Ye Fei’s face turned pale in shock. With so many bone demons taking self-destruction together, no matter how strong his defense in the Tai Chi domain is, the skeleton doesn’t exist.

“The devil, this is what you forced! Rather than being killed by the devil, it is better to be hacked to death by Heavenly Tribulation, devil, I want to see, are you afraid of Heavenly Tribulation! Heavenly Tribulation, give me Appear!”

Understanding that this demon is determined to kill himself, Ye Fei’s eyes are red, and he simply doesn’t stop doing it. You have a bone demon, and I also have Heavenly Tribulation, one sentence Then ask if you are afraid!

“Fight, whoever is more fierce, who is more cruel!” Ye Fei thought that as soon as he entered the dragon head realm, he was so bad luck that he was either chased by the ruined gold or threatened by the devil. I had been suffocated a long time ago, and all broke out at this time. The suppression of the nine changes of the true spirit was lifted, and anger exploded.

He simply sat down again, and immediately began to break through War God on the 7th floor, only listening to within the body a loud explosion sound, it’s a difference of only one level paper can break through 7-Layer War God said, at this time, the breakthrough finally reached the 7th floor, giving Ye Fei the ability to fight across seven levels.

At the same time, within the body of Ye Fei, there is a purple-golden god and demon, which looks like Ye Fei. This god and demon raised his sword to the sky and let out a silent roar. The sword light on his body was torn apart and destroyed Heavenly Dao.


In an instant, Heavenly Dao was furious. Without the suppression of the nine changes of the true spirit, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at Ye Fei indifferently.

At this moment. The entire mysterious island suddenly became calm and tranquil, silent, and in this incomparable silence, there was a group of terrifying purple thunderclouds slowly forming above the empty door above Ye Fei and the Golden Buddha.

“Heavenly Tribulation, that is the real Heavenly Tribulation, this kid is a monster, Martial Saint 7th Layer, he actually attracted Heavenly Tribulation!”

The golden Buddha tone is rare With a trace of trembling, Golden’s Buddha face turned into iron azure. Then, he remembered something, and quickly moved towards Ye Fei begged: “Don’t, don’t lower Heavenly Tribulation, kid, Ben I’m scared, I’m really scared, I’ll send you away, and you will stop the catastrophe!”

“hmph, now you know the feared right?, send me Young Master early, hello and me too Ok.” Ye Fei refreshed, and finally relaxed in his heart. If this demon is not afraid of Heavenly Tribulation, he can only brace oneself and use Heavenly Tribulation to fight the demon.

Fortunately, Heavenly Tribulation is the nemesis of the devil. Seeing that the golden Buddha is softened, Ye Fei dare not really survive the calamity. He can only quickly run the real spirit nine changes, trying to hide his breath again. Not to Heavenly Dao to find out.

But soon, Ye Fei extreme joy turns to sorrow. It is very tragic to discover that Dutiandi Zun’s true spirit turns to sorrow, and there are loopholes. Then true spirit turns to sorrow, and can only successfully hide once. , That is to say, once he is lifted, it is impossible to hide the second time.

“Du Tian Di Zun, you used to pit me miserably this time!” Ye Fei raised his head and looked at the robbery cloud that was still forming in the sky. He suddenly showed grief and anger. This time, he wondered if There seems to be no other way.

Then Ye Fei felt a breath of Heavenly Dao, enveloped the entire palace. The strong pressure immediately caused Ye Fei to vomit blood, and the whole person was lying on the ground and crawling does not raise.


Suddenly a broken piece of gold fell in front of Ye Fei. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the nose of the golden Buddha was cracked, and it happened to be rolled down by Heavenly Dao’s imposing manner.

The golden Buddha’s huge eyes, and even the anger, burst out of the yellow pillar of fire: “Madman, you lunatic who kills a thousand knives, this seat encounters you, it’s a sin, go away, you Get out of this Majesty’s palace immediately, I never want to see you again!” In the eyes of the Golden Buddha, Ye Fei is undoubtedly a super great plague god, and he simply let go of the restrictions, thinking Before Heavenly Tribulation has fallen, let Ye Fei get out.

I was not lighted by Dutiandi Zun. Ye Fei became angry when he heard these words. He jumped up and cursed back: “Devil, if you didn’t push people too much, I would Adventures provoke Heavenly Tribulation. Today, I just said, let’s live together and die together!”

He is not stupid, facing Heavenly Tribulation alone, flying ash annihilation every minute, anyway, Heavenly Tribulation is not acceptable Avoid it, then simply pull people out. It’s good to succeed, but not to be alone.

The golden Buddha is hearing this furious, the fire pillar of the Buddha’s eyes has all turned into substance, fiercely gouged out to Ye Fei, “Boy, you are so insidious, I actually want to pull people out!”


hong long!

The roar of the Golden Buddha was submerged in the vast Heavenly Might, and the cloud of the sky completely enveloped the palace. Because here besides Ye Fei and Golden Buddha, there are several Hundreds of bone demons accompanied the disaster, and Heavenly Dao was naturally included in the list of the disaster.

When the first Heavenly Dao Tribulation falls, there are hundreds of purple thunderbolts, with Destruction Strength, to smash everything and obliterate all those who dare to challenge the majesty of Heavenly Dao.

The bone demon present was instantly annihilated, and the scum bombed by the sky thunder was not left behind, so it was even more impossible to integrate into the yellow dust and resurrected.

Seeing this scene, the golden Buddha’s aura is about to ascend to heaven on the spot. You know, these bone demons, but he tens of thousands of years’ hard work, will be the only trump card for getting out of trouble in the future. As a result, Ye Fei, a Heavenly Dao Tribulation, made all the bone demons dead and clean.

The angry golden Buddha, regardless of Heavenly Tribulation, suddenly raised its huge palms, like five The huge mountain will smash Ye Fei to pieces.

But at this moment, all around in the sky, Sanskrit masterpiece, countless golden chains, trapped the hands and feet of the Golden Buddha, making him furious: “Damn thief, bald donkey, this seat This time it’s not to do evil, but to get rid of a scourge. Let me go, this seat is too miserable by him.”

“You miserable, am I not miserable, it should be me who was killed by you It’s horrible!” Ye Fei twitched his lips, saw a Heavenly Dao Tribulation, and chopped all the bone demons to death, and looked at the thick and thick purple Jieyun, Ye Fei suddenly had a kind of bode ill rather than well a feeling of.

As the Golden Buddha was trapped by the chain, Ye Fei rushed to the gate of the Gate of Hell and hid as quickly as possible. It just so happened that the range of the gate was just on the high platform. At the bottom of the Golden Buddha,

In other words, when Heavenly Tribulation falls, the first thing that suffers is definitely not Ye Fei, but the tall Golden Buddha above, which also made Ye Fei experience a big tree. It feels so cool underneath.

And the golden Buddha who discovered Ye Fei’s attempt, suddenly became angry with the golden body, roaring furiously, and slapped Ye Fei to death with a palm, but did not wait for the golden Buddha to do so,

Boom ka!

The sky trembles, and the cloud of Purple Gold has erupted. Second Wave Thunder Tribulation has erupted. This time, there are thousands of buckets thick Purple Thunder Tribulation. Down. But because Ye Fei was hiding in the door frame under the high platform, the golden Buddha was trapped by the chain again, unable to move.

So, the Thunder Tribulation that was originally hit at Ye Fei, at this time, it also hit the Golden Buddha’s body.

Chapter 1225 Gate of Hell

Chapter 1225 Gate of Hell

Thousands of Thunder Tribulations have fallen together. How terrifying is the scene?

Flickering thunder and lightning everywhere, dazzling rays of light, turned the entire ancient temple into a purple world, even if it is hiding under the door frame, Ye Fei’s body, the hair is rooted down. Standing up, it was as hard as a broomstick, and the terrifying Heavenly Might made him wa’ed, spouting a mouthful of blood, and lay on the ground again.

This is Heavenly Might. Ye Fei can’t resist even the breath of Heavenly Tribulation. Ye Fei can only be injured. Instead, facing thousands of Golden Buddhas of Thunder Tribulation, he suffered a miserable encounter. And know.

Ye Fei didn’t even have time to look up, he heard a huge explosion of lightning and thunder on the high platform, as if the world was destroyed.

The high platform where the Golden Buddha was sitting cross-legged has already banged, all split up and in pieces, all around Sanskrit masterpiece, countless iron chains, dancing, trying to entangle the Golden Buddha and prevent Thunder Tribulation The destruction of the high platform, but the Heavenly Tribulation triggered by Ye Fei this time is too terrifying.

This is also the fourth time that Ye Fei has integrated the power of despair. Most of the other martial artists who have embarked on the path of despair, merged twice and three times, and were directly hacked to death by Heavenly Tribulation. Ye Fei has been fused four times, so Heavenly Might’s offending action, so that Heavenly Dao can’t tolerate it.

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