Finally, Ye Fei made up his mind. Anyway, without the guidance of the Golden Buddha, he would not be able to get out of this weird temple. It would be better to cooperate honestly and take advantage of it.

Ye Fei was unceremonious, grabbing the four dragon balls in his hand, and he discovered that these four dragon balls really exude an amazing Profound Truth aura.

“Yes, yes, with these four Profound Truths, my domain will definitely be enhanced a lot. Even if I can’t beat the golden ruin, it will not be a big problem to protect myself.” Holding the dragon ball, Ye Fei was satisfied, but didn’t really absorb it. Instead, he put it directly into the space belt, then turned around and moved towards the palace and left.

Through some temptations and observations just now, he has already seen that the Golden Buddha is trapped by chains, not at all, and his ability to hurt him, otherwise, the Golden Buddha would not say that many. Promise him great benefits.

Now that the benefits are in hand, Ye Fei patted his sleeves, turned around and left without taking away any dust.

The golden Buddha Buddha’s eyes were angry and shouted: “The donor stopped, you are so unreasonable. Didn’t you say it just now, do you want to help this poor monk eradicate evil spirits?”

Ye Fei turn He passed away and shook his head bitterly: “Master, it’s not a recipe for repentance, but the four Profound Truths. There is not much confidence in the discipline to defeat the demons inside. If you can give me all the eight Profound Truths…” /p>

“talk nonsense! Four Profound Truths, integrated into your domain, you are already fully capable, push the Gate of Hell, go in and kill demons! The remaining four, this poor monk wait for you Kill the demons and help me become a Buddha, and then give it to you!” The Golden Buddha said angrily.

“What if the master regrets it afterwards?” Ye Fei was aggrieved, “Master once told me that those who can live tens of thousands of years are all real Old Monsters. Once I regret it, I will only I can recognize myself as bad luck.”

“Don’t worry, this poor monk is a monk, a monk, and don’t talk about it!” The Golden Buddha held back his breath and explained patiently.

Ye Fei suddenly sneered and interrupted the Golden Buddha: “A monk, of course you can’t speak! But master, are you a monk?”

“What do you mean?” Jin The Buddha is stunned, but after seeing Ye Fei’s indifferent face, his Buddha’s voice suddenly turned into a killing sound: “Where does this poor monk reveal the weak spot, so that the donor can see the clue?”

“Master, it seems that your Dharma is not equal to me. This layman, when you see me, you claim that hell is not empty. You want to imply that you are the true Buddha, but in hell, there are more than True Buddha, there may also be True Demon! You said, are you a true Buddha, or True Demon?”

Of course, this is only Ye Fei’s subjective judgment based on the Buddhist principles he knows, and One thing is strange, that is, before pushing away the ancient temple, he accidentally said that he did not know whether there was a golden Buddha inside. As a result, he opened the temple door and saw the fleshy body golden Buddha all over the floor.

“And in the yellow dust, those golden bones, I also feel strange, master, not only are you not good at Buddhism, but you don’t even know the rules of Buddhism. Buddhism only has a golden body, and the next one is Relic! As a result, as soon as I came in, you sent a large group of Martial Sovereign skeletons to attack me. No matter how layman I am, I should also know, Buddhism, whether the cremation is good or not.”

Chapter 1222 Baosa Sovereign

Chapter 1222 Baosa Town Demon

Every time Ye Fei says, the face of the Golden Buddha becomes ugly. When Ye Fei finishes speaking, the compassionate face of the Golden Buddha has become blue. Exposure, but even so, the Golden Buddha still resisted his anger and cursed: “You are nonsense, you are not a son of man!”

“The two points you said are your subjective speculations, relying only on speculations , You rejected this poor monk, rejected the opportunity to improve the field, breakthrough Martial Sovereign, how stupid, okay, you said this poor monk is not a true Buddha, if you have the ability, you can come up with real evidence!”

Golden Buddha is flustered and exasperated, he is a little confused, he is also countless yin people, but this is the first time he met Ye Fei like this, just a hint of doubt, turned on the spot, and if you turned your face, you turned your face, and finished What a maddening madness when the benefits are overturned!

Seeing the appearance of the Golden Buddha, Ye Fei was more sure of his judgment, sneered and shook his head: “Now that you are like this, don’t you stop hiring yourself? Also, you want evidence, right? , It’s very simple. When I entered the temple, the fleshy body golden Buddhas outside blocked me from entering with all their strength. It was very strange.”

“But these golden Buddhas only blocked them. No one, kill me! And the Martial Sovereign bones you control are different. As soon as I entered, these bones attacked me desperately, clearly wanting to kill me. The monks are compassionate and kill people at every turn. , Certainly not a monk! Also, you think you can fool me with a few broken beads, that would be too small for me, refining a treasure, you can have a Profound Truth, you liar, you can only lie to three years old Child.”

Ye Fei looked at the Golden Buddha contemptuously, but he kept retreating. He wanted to leave this dangerous palace but the Golden Buddha did not stop him. He was still immersed in being demolished by Ye Fei. Amidst the humiliation and anger, there was a suddenly realized look on his face.

“so that’s how it is, this seat is showing a weak spot here. Indeed, this seat is still too impatient. When someone comes in, I want to send a bone demon to kill quickly, but I forgot , The truth of the monks’ compassion, this throne committed heinous sins back then, those old bald donkeys did not kill me, but only suppressed me and slowly wiped out my demonic nature! This throne should have thought of it long ago!”

Golden Buddha looked regretful, as if he was very unhappy about making such a low-level mistake, but soon he cheered up again, quacking said with a smile: “But one thing, you still judge Wrong, the eight dragons are real, and the four dragon balls are not faked by this seat, because only by letting you refining them, your upgraded domain, can you push the Gate of Hell away and release this seat !”

“Boy, give you a chance to be loyal to this Majesty’s, refining Dragon Ball, and put this seat out, this seat can make you a dog by my side!” Golden Buddha shouted loudly.

“Go away, let you out, unless you become my mount in the future!” Ye Fei was also angry, and was suppressed tens of thousands of years. He was so arrogant, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

Ye Fei’s footsteps are retreating faster, and she is about to exit the palace.


At this time, the entire palace suddenly shook violently, and even the entire island shook violently. The golden Buddha was furious, and in the eyes of the Buddha, demons appeared. The same fierce light: “impudent, impudent, what thing are you, dare to let this seat be your mount, and kill him! Since you refuse to let this seat come out, this seat will kill you and eat all of you Meat, it’s been a long time since I have eaten meat. It’s a hundred years, or 50 years?”

Speaking, the Golden Buddha has slobbered hua hua, and he can’t wait to swallow Ye Fei in one bite while following his words , In the yellow dust of the entire palace, dozens of bone demons rushed out again, with green fire in their eye sockets, and killed them.

“Kill! Tai Chi Two-Yi Sword!”

Ye Fei is not afraid. He can’t see through the Golden Buddha and dare not attack the Golden Buddha, but he has to deal with a few Martial Sovereign bone demons. , He is still very confident with the field.


A skull demon was chopped by the Spirit Sword, and the fierce sword light suddenly let the skull demon all split up and in pieces, and then Ye Fei rushed to another skull demon, purple- The Taiji Sword of the golden quickly chopped another Skull Demon in half.

But what surprises Ye Fei is that he clearly feels that these two bone demons have been destroyed, but their bodies, not at all, are destroyed, but turned into billowing yellow dust and reintegrated into the air in.

An indifferent sneer flashed across the face of the Golden Buddha: “Kill, you can kill, kid, you are really a kid, there are countless people in this seat, you are the first one to see through this trap. People! But so what, although this seat can’t take action, but there are countless ways to torture you! Entering here, you are entering hell, hell is not empty, this seat will never die, gā gā gā gā! “

There was a weird laughter in the mouth, and it was like a special incantion. In the rolling yellow dust, the two crushed bone demons actually walked out of the yellow dust. The other bone demons, their attacks became more urgent and crazy. A little carelessly, a bone demon waved the Bone Blade, smashing Purple Gold Tai Chi with a loud boom.


The sharp Bone Blade was wiped past Ye Fei’s neck. Fortunately, at a critical moment, Ye Fei quickly launched the battle magic golden body. It is the 7-Layer battle demonic path, and the firmness of Ye Fei fleshy body is no less inferior to the general Quasi-Emperor Artifact.

Bone Blade just scratched Ye Fei’s neck with shallow bloodstains, while Ye Fei’s Spirit Sword was a sword that cut off the skull demon’s arm.

The fierce Buddha eyes of the Golden Buddha also showed a look of surprise: “This kid, what field is that? He really wants to go on that path of despair? Interesting, the flesh and blood of this kid, It’s delicious, it’s so delicious, I really want to eat him, I really want to eat his meat now!”

bang! bang! bang!

With the Golden Buddha’s The roar sound, the three skull demons who had besieged Ye Fei, suddenly roared silently, and then Self-destruction on the spot, a violent explosion, of course, the shaking Ye Fei rolled on the ground, and the golden body of the war demon was also blown up with cracks. .

In the end, these bones are all transformed by Martial Sovereign. Even if they lose the strength of Martial Sovereign, the formidable power of Bone Demon explosion is no less than Quasi-Emperor Artifact.

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