“This demon is shameless, he wants to use the self-destruction of the bone demon to blow me up alive!” Ye Fei was extremely depressed. He knew that this ancient temple was a dragon’s pool and tiger’s den. He should just throw the copper key directly to Jin Shao, so that it would still be Yin Jin Shao.

Now it’s fine, the enemy hasn’t been overcast, but he has pitted himself. Ye Fei’s heart vomiting blood is gone. But I didn’t know that when I found that the shaking of the mysterious island was increasing, and more and more frequently, there was also a person who was angry and wanted to vomit blood.

Needless to say, this person is naturally staying outside, waiting for Ye Fei’s self-assessed gold to be ruined. At this time, the gold is ruined, and I don’t know that there is no mysterious island below. treasure, but a trap laid by Old Demon.

He saw that the shaking of the island became more and more violent. It was like a scene where someone attacked Formation and obtained treasure. Jin roared constantly when he was ruined. He wanted to rush in and kill Ye Fei several times. Snatch treasure, helpless, the ban on mysterious islands is too strong, the copper key is the only way to enter. Without the copper key, even if there is a meticulous Nine Heavens Heavenly Eye, Jin Shaan does not know what happened to Ye Fei inside.

According to the violent shaking of the island, the azure-clothed Li next to him made a clever judgment and said: “Senior Brother Jin, this kid seems to be fighting inside. There shouldn’t be any heaven-shaking in it. The treasure of earth-shattering, otherwise Ye Fei will be so desperate?”

Chapter 1223 Intimidation and lure

Chapter 1223 Intimidation and lure

azure- Clothed Li’s words undoubtedly made Jin Rui’s sullen expression distorted on the spot. You must know that the copper key, but he grabbed it first, this mysterious island opportunity should have belonged to his Jin Rui.

As a result, Zhao Qianjun robbed him against it. It was embarrassing enough. Now I watched Ye Fei seize the treasure inside, and the ruined Nine Heavens Heavenly Eye spewed terrifying fire.

“Senior Brother Jin, how about we call the rest of the emperor to deal with this Ye Fei together?” azure-clothed Li angrily proposed.

“Fart, let other people come over, when the time comes, the treasure in it. So many of us, how should we divide?” Jin Popai said angrily.

Understanding that Jinluai is reluctant to share the treasure inside with others, azure-clothed Li is very depressed: “Then what should we do now, with our strength, it is difficult to break the prohibition here.”


“hmph, then we’ll wait!”

Jin’s dilapidation seems to be in his chest, with a gloomy expression and analysis: “According to my experience of entering and exiting a few ancient vestige, as long as the treasure inside is raided Almost, when the time comes, the restrictions outside will naturally disappear. At that time, we will go in again and murder to seize the treasures will be the same.”

“Hey, this is a good method, as expected of Senior Brother. Jin, okay, let’s just wait here, let Ye Fei be proud of it for a while, wait for the island’s restrictions to weaken, then we will go in and kill him completely unprepared.” Azure-clothed Li was very excited.

Other Saint Court disciples also slapped Jin’s ruined horses one after another. They praised Jin’s ruined and incomparable ingenuity, and Jin’s ruined and ugly complexion, only a little bit of sunshine.

At this time, the shaking of the island became more violent, but Jin was ruined and the others did not know that the shaking of the island was not Ye Fei fighting fiercely, but the skull demon. Continuous Self-destruction.

hong long long!

In the ancient temple, more than 30 skull demons have been exploded into fly ashes in front of Ye Fei, but in the rolling yellow dust, there is still a skull demons rebirth, and then continue to rush up and approach Ye Fei, continue Self-destruction, even though Ye Fei has also rushed forward to kill these Self-destruction bone demons in advance.

But Ye Fei is only one person in the end. He can use Taiji Sword to kill five or even ten bone demons in advance, but the remaining bone demons have been able to quickly Self-destruction, causing him A certain amount of damage, this kind of damage seems small, and if it continues to accumulate, it will also make Ye Fei’s injury aggravated rapidly.

At a dangerous moment, Ye Fei had to awaken the Indestructible Sword Soul again, release a large amount of Death Power, and repair his injury within the body, but before he stabilized his injury, there was a thud again. The three skull demons, fierce and unafraid of death, are in front of him Self-destruction.

The huge impact finally made Ye Fei’s Fleshy body defense, all approaching a certain limit, making a kaka sound of broken flesh and blood.

In the beast seal space, Xiaocao is already crying. With a small hand on the green leaf on her body, Ye Fei was taken aback, and hurriedly used the harshest voice to stop him: “Xiaocao, if you dare to pull the green leaf on your body, I won’t need you in the future!”

“However. This demon is really not generally insidious. These bone demon’s individual Self-destruction will not do much harm to me, but the continuous Self-destruction can make my injuries continue to accumulate…” This is not the terrifying thing, but these bone demons, almost all of them Undying Body.

After their Self-destruction, their bodies turn into yellow dust, and then under the control of the devil, these yellow dust will condense new bone demon and continue Self-destruction, so endlessly and constantly Cycle, he continued to fight with these bone demons, there is only one consequence, and that is to be consumed to death by these bone demons.

“I can’t continue fighting with these bone demons. I have to find the weakness of these bone demons.” After wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Ye Fei was afraid to continue moving towards the outside, because Once he breaks through, these bone demons will continue to Self-destruction, trapping him firmly at the entrance of the palace.

So, Ye Fei can only move on, moved towards the Gate of Hell that the Golden Buddha suppressed and approached. Although he knows that this was done deliberately by the Golden Buddha, he has no choice, except Run over and negotiate with the Golden Buddha, and the area where the Golden Buddha is located is the only place where there is no yellow dust.

It is strange to say that when Ye Fei rushed back in front of the Golden Buddha again, the bone demon who chased him behind, suddenly stopped together.

Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly brightened: “I know, these bone demons, they can only move in the yellow dust. Once I leave the range of the yellow dust, they cannot chase it out. .”

“ga ga, kid, you are indeed very smart, but unfortunately, what you met was this seat, how about it? Knowing how powerful this seat is, have you changed your mind? Push away Gate of Hell, release this seat, this seat can make an exception and spare you not to die.” The Golden Buddha took the opportunity to speak, and resumed his suffering, and began to persuade Ye Fei to earn and well-meant advised.

Ye Fei’s face turned black, and he was driven by the ruin of gold in the sea of ​​blood. In this ancient temple, he was forced by an Old Demon. He would only believe the words of a demon unless his brain was broken, especially this The devil also specializes in eating meat.

You don’t need to look at it to know that these Martial Sovereign bones were all eaten up by the Golden Buddha and refined into bone demons. Ye Fei does not want to be a member of the bone demons, but in order to win During the healing time, Ye Fei still pretended to negotiate with the Golden Buddha: “You can push the Gate of Hell away. You can give me all the eight dragon balls, and give me enough time to heal.”

“Fart, I gave it to you, what should you do if you run again?” The Golden Buddha is not easy to fool, and the Buddha’s eyes stared suspiciously at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei has a simple face and innocently spread his hands out: “Master, the bone demons you refine are all Undying Body. I am Three Heads Six Arms, and I can’t get out. I am now I really want to help you out of trouble, but it’s no good, I’m not at ease.”

Ye Fei’s words are very sincere, they are all simple children from the mountains, plus the threats just now have made Ye Fei The Golden Buddha, who has suffered enough and is anxious to get out of trouble, is compassionate and chants the Buddha: “Goodness, goodness, boy, since you have to get back on the right path, this seat will naturally not embarrass you and heal your wounds. But the remaining four dragon balls can be given to you!”

“You have merged these eight Profound Truths, and immediately push the Gate of Hell away for this seat, otherwise, this seat will make you hard to die. Yes, although this seat has been suppressed, it is not impossible to make a move!” The Golden Buddha breathed out, his mouth actually emitted billowing yellow dust.

Those yellow dust quickly covered the space of Gate of Hell all around. Four shiny dragon balls flew down and hovered in front of Ye Fei.

“Remember, in front of this seat, you have only two choices, either resist, or honestly follow this Majesty’s instructions!” Golden Buddha threatened and lured.

“hmph, the devil, you are wrong, I can still have a third option, that is, to inspire Heavenly Tribulation and perish together with you!” Ye Fei grabbed four dragon balls and stuffed them into his own The Space Belt, then in turn, threatened the Golden Buddha again.

Chapter 1224 Motivates Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 1224 Motivates Heavenly Tribulation

“What did you say, you are a little seven-fold Martial Saint, you want to induce Heavenly Tribulation, what a shame, you play with this seat twice in a row, and this seat will kill you!”

Seeing Ye Fei anyway, will not be so stupid to push the Gate of Hell away. After being tricked by Ye Fei twice in a row, what Golden Buddha said, he refused to believe Ye Fei for the third time.

The golden Buddha opened his mouth in anger, and the billowing yellow dust turned into a layer of earth-yellow miasma, which quickly diffused around Ye Fei. Affected by the miasma, the bone demons who were still in the distance, a strange green fire appeared in the hole, murderous-looking rushed towards Ye Fei.

This time, there is no show mercy of any bone demon, 36 skull demon, have not yet approached, the skeleton has begun to swell and shatter, and it will take a self-destruction posture at any time.

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