The sun refines the sun god, the bright moon shines on the ghost!

Ye Fei solemn appearance, sitting cross-legged in the void, suddenly, he pointed his hand to the sky, a Tianlong, under his guidance, turned into a Tianlong golden body, solemn and solemn, entrenched behind Ye Fei.

Then, the second and third, the dragons roared and leaped, turning into eight streams of light in total, pouring into Ye Fei’s mind, and then emerging behind Ye Fei.


Eight roars came out from Ye Fei’s mouth, with undulations, ups and downs, Heavenly Dragon’s Octave, eight golden bodies!

“Golden body, give me suppression!” Ye Fei opened his mouth again. Behind him, eight golden dragons roared together and uttered eight different syllables, each with Supreme formidable. power, like the divine sound of the beginning of heaven and earth, resounding through the void.

The magical nature of Ye Fei within the body was immediately suppressed and turned into a Black Lotus, silent in Ye Fei’s dantian, but when Ye Fei prepared to go further and completely destroy this Black Lotus At that time, Black Lotus was indifferent.

“Damn, the blood of this Demon God is too strong. Even with eight Tianlong golden bodies, you can only suppress it. If you want to refining it, you still need to find another way.” Ye Fei’s face was very depressed. .

What’s even more depressing is that Ye Fei suddenly saw eight dragons behind Ye Fei, boring grass playing by herself, and suddenly discovered a new toy. She immediately rode on the neck of a heavenly dragon. , Screaming, and waving the vine whip, making the appearance of riding a horse.

Ye Fei even has the heart to vomit blood. You know, Dragon Tortoise is the one who is often ridden by the grass. Of course, things about Xiaocao can be put aside, but Black Lotus is entrenched in dantian, always a thorn, which makes Ye Fei very uncomfortable.

“No, you have to refining this Black Lotus, otherwise, this thing is likely to become a hidden danger. By the way, how did I forget that thing.”

Suddenly Slapped his head, Ye Fei took out eight dragon balls from the space belt again, all of which he cheated from the golden Buddha. He thought it was useless, but listening to the meaning of the golden Buddha, refining a dragon ball can get you A Profound Truth.

“The eight dragon balls are all vomited by the golden Buddha from the eight heavenly dragons. There should be no problem with the origin. I can try to use these eight dragon balls to continue to improve the eight heavenly dragons. The formidable power.”

Just do it when you think about it, Ye Fei thought, and the eight dragons behind him opened their mouths at the same time, one dragon and one bite, and swallowed eight dragon balls, so that the golden Buddha would even be doing tricks on the dragon balls. , Also hurt, only the Tianlong golden body, not Ye Fei’s body.

And Buddhism Golden Body is the same as the realm, even if it is broken, it can be reunited, and Ye Fei doesn’t need to feel distressed. On the contrary, after Tianlong swallowed the eight dragon balls, a huge power of thought suddenly caused the eight Golden Dragons behind Ye Fei to increase from more than three meters to the height of ten meters. The little one sitting on the dragon’s head Grass, and even more happy eyes are crescent.

The benefits of Dragon Ball are more than that.

Ye Fei tried to use the Tianlong golden body to refining the eight dragon balls. Suddenly, Ye Fei’s mind had eight senses of Profound Truth.

Golden Dragon Profound Truth, Wood Dragon Profound Truth, Water Dragon Profound Truth, Fire Dragon Profound Truth, Stone Dragon Profound Truth, Light Dragon Profound Truth, Dark Dragon Profound Truth, Demon Dragon Profound Truth!

Eight dragons, one dragon and one kind of Profound Truth!

“The Golden Buddha didn’t tell lies. Eight dragon balls actually gave me eight types of Profound Truth. If I now combine these eight types of Profound Truth with the Tai Chi field, then my There are not eleven Profound Truths in the Tai Chi field. There are four more Profound Truths than Jin’s defeated kid!”

Ye Fei’s excited body began to tremble. It’s not easy, he Finally, I was able to meet a big fortuitous encounter like a martial artist like Zhao Yu!

Then Ye Fei couldn’t help but want to laugh three times upright: “Jin is broken, I finally caught up with you, there is hope for revenge!”

He didn’t forget , Jin broke down that kid, but chased him down for three days and three nights, and forced him to escape into this ancient temple.

“Fortunately, I was lucky, and I almost lost my life here. Unfortunately, this Black Lotus has not been tempered!” There is joy and tragedy. Ye Fei is a tragic discovery, then Black Lotus , As if fuse together with him, no matter how refining can not get off.

After another month, Black Lotus still has no signs of being refining. Ye Fei has no choice but to give up the struggle and ends the cultivation speechlessly.

“Calculating the time, it has been almost a year since I came in. If the kid Jin Diai is patient, maybe he is also outside. After waiting for me for a year, my field has become stronger. , Gaining the golden body of the Heavenly Dragon again, it’s a good time to find this kid to settle accounts!”

First let Xiaocao return to the Beast Seal Space, and then Ye Fei stepped on a heavenly dragon and rushed out of the hell space. The big hole opened again, reappearing in the sky above the sea of ​​blood, and then immediately made a defensive posture to avoid the shabby kid hiding in the dark to shade him.

The result is a calm and tranquil sea of ​​blood. The place where Ye Fei appears is not the sky above the mysterious island, but a strange place.

“Fuck, the hell space came out, the location is random? So, if Jin Shafei is still stuck outside the mysterious island to ambush me, he hasn’t waited for a year? And he will continue to wait.

Thinking that Jin Shaopai might still be waiting for his appearance infatuously, Ye Fei’s face was suddenly full of weird colors.

Chapter 1230 Donkey

Chapter 1230 Donkey

Jin Shaopai is indeed very good at exploring the ancient vestige. He is waiting outside for this One year, I don’t waste time here, but sit directly outside the mysterious island, cultivated for a year, so that his Nine Heavens Heavenly Eye also brings it up a level.

The pupils of the original 7-Layer were already close to the pupils of the 8-Layer, which also made Jin’s broken eyes sharper.

He raised his eyes and looked towards the mysterious island in the distance, and he could already see the ancient temple on the island, as well as the declining prohibition in the ancient temple.

“It’s been a year, I have been waiting here for a year, and I finally waited for this damn island, the day when the prohibition is about to disappear, Ye Fei, this time I see where you hide!” Jin Shaopai stood up excitedly, a flame of anger erupted from his eight-colored pupils.

Azure-clothed Li and other Shenwu Saint Court’s disciplines also have ugly faces. If it weren’t for Ye Fei, how could they accompany Jin to ruin, here wind blowing and sun shining, this makes pampering, aloof How can they tolerate and remote.

Hearing that the prohibition has begun to weaken, azure-clothed Li stepped forward and shouted eagerly: “Senior Brother Jin, we will join forces to kill him now and break that kid into pieces!”


The thought of Ye Fei hiding in there for a year, making them wait and stare for a full year, the disciples of Shenwu Saint Court became angry.

Jin Shaanxi also wanted to go in immediately, but out of caution, he still waved his hand proudly: “Don’t be impatient, the prohibition has not completely disappeared, and you need to prevent Ye Fei from using the prohibition. Yin us!”

“Then Senior Brother, what do you mean?” azure-clothed Li asked carefully.

“Wait another ten days! Ten days later, I will go in personally, anyway, he hides inside, never want to escape from my palm! Azure-clothed Li, you take the people, arrange us in advance Killing Formation also works. If Ye Fei dares to escape, you can use Killing Formation to trap him, and wait until I come to kill him!” If the ruined command of Jin is determined, this will make Shenwu Saint Court’s discipline, everyone Confidence greatly increased.

“hmph, Senior Brother Jin, don’t worry, in order to prevent Ye Fei from jumping the wall and escaping again, we have set up an inescapable net around the mysterious island. As long as Ye Fei dares to come out, I will start Ten Heavy Killing Formation, kill him!” azure-clothed Li proudly opened the mouth and said.

A disciple of Saint Court of Shenwu, hearing this is full of pain: “Two Senior Brothers and Ten Killing Formation are started together, and the Spirit Stone consumed is hundreds of millions!”

“The mouse is short-sighted! Then Ye Fei hid in the ancient temple for a year. I don’t know how many treasures he got. When we kill him, his head alone will be worth 100,000,000,000!” Jin is coldly snorted, which is why he does not hesitate to wind blowing and sun shining, we have to wait outside for a year.

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