Followed by the roar of Dragon Tortoise. As a fierce demon, Dragon Tortoise certainly won’t bite people casually, but rather a reserved mouthful of dragon flames, sending this Blood Demon Religion disciple. To the west.

“The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself! Besides, the Blood Demon Religion is so evil, I will let you go only if I am stupid.”

Think of these two people sneak attack his viciousness, Ye Fei Shaking his head, he turned over the space belt of these two people again.

“Fuck, these two poor ghosts actually don’t have a Spirit Stone. Fortunately, you are still the Martial Saint of the Blood Demon Religion.” Ye Fei was a bit speechless. In the end, the Spirit Stone was not found. Pile of arrest warrants.

What kind of evil spirit boy, happy Empress, murderer, at first glance is the devil among the demon heads, otherwise they will not be in the dragon head realm, and they will be wanted.

Of course, the rewards for these monsters are also high.

Yin Devil Boy, head worth 30,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone.

Happy Empress, it is worth 50,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone.

This murderer is missing a little, 5,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone.

“Evil Demon Sword Saint, 50 billion, high grade Spirit Stone! I’m going…” Ye Fei saw the last arrest warrant and almost didn’t vomit blood on the spot. He remembered that if Zhao Qianjun was in Zhong Prefecture, he was known as the evil Demon Sword Saint!

Could it be said that Zhao Qianjun is also in the Dragon Head Realm?

“It is possible that Zhao Qianjun is following the way of evil spirits, and the dragon head realm, the gathering is Heavenly Martial Continent, the strongest group of evil spirit experts.”

With the arrest warrant in hand, Ye Fei was a little surprised, because he wanted to meet Zhao Qianjun a long time ago, and thank Zhao Qianjun for his help.

Ye Fei is a nostalgic person. When he was very weak in Tianyun Wufu, if it were not for chance, he cracked Zhao Qianjun’s tomb of suspended animation and obtained Spirit Sword. Encounter Demon Sovereign, will not embark on sword dao.

At the same time in Liu Family’s underground maze, Zhao Qianjun also helped him. In addition, he had a good relationship with Zhao Qianjun’s daughter Zhao Si-nian in the open sea. At this time, I saw that Zhao Qianjun was wanted, Ye Fei certainly wouldn’t sit idly by.

“Maybe, these people are lying in ambush here, and they set up so many vicious traps, just want to plot against Senior Brother Zhao, since I have encountered it, then I can’t ignore it!”

Holding the reward order in his hand, Ye Fei thought for a while, then simply took off the clothes of the first Blood Demon Religion disciple and put it on himself.

In Zhong Prefecture, Ye Fei had a lot of grievances with the Blood Demon Religion. At this time, pretending to be the discipline of the Blood Demon Religion, it looked like.

“Unfortunately, I gave the corpse minister the rare treasure mask, otherwise it will look more like a corpse minister. Next time I meet the corpse minister, it is better to come back.”

Ye Fei didn’t know that the corpse was taken away by the remnants of the Life and Death Palace. The quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family of Zhong Prefecture also revived for the resurgence of the Life and Death Palace. Otherwise, Ye Fei would not want to Looking for the corpse minister and getting back the rare treasure mask, but to do everything possible to cut off the contact with the corpse puppet.

“Anyway, I’m in the Dragon Head Realm, and there are still three years left. I’m not in a hurry. I just stay here, waiting for the people who change defense from the Blood Demon Religion to come over, then grab them and ask Senior Brother Zhao. Whereabouts.” Ye Fei touched the chin, and snorted to Dragon Tortoise again.

For Formation, he is a layman, but this tortoise is born a Formation expert, and he has obtained the Formation Great Accomplishment left by the Three Martial Sovereign.

So, without destroying the Killing Formation, Ye Fei easily entered the green space and cultivated in it for another ten days.

Blood Demon Religion’s change of defense finally came, but not two, but more than a dozen Blood Demon Religion experts, rushed over together.

“There are so many people?” Ye Fei was surprised. He was also boldness of execution stems from superb skill. He was obviously fake, and he greeted him directly.

This also immediately shocked the Blood Demon Religion disciple who came over: “Hey, aren’t two people guarding here? Why are you alone?”

“disciple pay respects to protect the law, I don’t know. I was sent over soon after I joined, and no one told me.” Ye Fei had an aggrieved expression. He was not afraid of being seen as a weak spot because he was there. With two disciples of space belts, he turned to the Blood Demon Hand book, which was similar to the True Martial manual.

The introduction to Blood Demon Religion is very detailed, and there is also a disciple that recommends Loose Cultivator to each other’s rewards for joining the Blood Demon Religion. Ye Fei knew this, so he dared to venture out and try the Blood before him. Demon Religion Great Protector.

Chapter 1205 Xianjing

Chapter 1205 Xianjing

Ye Fei’s explanation is very reasonable. Blood Demon Religion has indeed been recruiting troops recently. There are many new faces, blood The Great Protector coldly snorted nodded and said: “It turns out to be a newcomer. Are you rock mad or Wang evil recommended?”

“What rock mad, Wang evil? Great Protector, I told Zhang Zhu is a friend, and he recommended me to join the Blood Demon Religion.” Ye Fei was shocked, with a sneer in his heart, feeling that the Blood Demon Religion guardian was really cunning. He deliberately used the wrong name to try him.

Fortunately, when Ye Fei killed the two men, he also found the identity waist token from them, which did not reveal the weak spot.

Seeing that Ye Fei only has the strength of Martial Saint 6th Layer, the Blood Demon Religion guardian relaxed his vigilance, and I would not think that his two 8th layer Martial Saints have been killed by Ye Fei. After the trial, he obviously trusted Ye Fei a little more and coldly ordered: “Very well, Zhang Yi is a subordinate, then you belong to this seat, join the team, and leave with this seat.”

“Then what should I do here?” Ye Fei questioned.

“Impudent, join my Blood Demon Religion. You must unconditionally obey the orders of your superiors without any doubt.” Blood Demon Religion’s eyes are like blood, forming a terrifying blood light that Ye Fei wanted to resist. , But after thinking about it, he decisively gave up the defense.


That blood light pierced his shoulder directly, and a blood hole the thickness of a thumb appeared.

“Great Protector, please spare your life!” Ye Fei screamed quickly, feeling very depressed, “I will remember this account. I will take care of you when I find the whereabouts of Senior Brother Zhao.”



I gave Ye Fei a cold look. Considering the strength of Ye Fei Martial Saint 6th Layer, it can be regarded as an expert. The Blood Demon Religion guardian is to recover the blood. Then continue moving towards the front and fly away.

Side dozens of Martial Saints of Blood Demon Religion, also did not say a word, hurry up to follow, Ye Fei is more depressed, more and more feeling the evil spirits are ferocious, companions, do not show mercy, let alone external People, “No wonder when I came in, the third president told me not to be kind.”

“brother, Great Protector, where is this taking us?” Ye Fei followed at the end of the line. By the way, he transmitted to a Blood Demon Religion disciple sound that was behind.

His painstaking plan has also achieved certain results. Not only did the Blood Demon Religion protector trust him, but the Blood Demon Religion disciple around him was also polite in the realm of Ye Fei Martial Saint 6th Layer. A lot.

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