Lin Heaven’s Chosen and Shang Luo are also excited and urging again and again. Ye Fei is at a moderate pace, and slowly tells what he has understood.

Then, Ye Fei was shocked, Shangluo was surprised, Xia Jun and Lin Heaven’s Chosen crazy envious thing happened. After hearing the Martial Dao explained by Ye Fei, Little Fatty said that Martial Dao was at the burial ground. At that time, his Big Fatty within the body was re-cultivation.

Ye Fei only then realized, “It turns out that in the burial ground, Fatty, your realm keeps falling. It is at Martial Dao that you return to the truth. Why didn’t you tell us earlier?”

Little Fatty Very sorry: “I don’t know that it is Martial Dao’s return to life. I am within the body Big Fatty, which is automatically cultivation.”

“pu! fatty, in front of us in the future, don’t mention that Big Fatty is too shocking.” Xia Jun didn’t vomit blood on the spot, Lin Heaven’s Chosen and King Gua also took it seriously, madly envious of Little Fatty’s good fortune.

Shangluo was even more speechless, so he sent Little Fatty to play with the tortoise. Now it was Dragon Tortoise’s turn to be completely speechless.


At the time when Ye Fei instructed everyone to return to cultivation Martial Dao, the hall where only Heavenly Grade disciple can live, Cui Yongxuan was yelling at a subordinate in surprise: “What are you talking about, as soon as Ye Fei leaves the temple, he will directly seal the mountain, damn the waste body, he is trying to avoid me and don’t give me a chance to harm him!”

Don’t Seeing the Heavenly Grade disciple has a lot of power. He is the emperor and can also issue decrees, but this thing is also a status symbol, such as Ye Fei. Return to Cave Mansion and close the mountain directly. Even the Heavenly Grade disciple, Cui Yongxuan does not Courage, when Ye Fei is closing the mountain, go to plot Ye Fei again.

Because when secluded cultivation is the easiest to disturb cultivation deviation, this is the taboo of Saint Court, which is Heavenly Grade disciple, and it is impossible to run over to find Ye Fei to settle accounts when Ye Fei is in retreat.

“Ye Fei, if you still have some brains, you know that you cannot afford to offend me, so you want to hide from me by retreat. Don’t think I don’t know that the disappearance of Tyumen Mountain is your black hand. I must find the evidence, and then I want to make this heaven discard the waste, it is ugly to die, you know?”

Cui Yongxuan showed a vicious face and ordered an Earth Grade disciple kneeling in front of him. Originally to investigate the whereabouts of Qiu Mingshan, Cui Yongxuan’s best way was to directly ask Fa Yihai.

But after Fa Yihai came in, he suddenly left unfathomable mystery. Cui Yongxuan, who had a ghost in his heart, did not dare to run out openly. He contacted Fa Yihai and wanted to kill Ye Fei. Can only win a common Earth Grade disciple as a pawn and continue to work for him.

This is also Cui Yongxuan’s most depressing place: “The law is a sea of ​​trouble, so I dare not work hard. When I get the opportunity, I must sue him!”

Soon. The most central Martial Sovereign hall in Saint Court. Zhou Busu, a high-spirited and vigorous, walked out of it, then teleported through the void and appeared directly on the mountain where he lived.

On the mountain peak, it was already overcrowded at this time. I learned that Zhou Budou had worshipped Martial Sovereign as his teacher, Earth Grade disciple, except for Ye Fei and Shangluo, everyone else, whether they wanted it or not, all brought generous gifts. Come to congratulate Zhou Busu, take a bite of Senior Brother Zhou, and make two chrysanthemums smile on his face.

Zhou Busu was very happy. He glanced casually at the crowd who came, but he didn’t see his aunt, Zhou Xiaoyu’s silhouette, and his mood was upset again, “hmph, you Even if I hide, after I become the emperor, through the Martial Sovereign, even if you are my pro aunt, I will turn you into my woman!”

Thinking about it, Zhou Doudou’s face Slightly ferocious, he suddenly asked: “Why are there two people missing, then Shangluo is fine, Zhou Mou still disdains too much with a woman…”

The main reason is that Shangluo’s back is too strong, the whole Chamber of Commerce, let alone half the emperor, even Martial Sovereign may not be provoked. But Ye Fei was different. He was a waste of time, and he was destined to step on the ground in the future. The little shrimp that fiercely rubbed, actually don’t give face, but he came to give a gift to apologize.

This is hitting him in the face of Zhou Buyu Zhou Martial Sovereign. Now it is high-spirited and vigorous. How can Zhou Buyu, who dominates the crowd, tolerate it?

The anger was ignited immediately, and Zhou Wusu said angrily: “Okay, you are a waste of waste. I think it is for the sake of Mr. Lu and my Master to speak for you. I don’t want to talk to you lower oneself to somebody’s level, but if you don’t come to apologize, and even despise me, then I can’t let you go!”

“Yes, Senior Brother Zhou, fiercely taught that abandoned man, let him know Our bloodline martial artist is amazing!” Zhou Busu’s words quickly resonated with Earth Grade disciple.

There are also some kind people, such as Linghong and the others, who silently feel sad for Ye Fei. It is obvious that Ye Fei came over and lowered his head and apologized. At most, he was humiliated by Zhou Fusu. The problem to be solved is that the abandoned man is still very hard-hearted. Seeing Zhou Budou Senior Brother Zhou like the sun at high noon, Golden Scale Dragon Transformation, I don’t know how to come over and see him. This is because he died and made a hand. Big death.

Under his anger, Zhou Busu soon thought of a good way to humiliate Ye Fei while stepping on Ye Fei fiercely and rubbing his feet. “Isn’t Ye Fei crazy? He is not trying to flatten Saint Court? Well, I will give him this opportunity without any doubt. Let’s go and block his door!”

“Yes, go and block Ye Fei’s door, we don’t believe it, he just abandoned him. A waste, sweeping the human ranks, but also sweeping the Earth Grade!”

“This young man does not believe in this evil!”

Chapter 1195 impossible to withstand a single blow

Chapter 1195 Unable to withstand a single blow

Saint Court was already fiercely competitive, but at this time it was even more thorough. Zhou Busu just took a head, and the Earth Grade disciple present all responded.

Many people have even forgotten that the discipline closed the mountain and the rule that outsiders should not be disturbed, under the instruction of Zhou Wusu, they were directly ready to attack the Defensive Array on the mountain.

“Senior Brother Zhou, is this wrong? In case Ye Fei is in retreat, we do this, but it violates the rules.” Linghong was still relatively clear and reminded me carefully.

Zhou Busu looked proud and disdainfully said: “Ha, retreat? A waste who has entered the temple for a year and has not been able to break through a level of realm. Are you ashamed to say that he is retreating?”

The attendant next to understand, immediately shouted loudly: “Senior Brother Zhou, he clearly used retreat as an excuse to avoid you and not apologize!”

“Yes, then Ye Fei Isn’t he crazy? Didn’t he threaten to level Saint Court? Now Senior Brother Zhou gave him this opportunity and brought us here. Why is he afraid to go down the mountain?”

“coward , Ye Fei, get out, give Senior Brother Zhou kowtow and admit your mistake, and then take back the words of stepping down Saint Court!” Saint Court’s rules, they dare not violate, but shouting at the mountain, they will not violate the rules, and in Under Zhou Busu’s instruction, the Earth Grade disciple of these shouts also used true yuan.

They deliberately brought these true vowel waves together to form a huge sonic storm. With a bang, fiercely hit the Defensive Array on the mountain.

The entire mountain shook slightly under the sound of the sound, and Zhou Busu’s eyes flashed with cold light.

In Cave Mansion, Ye Fei is still teaching Xia Jun and the others Martial Dao to return to the truth. This sudden shock made him browse tightly knit, “What’s the matter, in Saint Court, you can also directly attack others. The mountain?”

“Impossible, challenge is possible, attack, Saint Court will never allow it, it will cause heavy casualties to the discipline!” Gua Wang said quickly. Lin Heaven’s Chosen and Little Fatty were also confused.

Xia Jun’s mind is flexible, and he suddenly thought of an insidious trick: “As long as it is a rule, there will be loopholes! If the other party is not attacking us, but harassing us with voice, it is not a violation of the rules.”


“For whatever reason, dare to attack my mountain, I will let you come back and forth!” Ye Fei was really angry this time.

If he was in retreat just now, such an abnormality would not cause him to cultivation deviation, but it would also greatly affect his cultivation.

As for Martial Dao world, the most taboo thing is to disturb others’ cultivation. Ye Fei simply stood up and quickly walked out of Cave Mansion.

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