen, Little Fatty, Shangluo, all into his Cave Mansion. Ye Fei’s expression is very serious: “The next thing I want to teach you is Saint Court’s secrets. It must not be leaked out, otherwise it will be in trouble.”

“big brother, I love you to death It’s said that Martial Dao has returned to the truth. That’s the unspread secret of Saint Court. Only the Holy Son of the past can cultivation. If I were a woman, I would marry you!” Xia Jun almost yelled with excitement,

“If I were a woman, I would definitely kick you to death!” Ye Fei’s face went black for Xia Jun’s weird flattery.

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