“It is said that Great Protector was lucky enough to find a fairy crystal mineral vein, so we took us to clear the demonic beast in it, and by the way, we also control the fairy crystal in the hands of our Blood Demon Religion.” Secretly transmitted to Ye Fei sound.

Ye Fei only then understood why the Blood Demon Religion protector only simply interrogated him a few words, and trusted him. It turned out that there was not enough manpower, so I pulled people everywhere to fill the number.

After that, Ye Fei’s heart was filled with excitement: “Xiaocao, did you hear that, there seems to be a fairy crystal in the dragon head world, which is formed by a fairy stone that is higher than the Spirit Stone.”

“Eat!” In the beast print space, Xiaocao’s eyes showed a big heart. Without Ye Fei’s words, Xiaocao’s eyes widened, looking left and right, looking up and down, Find out where there are delicious fairy crystals.

Ye Fei also decisively gave up the plan to shoot on the road, but intends to wait until the fairy crystal is found, and then it is not too late to start. So, just like the Blood Demon Religion disciple around, he started walking silently.

The scope of the dragon head realm is very huge. The danger is everywhere, Ye Fei followed behind and suffered six waves of demonic beasts in total.

Continuous battles caused the two Disciples of the Blood Demon Religion to die tragically in the mouth of the demonic beast, but the Great Protector in front didn’t even look at it, and continued to fly.

Ye Fei can only continue to follow in silence, and finally understands how bad the living environment of the Dragon Head Realm is. Here, Martial Saint, there is always a mortal danger.

Flying for three full days, just when Ye Fei was about to lose patience. The Great Protector in front suddenly stopped in an abyss with excitement.

“This is it, here is the ruins where the fairy crystals exist! Everyone, go down immediately and make a way for this seat!”

“Yes! Great Protector!” The surviving Blood Demon Religion Martial Saint, all without the slightest hesitation, rushed into the dark abyss underground.

Ye Fei also rushed in, but he secretly cursed the Blood Demon Religion Great Protector ancestor eighteen generations in his heart, “No wonder he brought me here without interrogation. This clearly makes us cannon fodder. “

But complaining, he still rushed down without the slightest hesitation, because in the beast print space, Xiaocao had already sensed the aura of the fairy crystal, and made a big gesture to Ye Fei. The big gesture indicates that there may be many fairy crystals inside.

It is rare to encounter such a good thing, Ye Fei of course will not be polite, and the charge is faster and more fierce than other Blood Demon Religion disciple.

“This kid is very good!” The Blood Demon Religion guardian was very satisfied with Ye Fei’s performance, but shortly after Ye Fei rushed down, a buzzing sound suddenly came out in the dark abyss, and then, It is countless black Demon Insect, like tide, blowing out from inside.

“Oh my God, this is the lair of Demon Insect!”

“A lot of Demon Insect, my hands, my feet, guardians, help!”

Beside, there is a Martial Saint with bad luck. It is covered by thousands of fist sized Demon Insects. His hands and feet are quickly gnawed into bones by Demon Insect. Finally, even the bones are thoroughly gnawed by Demon Insect.

Ye Fei immediately have one’s hair stand on end. But he did not retreat, but continued to move towards the bottom of the abyss, rushing towards him, and at the same time he swung the life-and-death fist, one punch and one punch, killing all the nearby Demon Insects.

The same is true for other Blood Demon Religion Martial Saints, even they are even crazier than Ye Fei. It’s not their fierce and unafraid of death, but behind them, the Blood Demon Religion Great Protector personally oppressed, who Dare to take a step back, Great Protector directly blows the head of the man and feeds the corpse to Demon Insect.

The Blood Demon Religion guardian clearly wanted to use these men to open the way and forcibly break into this abyss, so that when Ye Fei successfully rushed to the bottom of the abyss, the still alive Blood Demon Religion disciple, had already A dozen, turned into five!

The rest, when they rushed down, accidentally fed Demon Insect, their faces were very miserable. Only the Blood Demon Religion protector, relying on everyone to rush in front, was not only unscathed, but even the true energy was not wasted much.

“You, good! This seat will not treat you badly, this is the blood demon pill that this seat promised you, you can use it to improve your strength.”

Blood Demon Religion protector When it fell on the ground, the first thing was to throw out a black bottle. Seeing the four recipes with miserable faces in the bottle just now, he suddenly showed ecstasy, and then swarmed at the black bottle.

“Very good, with the blood demon pill, we can get rid of the curse of the blood demon, and we are finally free!”

Four disciplines madly divide the blood demon pill, and more In the impatient’s swallowing mouth, quickly sit and refining, just like the reincarnation of a starved ghost.

Ye Fei finally understood why he couldn’t find the spoils on the demons. These demons were too cruel. Once they got the treasure, they would eat the refining immediately, and even a little bit of scum would not be left behind.

Chapter 1206 is dangerous

Chapter 1206 is dangerous

The four people who ate the blood demon pill immediately sat on the ground, frantically refining, at this time, Ye Fei, who was on the side, looked very abrupt.

The Blood Demon Religion guardian’s eyes widened, and he asked: “Boy, don’t you think that the blood demon pills that this seat gave you are too few? They have eaten them, why don’t you eat them?”

“What, don’t eat? Is this kid stupid? We all suffer from the curse of demon blood in the cultivation Blood Demon Art. Only the blood demon pill can prevent us from backlash!”

“Ha, it’s better if he doesn’t eat. The few remaining Blood Demon Pills are just equal to us.”

The four blood demon recipes saw Ye Fei not eating, their eyes looked Suddenly became greedy and wanted to swallow Ye Fei’s share.

Seeing this, Ye Fei just looked at these demons with pity, but before he could speak, the blood demon guardian next to him had already scolded those men and said: “What to grab! Ben! Don’t you dare to grab the things that the guardian rewards?”

Speaking, the guardian has already hacked away the blood demon pill and handed it to Ye Fei personally: “Boy, eat it, from now on, you are the protector of the law!”

Glanced at the blood demon pill, Ye Fei sneered and shook his head: “If I really eat this blood demon pill, I will be one Dead man.”

“What do you mean!” The blood demon protector’s face was obviously shocked. He had already eaten the four Blood Demon Religion disciple of the medicine pill, and suddenly a panic appeared on his face.

“Could it be that this is not a blood demon at all…pu…” The Blood Demon Religion disciple, without finishing his words, suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground in amazement.

The other three people, also Seven Orifices, bleed, fell one after another, until they died, they all opened their eyes wide, and there was panic in their eyes. It’s even more incredible.

“Sure enough, you gave them medicine pill, not to help them improve, but to kill people.” Ye Fei is very fortunate. Since seeing Tyumen, he was given poison to by a Poison Pill. After death, he paid special attention to these medicine pill. Although the Spiritual Qi of Blood Demon Pill was very strong, the more so, the more careful he became.

Facts have proved that if you just eat medicine pill from others, the consequences are serious.

For Ye Fei’s carefulness, the Blood Demon Guardian also appreciates him, said with a laugh: “Boy, you are really good, you are good, and you are careful enough. If it’s not a special situation, I’m really interested. Train you into this Majesty’s confidant.”

“Forget it, I have seen the fate of your confidants, but one thing, I am curious, they are also Martial Saints anyway, just kill you like this Just them, aren’t you afraid that the Blood Demon Religion will be blamed, or are you simply planning to betray the Blood Demon Religion?”

When Ye Fei said this remark, it was awe-inspiring and he almost believed himself. He is a member of the Blood Demon Religion.

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