magical insects reacted immediately. Hundreds of Demon Insects formed one after another black arrow, such as a black poisonous snake. They opened their mouths and swallowed them at Ye Fei.


next moment, these black arrows suddenly exploded, and then a huge hole was exploded in the black storm. The blurry light illuminates the bottom of the abyss from the sky above the abyss.

“The sun has come out, I should also leave here to find the whereabouts of Senior Brother Zhao.” Ye Fei faced the morning sun and quickly rushed into the abyss.

Around him, there are endless Demon Insects, making a crunching noise, but no matter how sharp their teeth are, the perfect defense of Purple Gold Tai Chi will not be able to help them in a short time.

An hour later, Ye Fei finally broke out of this terrifying Demon Insect abyss. He spread out the map he had seized from the blood demon protector and recognized the direction.

“Blood Sea Forest, to the east!”

hong long long!

The air roars constantly, and a gust of wind blows on the ground, causing black and Desert-like land to float up with billowing smoke and dust. It is a tyrannical body, the crackling sound of the limit of breakthrough space.

“The battle demonic path on the 7th floor is really overbearing! Now my fleshy body strength may be as hard as Quasi-Emperor Artifact!”

It’s boring to go on the road. Yes, Ye Fei took out the Spirit Sword, slashed a sword at his arm, and heard a loud noise. The sharp Spirit Sword slashed on his arm, unexpectedly bursting out a string of fire stars.

“No way, my fleshy body is too strong!”

Ye Fei’s face showed a lonely and invincible sigh. Three days later, his sigh turned into Shock. I saw a huge ocean in front of me.

The red ocean looks like blood from a distance. There are many boneless islands on the ocean, which are the corpses of ancient ominous beasts, stacked, stacked, petrified, forming a strange pile The island, this is obviously man-made.

“The corpses turn into the earth, the blood turns into the sea! Without the Great Divine Ability, it is absolutely impossible to create such a spectacle. There is a city ahead!”

On the edge of the blood sea, Ye Fei discovered a special city wall made of red sky. The city wall is very old. After countless years, no one knows how the city wall was built, but it is the only way to enter the blood sea forest. .

This section of city wall. It has undoubtedly become the best gathering place for demons, a gap of seven or eight meters, where demons are constantly coming in and out.

Ye Fei decided to look at the situation and learn about Zhao Qianjun’s new news by the way. Behind him, there was a scream of hong long long and screams.

Looking back, it turned out to be a huge glazed flying boat. On the flying boat, there were dozens of young men in battle armor standing with cold expressions, and at the same time they controlled the flying boat to rampage. An old flying demon couldn’t dodge, and the body was crushed by the flying boat, turning the sky red.

“Oops, get out of the way, it’s the reinforcements of Shenwu Saint Court! They came so fast!”

“Nonsense, Shenwu Saint Court has flying boats, they come naturally fast , I’m afraid the evil Demon Sword Saint will not last long this time.”

“Shenwu Saint Court is too arrogant and killed people without even looking at it?” There are also young demons who express this. dissatisfied.

But most demons are not strange, the Dragon Head Realm is a killing field, and killing is the only order here.

Shenwu Saint Court’s flying boat, when approaching the city wall, stopped, not at all, entered the sea of ​​blood, and a group of young people wearing battle armor all walked off the flying boat with pride. .

Seeing them, Ye Fei’s heart moved: “Since Shenwu Saint Court can come here, then other Saint Court’s disciplines can also come in and practice.”

He was calm. Leaning in, wanting to see the discipline of Saint Court of Shenwu, what are you doing here? Many powerful demons even approached, they shouted loudly.

“Shenwu Saint Court, what are you going to do? This is the Dragon Head Realm, a sea of ​​blood, not a place where you can go wild.”

Hearing this, an azure headed The armored man frowned, but he still politely said to the powerful demons: “Don’t worry, we are here not to be an enemy of the Dragon Head Realm, but to catch the evil Demon Sword, the Great Demon. Yes! Please take a convenient, clue, and reward hundred thousand Spirit Stone, willing to help us encircle this demon, 200,000 Spirit Stone per person.”

“Ha, 200,000 Spirit Stone, Just want us demons to kill each other and send out beggars?” Some demons dismissed this.

But there are also many demons. I am very enthusiastic about this Spirit Stone. A few unsatisfactory demons ran over and asked the azure armored man about specific matters.

Chapter 1209 The sword is not unfavorable

Chapter 1209 The sword is not unfavorable

“Your mission is very simple, as long as you cooperate with us and stop the evil Demon Sword. As long as he can’t run away, we have a way to catch him. After the event is completed, with 200,000 Spirit Stones per person, we will do what we say.”


The azure armored man ordered people to carry out dozens of large boxes on the spot, which was full of Spirit Stone, which made many demons have bloodshot eyes.

“Damn it, if it weren’t for the fact that there were too many people in the Saint Court of Shenwu this time, too strong, I would definitely do it now, kill them all and take the Spirit Stone.”

” Hey, let’s forget the treasure, Shenwu Saint Court like the sun at high noon, I’m afraid we have a fate to grab it, we are not the evil Demon Sword saint, everyone dares to grab him, earn him 200,000 first.”

Two demons stood beside Ye Fei, whispering in a low voice, and decided that they might as well cooperate with Shenwu Saint Court once. Ye Fei asked about it, and some understood that Zhao Qianjun accidentally robbed Shenwu Saint Court. , So that Shenwu Saint Court, went to war, not hesitating to block Zhao Qianjun in the blood sea forest, but also to catch Zhao Qianjun to vent his anger.

“However, this is a good opportunity for me to look for Senior Brother Zhao. Following them is much easier than looking around for me.”

So Ye Fei followed those two A demon, went to the Shenwu Saint Court to sign up together, and the azure armored man also refused to come.

Hundreds of demons, including Ye Fei, were quickly gathered, and then they led everyone to a certain direction in the depths of the blood sea at the fastest speed.

“Hurry up, everyone. According to the news, the evil Demon Sword Saint has been besieged by us on the Bone Island in front of us. Once he breaks through the siege, it will be difficult to catch him.” azure armored The man urged, and the demons on the road also wail like ghosts and howl like wolves loudly responded, behaving very positively.

Ye Fei was puzzled. He chased up an evil demon and asked in a low voice: “Brother, we evil demon, aren’t we enemies with Saint Court? Why is Saint Court dealing with the evil Demon Sword Saint, everyone is so active? “

As for Ye Fei’s call-up, the evil spirit was of course very vigilant, but after Ye Fei sprinkled a handful of Spirit Stone, the evil spirit smiled, knowing it all.

“Brother, are you new here? We are so active, not to help Saint Court, but to evil the head of Saint Demon Sword worth 50 billion Spirit Stone! Otherwise, we would have been half way. If you rob these dogs, how can you give them their lives.”

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