But what shocked Ye Fei was that his purple golden sword aura could not hurt these bones. They fell, and soon they were able to jump up quickly as if nothing was wrong, and continue to join in on Ye Fei’s Siege.


“Xiaocao, don’t come out!” Ye Fei looked serious. Now that the situation is unknown, letting Xiaocao come out will only be a little more dangerous, “Senior, this is what you forced me! Offended! “

In the end, they are the skeletons of Martial Sovereign Level. They no longer have the martial arts of their lives, but the skeletons are still very strong, not smaller than the golden body of the flesh Buddha outside. What’s more terrifying is that the golden Buddha outside just prevents him from entering the palace. And these bones, but can’t wait to tear him apart, to put him to death.

Ye Fei can no longer show mercy, the surging sword river suddenly disappeared, and the Spirit Sword swept forward, and a huge Taiji Sword picture swung out.

Tai Chi two ritual sword!


Spirit Sword hit a bone spur and immediately deprived the bone of its defense. The whistling sword glow turned this Martial Sovereign bone into smoke, yellow smoke and dust, into the air.

“These yellow dusts are all made by the skeletons of Martial Sovereign!” Ye Fei was extremely surprised. How many Martial Sovereigns would have to die before the yellow dust filled the palace could be formed?

However, seeing that the Tai Chi and Liangyi sword attacks are effective, Ye Fei still burst into action, stabbing the surrounding skeletons with eight consecutive sword lights. With the explosion of the collision, another eight Martial Sovereign skeletons were smashed by Ye Fei, turned into yellow dust, and melted into the air.

At this time, the skeleton of Martial Sovereign besieging Ye Fei is only 2/3. Obviously, compared with the fleshy body golden Buddha outside, the number of Buddha’s radiance bones in the palace is not much.

These bones seem to be aware of the danger of Ye Fei. After losing nine companions, they no longer attack Ye Fei. Instead, they make a sharp sound of skeleton rubbing, silently, All fuse into into the yellow dust, never appeared again.


Ye Fei is still very vigilant, but this ancient temple is obviously advancing and not retreating. He not at all quit, but put Purple Gold Tai Chi, to the maximum, the Tai Chi domain perfectly blocked the invasion of all around Huang Chen. In the vast yellow dust, Ye Fei didn’t know how long he walked.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Passing through the area of ​​yellow dust, behind the yellow dust, there is a dark gate, and above the gate, there is a high platform.

On the high platform, a golden Buddha body, with compassion on his face, sits on the high platform. There are countless golden chains around his body, making the Buddha body and the black Door, complete fuse together. There seemed to be writing on the door.

Ye Fei leaned closer to identify it carefully, and vaguely saw that it was written “Gate of Hell” in golden seal characters.

“Hell, is it that behind this gate, connected, is actually hell?” Ye Fei was secretly shocked.

“The donor guessed right, behind the palace gate, it is hell!” Suddenly, a peaceful voice rang in Ye Fei’s ear, and Ye Fei quickly grasped the Spirit Sword, looking towards the sound He was stunned to see that on the high platform, that Golden Buddha actually spoke.

“The Golden Buddha speaks, how could it be possible that Senior has become a fleshy body?” Ye Fei looked at that Golden Buddha in shock.

When he talked, the golden Buddha seemed to come alive completely, his eyebrows moved, and Buddha’s radiance in his eyes. As soon as it opened its mouth, it looked like a lotus flower, and the whole high platform turned into a huge golden The refining also sets off the Buddha’s body on the Golden Lotus, which is more magnificent, tall and inviolable.

Golden Buddha sang the promise: “The donor also knows that my fleshy body becomes a Buddha? Fortunately, fortunately! This poor monk waits tens of thousands of years, and finally waits for a donor with wisdom root, this poor monk Hell is not empty, I have seen the donor!”

“Hell is not empty?”

Ye Fei can’t help but slap his tongue, this golden Buddha tens of thousands of years is very scary if it is not dead. His name is even more domineering, if it weren’t for the ancient temple’s advancing and unretreating, and seeing this golden Buddha, trapped by a chain, had already integrated with the Gate of Hell below. He might turn around and run for his life.

“Master is polite, dare to ask master, is it dead or alive? Why are you stuck here? Where is this place?” Ye Fei asked the Golden Buddha sincerely. He was really puzzled.

Chapter 1221 is not a real Buddha

Chapter 1221 is not a real Buddha

The Golden Buddha smiled gently, and looked at Ye Fei with appreciation, and said: ” Don’t worry about the donor. I’m Buddhism cleanly and definitely won’t be harmful to the donor. The two levels just now are a test for the donor. If the donor can pass the test, it means that the donor has the root of wisdom and should be destined to the Buddha!”

The Golden Buddha saw Ye Fei’s warning, and immediately sang a lotus flower and uttered the Buddha sound. Ye Fei immediately felt that the slightest anxiety in his heart was swept away under the Buddha sound, deep in one’s heart. Immediately there was a lot of expectation and trust in the Golden Buddha.

“Of course, since the donor knows that the fleshy body becomes a Buddha, he should know that the skin is still a Buddha, and he is not a Buddha! The reason why this poor monk is trapped here is to suppress an evil barrier in the Gate of Hell! This evil barrier Destroy my treasure temple, if this poor monk doesn’t refining this demon for one day, then one day, the fleshy body will not become a Buddha! I don’t know the donor, can you help me?” The golden Buddha looked towards Ye Fei with his hopeful Buddha eyes.

Suddenly, Ye Fei blurted out the impulse to agree. Fortunately, he was determined and resisted this strange feeling. He shook his head and said: “The master just laughed, I’m just a little Martial Saint, a true Buddha like master, can’t deal with demons, what can I do with my strength?”

“Otherwise, the donor can understand the realm at such an age, even if it’s not peerless genius Besides, this poor monk does not want to make a move, but cannot make a move. In order to suppress the demons in it, this poor monk has been given a golden body, fuse together with the Gate of Hell, I moved, The evil demon will flee! Therefore, this poor monk can only wait for the destined person to come in to assist this poor monk and refining this monk. Please also ask the donor to think of the common people and help this poor monk!”

Gold Buddha With an expression of suffering, with a more expectant look, looked towards Ye Fei.

Ye Fei smiled bitterly. Although he lamented the sacrifice and greatness of the Golden Buddha, he knew his weight and he knew that he still shook his head and said, “Master, I am low in strength. I am really weak. The monk is compassionate. Master, how about you directly show me the way out?”

“There is only one way out. You go in and kill the demons inside, and you can go out. Of course, this poor monk Don’t let the donors use their power in vain. If you can enter the treasure temple, you must be bound to the Buddha. The full power of this poor monk has been used to suppress demons. There is nothing for you, but it can be done by helping you a little and strengthening the domain. “

Then, the Golden Buddha shot, the golden chains all over his body, hua hua rang, the Sanskrit sound penetrated the ancient temple, and there were eight Divine Dragons appearing in the void, with huge dragon eyes staring at Ye Fei.

Just when Ye Fei was wary, the Golden Buddha could not agree on whether to force him by military force, the Golden Buddha said, “Donor, this is my Buddhist eight dragons, and each dragon is one Kind of Profound Truth! Eight kinds of Profound Truth can be combined to form a Golden Body Dharma Idol of eight dragons!”

“As long as the donor is willing, help this poor monk deal with the evil spirits inside and help me become Buddha, this poor monk can give you all of these eight Profound Truths, and help you improve the Strength of Domain, what do you think!” The golden Buddha looked at Ye Fei expectantly, and his bergamot entangled in the chain raised up. Going deep into the void, the eight Divine Dragons, four of them, suddenly spit out dragon balls.

There are a total of four dragon balls, like four suns, falling into the palm of the golden Buddha, and being gently pushed by the golden Buddha, they are sent to Ye Fei, “a monk doesn’t lie! The donor can fuse first!” The four Profound Truths also prove the sincerity of this poor monk. If you can really kill demons and help this poor monk become a Buddha, this poor monk can still promise you to help you survive the Martial Sovereign and achieve Martial Sovereign!”

“What, master can make me a Martial Sovereign?” Ye Fei couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Unexpectedly that I was so lucky this time. Not only would I be guided by the master, but I could also become a Martial Sovereign!”

Golden Buddha said with a smile: “Mercy, my Buddha, when the donor enters the temple, he is destined to the Buddha! This poor monk should do his best to help the donor achieve merit.”

“Okay, Master, this is what you said. I will help you eradicate evil spirits. You will not only help me improve the domain, but also help me to become a Martial Sovereign!”

Ye Fei is short of breath, every condition proposed by the Golden Buddha , It was a huge temptation he couldn’t refuse, even if he had doubts, but the benefits of sending it to the door, if not, it would be a pity.

“Just take a gamble.”

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