
Ye Fei only then realized that the demons are also pregnant with ghosts. They were all for Zhao Qianjun’s reward, and Azure Armored Man also made it clear that they were only responsible for capturing Zhao Qianjun, Zhao Qianjun’s head, and they were not interested.

This has also greatly eased the evil spirits’ hostility towards them. For the sake of Spirit Stone, the two sides have temporarily maintained a joint, but this joint is very fragile.

Especially, in the Sea Territory along the way, when I kept seeing a large number of corpses, these corpses were all the corpses of demons, some were intact, and some had been demonic beasts of the blood sea. Become a skeleton. The faces of the demons couldn’t help but become serious.

Many gathered together and mumbled, is it cost-effective to fight a half-emperor for the 200,000 Spirit Stone?

“The damn evil Demon Sword Saint, so many demons, can’t catch him, even our Saint Court’s discipline, there are casualties!”

The team continues to move forward The azure armored man who took the lead suddenly yelled angrily. They found two disciples of the Saint Court of Shenwu on the front reef.

Looking at their costumes, Ye Fei was surprised to find that these two wrecks should be Earth Grade disciple belonging to Saint Court of Shenwu.

It’s just different from the decline of True Martial Saint Court, Shenwu Saint Court, Earth Grade disciple alone, there are nearly 10,000 people, Heavenly Grade disciple, there are more than a thousand, a few close, even have The strength of True Martial Saint Court Holy Son.

So, just dying a few ordinary Earth Grade disciple, it still can’t scare the azure armored man, but it also made them start to speed up, “Both are faster, the two Junior Brothers just died soon , The evil Demon Sword saint, must be right before…”


The calm sea of ​​blood in the distance suddenly set off a stormy sea, like a blood curtain, The face of many demons became astonished by the sky, and the azure armored man was overjoyed: “The evil Demon Sword is in front. He must be surrounded by other Senior Brothers. Send a signal, everyone will go into battle. Must stop. Him!”


A group of colorful Divine Dragon fireworks rushed to the sky. It was a signal of communication between the Saint Court disciple of Shenwu. Then, in three directions in the distance, the fireworks of Divine Dragon lifted into the sky at the same time. .

Far away, a loud sound wave shattered the sea of ​​blood and passed it over: “Evil Demon Sword Saint, where are you running? The last chance, hand over the copper key, we let you go!”


“Fuck you shit! What I grabbed by my own ability, why should I hand it over!”

The sword light soars to the sky, demons are in full swing!

Zhao Qianjun’s one person one sword, smashed the sea of ​​blood, fought hundreds of demons, one after another, turned into his separated spirit under this sword, and then was swallowed mercilessly, turned into continuously evil spirits and demonic energy, enhance Zhao Qianjun’s power. As a result, hundreds of Martial Saints had been chasing for months, but they could not stop Zhao Qianjun from breaking through.

A white clothed disciple headed by, suddenly became angry.

He held a battle axe and fought with Zhao Qianjun. The huge wave of blood just now was crushed by his battle axe.

Then those blood waves condense into more dense blood axes, which are constantly beheading Zhao Qianjun. The demons entangled around are also fierce. They are not only here to take advantage, but also to Get the head of Zhao Qianjun and the reward of the 50 billion Spirit Stone.


“The reinforcements have arrived, the evil Demon Sword Saint, today you are impossible to escape!”

With the azure armored man, With a large group of demons rushing to the Saint Court, the morale of Shenwu Saint Court was greatly boosted. Zhao Qianjun’s expression turned a little ugly, and he said angrily: “Sword edge is not good, what should I do? He said, kill the enemy ten million, and be sharp!”

hong long long!

Demon Sword turned out, and the demons collapsed! Zhao Qianjun, one person, one sword, slaying the group of demons, unexpectedly forcibly broke out from the encirclement, and then moved towards azure armored man to break through.

“Kill me! We only want his treasure, his head, you share it!” The azure armored man once again boosted morale.

This remark also made the demons who were a little afraid of the evil Demon Sword holy, their eyes turned red again. There were already half-Sovereign level demons rushing out of the team, and then there were hundreds of demons around. With a cry, all rushed forward frantically.

“Well, sword edge is not good? The sword is not bad, but the heart is bad! The heart is good, the sword is good! The heart is strong, the sword is strong, the sword is strong, then showing off one’s ability! Kill!”

Ye Fei also rushed up, but instead of rushing to Zhao Qianjun, he rushed to the demons who besieged Zhao Qianjun. The infinite sword fire filled the sky and rained like a storm, smashing all around the demons. Zhao Qianjun startedled and couldn’t help but widen his eyes, looking at the young man rushing in the distance: “Are you waiting for a powerful enemy?”

“Senior Brother is in trouble today, Junior Brother is obliged!” Ye Fei laughed loudly and stepped forward, already standing next to Zhao Qianjun.

Chapter 1210 Demons War

Chapter 1210 Demons War

“Ye Fei, back then I recognized you as Junior Brother, but a joke, for the sake of a joke , You actually broke into the mountains of daggers and seas of flames.”

Zhao Qianjun’s pupil light is complicated. He is an evil demon and kills a lot of sins. He has already done his life alone, carrying a bad reputation, but didn’t Expect, when he is in distress, there are people who are obliged to stand up and fight with him.

“Senior Brother, to you, what we said back then was just a joke, but to me, without the Spirit Sword given by Senior Brother, there would be no Ye Fei today. Now Senior Brother has Difficult, my little brother should go through water and tread on fire!” Ye Fei is sonorous, his people are like his swords.

What about thousands of demons, how about Shenwu Saint Court? Since Zhao Qianjun was kind to him, he was obliged to step forward.

“Junior Brother!”

Zhao Qianjun was extremely moved, and then he constricted his face and saluted Ye Fei. Since then, he really recognized this Junior Brother.

“Senior Brother!”

Ye Fei looks respectful. This is his first meeting with Zhao Qianjun, but he is no stranger to Zhao Qianjun. This is a real man, even if he is a demon, he is worthy of deep friendship.

With the sudden appearance of Ye Fei, he also blatantly stood on the side of the evil Demon Sword. He was commensurate with the senior and junior brothers. Many evil spirits, all a little not knowing what to do. They turned their heads one after another and looked towards the white clothed youth holding an axe. The young man’s name was Bai Chen, who was Saint Court of Shenwu, a Heavenly Grade disciple ranked very high.

This time to chase the evil Demon Sword Saint, Bai Chen is the leader.

Seeing Zhao Qianjun, who had always been alone, and his companions, Bai Chen was also shocked. However, after learning the name of Ye Fei, he startedled again: “Ye Fei? Ranked first in Heaven Ranking , The abandoned man who joined True Martial Saint Court?”


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