Seeing Ye Fei’s death is imminent, and the blood demon’s loyalty to the Blood Demon Religion, the blood demon protector was stunned, and then suddenly grinned: “I can’t see that you are still It’s a bit loyal. It’s a pity that the fairy crystal veins here are too precious. If this seat doesn’t kill you all, how can you swallow the veins here?”

Blood Demon Religion imposing manner, like a blood demon, step by step, Approach Ye Fei. Seeing this, Ye Fei did not back down, his expression was still faint, but his eyes brightened when he heard the blood demon protector wanted to eat alone.

“Hey, we actually thought of a piece! Let me do this, you give me this vein, and answer a few more questions for me, I can think about it, just abolish you, don’t kill you!” Ye Fei looked serious. After all, letting go of a heinous Great Demon, he also took a big risk.

The Blood Demon Protector almost suspected that he had heard it wrong. What did he hear, a Martial Saint 6th Layer’s discipline, not only has to eat alone, but also kills his protector?

A burst of anger immediately turned the eyes of the Gorefiend Protector into scarlet. “You, courting death!”


The blood pupil is like a sharp blade, piercing the space, fiercely stabbing Ye Fei’s body. Ye Fei face turned cold, and suddenly took a step forward, said solemnly: “Here is this move, do you really think that your eye divine ability kills? The eye of thunder punishment, open for me!”

hong long!

Lightning thunders. On Ye Fei’s forehead, a purple vertical eye appeared. In the vertical eye, two lightning bolts also burst out, colliding with the bloody eyes of the blood demon’s guardian. His eyes suddenly dissipated, and at the same time two lines of blood stains flowed out of his eyes.

“Ah, my bloody eyes! Who are you? You are definitely not a member of my Blood Demon Religion. I want to kill you!” The blood demon protector’s eyes bleed, and the blood also made him change It’s extra crazy. He was beckoned, and the four Blood Demon Religion disciple that died on the ground, within the body’s blood, had all been drained, forming four terrifying blood pythons, wound around Ye Fei at lightning speed.

“such insignificant ability, the opportunity has been given, but if you don’t cherish it, I will have to kill you to avenge them!”

Ignore the blood pythons entwined with you, Ye Fei’s body suddenly burned with a purple-golden flame, and then formed a huge Taiji Sword picture, the howling sword energy spread on all sides, piercing the abyss, all with a lot of holes.

The four blood pythons directly facing the impact of sword energy exploded into fly ash. This scene also immediately frightened the soul flew away and scattered by the blood demon protector. Although he is also an expert of Martial Saint’s Tenth Layer, facing Ye Fei, he has a kind of fear from the heart.

“Don’t kill me!”

The blood demon protector yelled in horror. His body remained in place, but his facial features and seven orifices flowed out of blood quickly. He rushed to the distance, seeming to want to escape. Ye Fei was not surprised about this. As early as in the Northern Territory, he knew that the most important thing for these blood demons was not the fleshy body, but the blood!

Destroying the fleshy body can only severely damage them, and only by destroying the blood can they be killed.

Ye Fei immediately controlled the Taiji Sword map in the sky, crushing the blood demon guardian fleshy body, and ruthlessly suppressed the blood in the distance.

“Ah, I’m fighting with you!” The blood demon guardian’s face was desperate. The whole blood group turned into a blood python, desperately trying to rush out of the Taiji Sword map.

But with the Taiji Sword map of the realm, how can the blood demon protector charge ahead, the hong long long, and the Taiji Sword map, crushed down, and the scope of the blood group is not only reduced, but Taiji Sword picture, quickly obliterated.

At the same time, the obliteration of the blood group also caused the blood demon guardian to suffer severe damage. He could no longer resist, and had to turn around. The incomplete blood man kept begging Ye Fei for forgiveness: “Forgive me, forgive me!”

“Spare you, yes, as long as you tell me the whereabouts of Zhao Qianjun!” Ye Fei said solemnly.

“You are also offering a reward for the evil Demon Sword Saint?” The blood demon protector exclaimed regretfully: “I can tell you the whereabouts of the evil Demon Sword Saint, but you must promise to let me leave safely “

“Speak out, I will not kill you!” Ye Fei nodded, in order to reassure the blood demon protector, he also deliberately drew out Zhao Qianjun’s reward order to make this person believe that he just rushed Come with Zhao Qianjun’s reward.

Chapter 1207 Martial Saint 7th Layer

Chapter 1207 Martial Saint 7th Layer

Sure enough, when I saw Ye Fei put out a reward, I knew it was not Ye Fei’s opponent, Gorefiend Protector still decided to take a gamble. “Holy Demon Sword, hiding in the blood sea forest, holding this map, you can find it!”


After speaking, a blood group flew out The map was thrown to the left, and the crippled blood man rushed to the right, trying to slam and flee.

Ye Fei sneered: “The evil demon is really cunning! Dahei, come out to work!”

After saying that, Ye Fei catches up with one step, containing a sword in the Tai Chi domain, again Stabbed to the Gorefiend Protector, the scared Gorefiend Protector almost peeed his pants, and shouted sternly, “What a hero!”,

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. , Will never kill you!”


After devouring the Spirit Sword, Ye Fei turned the blade, just use the back of the sword, fiercely moved towards the incomplete blood man, and once again took the blood demon guardian into a pile of blood, and flew in Over the abyss of Demon Insect.

And on the rock wall of the abyss, there are nests of Demon Insect everywhere, and when I heard something flying into their domain, a large swath of Demon Insect instantly flooded the blood mass, and the blood demon soon sounded inside. The scream of the guardian before his death. Ye Fei did what he said and did not kill the blood demon guardian.

“Of course, if this guy is killed by Demon Insect, then it’s none of my business. It’s called evil retribution.”

Since this blood demon protector Let his subordinates act as substitutes for dead ghosts and kill others, Ye Fei simply let this evil spirits taste the taste of being used as dead ghosts.

It was also when the Gorefiend was swallowed thoroughly by Demon Insect above the abyss. Dragon Tortoise also hummed, with a full body of Demon Insect, and returned with that map. Demon Insect kept biting on Dragon Tortoise, but it didn’t hurt Dragon Tortoise even a bit.

Just when Dragon Tortoise fell to the bottom of the abyss, Ye Fei clearly felt that a spirituality of white light surged under the ground, rushing towards Dragon Tortoise, instantly causing the Demo Insect on Dragon Tortoise. , Turned into green smoke, dissipated in the air.

“These Demon Insects are actually transformed by demonic energy? No wonder they dare not approach the bottom of the abyss!” Ye Fei was a little surprised. It seems that the Spiritual Qi of the fairy crystal is the nemesis of Demon Insect.

It’s no wonder that the blood demon guardian just now will have the idea of ​​killing all his subordinates and swallowing the fairy crystal, because with the fairy crystal, he can completely rush out of the Demon Insect abyss without injury.

“Da Hei, good job!” Ye Fei picked up the map that the Blood Demon Protector threw out and looked at it, and found that this was a strange place called the Blood Sea Forest. If this person did not lie, the evil Demon Sword Saint Zhao Qianjun should be somewhere in the Blood Sea Forest.

“This is all right, I can finally pay back Zhao Qianjun’s favor, but before going to the Blood Sea Forest, I will accept the fairy crystal here.”

When Ye Fei was checking the map, Xiaocao had bare feet, ran out of the beast mark space, and ran directly to the depths of the abyss.

Dragon Tortoise naturally follows closely from behind. While roaring about something with Xiaocao, while swaying its steel tail vigorously, the floor of the abyss is rumbling. It can be seen how hard Dragon Tortoise is to please. Watching Dragon Tortoise rushing past, Ye Fei actually had an illusion.

That was what he ran over, not a tortoise, but a big black dog in a turtle shell.

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