Shangluo also took out the spirit melon enthusiastically: “Do you need our help?” There must be many people outside to release such a large sound wave.

“No, you can just watch the excitement.” Ye Fei’s body showed strong confidence, even more invincible belief.

He opened the Defensive Array, one step, and went down the mountain.

“Ye Fei, you are finally willing to roll down the mountain.” Zhou Busu’s attendant cursed loudly.

Ignoring these people, it was Zhou Buyu who saw the trouble. Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly became cold: “Zhou Buyu, don’t you understand me? I told you, don’t mess with me. !”

“hmph, what if I provoke you, you are a waste body abandoned by Saint Court, what qualifications do you have to obtain the title of invincible supreme, give you three breaths, pack things, and roll down the mountain , From now on, this mountain belongs to me Zhou Buyu!”


Zhou Buyu showed cold light on his face. He is a bloodline martial artist and he is actually in a ranking battle. He was very dissatisfied when he lost to a Tiancai waste body. Now, he was going to step on Ye Fei completely in front of everyone.

When the words fell, he was even more rude, releasing his half sovereign aura, an invisible pressure, and the weak Earth Grade disciple on the part of the shock, all his faces were pale, and he quickly stepped back. .

Ye Fei didn’t seem to feel the pressure, and gently raised his hand, it turned out to be holding the void in his hand, and suddenly slapped Zhou Busu’s palm: “Want to press me down? It’s a pity that you don’t have that ability!”

“What the hell did this kid commit? Knowing that Zhou did not doubt the breakthrough half-emperor, he still dare to take the first shot?” Zhou Xiaoyu rushed in from a distance, she was Hearing that Zhou Buwei was troubled by Ye Fei, he wanted to come and dissuade him. In the end, she hadn’t spoken yet, Ye Fei actually took the first step?

“This Ye Fei is really kind! Martial Saint 6th Layer, dare to fight against the half-emperor!”

“hmph, the abandoned body, dare to oppose our bloodline martial artist , Senior Brother Zhou will surely make him die miserably!”

The surrounding Earth Grade disciple shook their heads and whispered Ye Fei as stupid. He didn’t even know that he would endure humiliation and take a step back.

Zhou Busu was also completely irritated, “Ye Fei, since you are courting death, I will fulfill you, Divine Seal is like a mountain!”

angry roar, Zhou Busu Rushing to the sky, a huge bloodline seal has appeared under his feet, and then the seal quickly grows larger, and in the blink of an eye, it forms the Divine Seal that can suppress the Heavens and Earth.

On the Divine Seal, pavilions and pavilions. Zhou Busu stood proudly on it, obviously the breakthrough half queen, Zhou Busu’s bloodline Divine Seal, became more terrifying.

Like a noble Deity, Zhou Budou controls the Divine Seal and slapped Ye Fei ruthlessly, listening to a loud explosion sound. Under the power of the Divine Seal, the Defensive Array of the mountain is all split up and in pieces. Seeing that the huge sacred mountain was about to completely crush Ye Fei.

At this time, Ye Fei finally moved. He raised his hand, and in his palm, the Spirit Sword burst into shining Purple Gold rays of light, the sword light flashed, and the Taiji Sword picture, which had filled the whole The sky, “Break it to me!”

Boom ka!

The sword energy whistling, Tai Chi covering the sky, it is even bigger than Zhou Doudou’s sacred mountain, and brighter, far It seems that what Ye Fei cut out was not a sword light, but a shining Tai Chi star.

“Never want to succeed!”

On the mountain, Zhou Busu was so angry that the infinite divine sense turned into a layer of divine sense armor at this moment, and he was completely Protected, used to resist Ye Fei’s invisible mind force impact, apparently entering the Martial Sovereign Hall, Zhou Busu has been instructed in detail to find a way to crack Ye Fei’s mind force.

There is only one thing, Zhou Bu suspected that he was wrong. That is, Ye Fei’s sword uses simply not mind power, but domain.

Tai Chi field!


In front of the realm, Zhou Budou’s huge mountain is like tofu, hong long long, all split up and in pieces. It exploded into the sky, and Zhou Busu was hit hard. The whole chest was almost pierced by Ye Fei’s Taiji Sword picture with a sword.

“This is not true, an illusion, this must be an illusion!” Zhou Busu vomited blood frantically, his brain exploded, he lowered his head and looked at the life-saving jade pendant on his body. This jade pendant is his Martial Sovereign Master, and it is used to save his life. It is said that attacks below Martial Sovereign Realm can be resisted.

The result is such a life-saving jade pendant, which is the same as his strongest bloodline. In front of Ye Fei, it is impossible to withstand a single blow?

Chapter 1196 Sweeping Earth Grade

Chapter 1196 Sweeping Earth Grade


The fragmentation of the mountain is still impossible It completely stopped the rays of light from the Tai Chi star. It continued to move forward and shattered everything. If Ye Fei hadn’t recovered most of his strength in time, his sword might have to penetrate this Martial God space.

Absolute silence of the audience!

Only Zhou Budou’s crazy roar sound, but he also couldn’t resist Ye Fei’s sword, his bloodline seal was broken, and he was hit hard, only the broken life-saving jade pendant. He also insisted on emitting a faint light, and barely saved Zhou Busu’s last life.

Ling Hong saw this fact at a glance, and her face was full of shock: “He is so strong, if it weren’t for Zhou Doudou’s life-saving jade pendant from Martial Sovereign, that sword is enough to stop Zhou Doudou Beheaded?”

“What, behead Senior Brother Zhou?” Linghong’s words made the Earth Grade disciple present fiercely shocked. They are all a genius amongst geniuses, even more of this era. The strongest bloodline martial artist.

They can’t believe it, and they can’t accept that an ordinary martial artist can be so strong, especially this ordinary martial artist, who is still a waste of nature.

“The power of despair, is this the strength of the power of despair?” Zhou Xiaoyu stared wide-eyed, even if she was a half-emperor tutor, she asked herself, she could not have the courage to resist just now That sword.

“hahaha, worthy of being a big brother, big brother, stepping down on Saint Court, let these geniuses who believe oneself infallible see who is the real genius!” Xia Jun danced with joy and joy.

Other people also watched overwhelmed by emotions, wishing that this person was themselves, Ye Fei’s strength gave them the confidence to become stronger.

A man who is abandoned in the sky can be so strong, why can’t we!

Many people secretly squeezed their fists, and then looked towards Ye Fei with their worshipful eyes, defeating Zhou Doudou with a sword, this was enough to make Saint Court a sensation!

“I’m not a genius!” Ye Fei shook his head and sighed. Daqingshi once revealed that the true peerless genius can master the complete field in Martial Saint Realm, but a little weaker, such as True Martial Divine Emperor, can also master the half-step field in Martial Saint Realm.

He can only grasp a trace, this is the gap!

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