First, Ye Fei completely angered him, and he must be killed quickly. Second, Ye Fei’s head is too valuable, with hundreds of billions of Spirit Stones, making Jin extremely jealous. Not to mention, killing Ye Fei can also recapture the treasure in that ancient temple.

With this feeling, in the next ten days, Jin and the others are all with great expectations and excitement, waiting until the moment when the prohibition of the ancient temple has completely disappeared.

“At any cost, immediately start Killing Formation. I expected that as soon as the prohibition disappears, Ye Fei will surely jump over the wall and rush out to break through!” Jin Depai suddenly got up and gave orders.

azure-clothed Li and the others immediately followed suit. They quickly stood in ten positions, like an iron bucket, enclosing the entire island, ensuring that no mosquito would fly out.

Then, Jin Shaopai exasperated and roared: “Ye Fei, look at where you are the mouse to escape, Jin Shaopai is here, don’t get out and die!”

, The trembling sea of ​​blood churned, the entire mysterious island was shaking non-stop, and Jin Rui was always ready to kill Ye Fei.

But a breath passed, a quarter of an hour passed, an hour passed.


The island did not respond. There were only a few evil trees. They slowly ran out of the island. Their mouths were still humming, “Little stupid donkey, big stupid donkey, and a bunch of old bald Donkey…”

Azure-clothed Li’s face was suddenly green.

The golden ruined Nine Heavens Heavenly Eye, even more dazzling rays of light, fiercely, looked at the entire mysterious island, inside and out, no less than ten times.

“Two Senior Brothers, then Ye Fei, shouldn’t they run ahead of time?” There is a discipline that runs Formation, cautiously. It’s okay if he didn’t say it, just after he finished speaking, Jin Shaopai already roared. Then, azure-clothed Li also roared furiously, and the evil trees that were scared ran away, and while running, they shouted together.

“Not good, the stupid donkey outside is angry. Go to the temple and look for the old bald donkeys. No, the old bald donkeys are dead. The Great Demon who broke into the inside is too early I just ran away…”

The mouth of the evil tree was really big. At this time, even the dullest discipline also reacted. The stupid donkey in the mouth of the evil tree was them, and that The Great Demon who ran away was probably Ye Fei. Otherwise, the two Senior Brothers would not roar in anger.

There is also a disciple who opened his mind and was shocked: “Is there a back door on this island, Ye Fei secretly left through the back door, we don’t know, but waited here for a year?”


The discipline hasn’t been finished yet, the furious Jin Shao has already slapped it in the face, shouted angrily: “What do you mean, you can hear me clearly, We didn’t wait here, but had a fight, and we were run away by Ye Fei!”

Jin will never admit that he is defeated. He has been waiting here for a year. If it is spread out , The top ten expert of his dignified Heavenly Grade, he has been tricked for a year, and he will definitely become the laughing stock of Saint Court.

Azure-clothed Li, who stood by, trembled with even more angry lips, just constantly cursing: “shameless, shameless, too shameless. He ran away without saying hello. Actually let us wait here!” You know, that was a full year.

Since joining Shenwu Saint Court, Jin Shalui and azure-clothed Li have never been teased like this before. They are all angry, and the other Saint Court disciple’s eyes are also red with anger.

Under his anger, Jin Dilui gave me a direct order: “Destroy this island for me, and then everyone, at all costs, look for Ye Fei, I swear by Jin Dilui, I will personally take this person Bone and ashes!”


The voice fell, ten Killing Formation, all broke out, in an instant, let this island, all split up and in pieces, slowly Sank into a sea of ​​blood, but this still couldn’t calm the anger of Shenwu Saint Court disciples.

“Goddamn Ye Fei, find him!”

“Ye Fei, you are so kind!”

“I will see you from True Martial Saint Court in the future Disciple, you’re welcome, you’ll lose your bones and ashes, don’t keep one!”

“Senior Brother Jin, this Ye Fei made us wait for a year. Do you think he will escape the bleeding sea ahead of time? Leaving the Dragon Head Realm?” azure-clothed Li fiercely worried.

“Impossible, my Nine Heavens Heavenly Eye saw that there is still his residual aura in the ancient temple. It shouldn’t be long before he has escaped. He should immediately send an order so that we are still in the discipline of the city wall and blocked There, as long as Ye Fei wants to leave the sea of ​​blood, he has to pass, this time, I must discard waste this day and look good!”

Jin Shaanxi is very sensible, if not for his face green and black , Black and green, no one would have thought of how angry his heart was at this time.

Chapter 1231 Old Monster

Chapter 1231 Old Monster

The sea of ​​blood is very big, the vastness is like the real ocean, I don’t know if it is an illusion , Flying in a sea of ​​blood, Ye Fei actually felt the Black Lotus entrenched within the body, and it even felt moisturized.

“Can the breath of the sea of ​​blood make Black Lotus grow?” Ye Fei was a little worried, and made up his mind. Once he found Zhao Qianjun and Dragon Tortoise, he must leave the sea of ​​blood and not give Black There is a chance for Lotus to grow, and only if he goes outside can he destroy the strange Black Lotus within the body.

“By the way, Xiaocao, have you found the trace of Dragon Tortoise?” Ye Fei turned his head again and asked Xiaocao riding on the dragon.

Since discovering Ye Fei’s golden body of Tianlong, Xiaocao seems to have discovered a new toy. When there is no one, he ran out and rode Tianlong as a wooden horse. Ye Fei was very depressed about it, but Xiaocao The grass is not tired, and he has no reason to object, and he can only hope that Dragon Tortoise will come back soon.

Otherwise, he can’t always run around with the golden body of eight dragons. “That would be too ostentatious, and it does not conform to my humble and low-key personality.”

Of course, that’s what I said, but since Ye Fei followed the eight writhing golden dragons behind Ye Fei, the demonic beast lurking in the sea of ​​blood, he no longer dared to trouble Ye Fei, even though these demonic beasts clearly sensed the grass Heaven and The breath of Earth Spirit Object did not dare to approach the 1000 meters range around Ye Fei.

Ye Fei only then dared to let the grass out to play. He found that the Buddhist Golden Body seemed to have a certain deterrent effect on the demonic beast.

When Ye Fei was on the way, Xiaocao stood on the dragon head of a heavenly dragon, and the remaining seven heavenly dragons entrenched all around, protecting Xiaocao.

Suddenly, Xiaocao opened his eyes on the dragon’s head. Ye Fei felt a little bit, and immediately raised her head in surprise: “Xiaocao, did you find Dragon Tortoise?”

Xiaocao shook her head, and made a gesture of “咿咿”, indicating that she has not found Dragon Tortoise left. The monster qi who dropped down instead found the Spiritual Qi emanating from the battle in the distance.

After making the gesture, Xiaocao consciously jumped onto Ye Fei’s shoulder and returned to the beast seal space. Ye Fei also hurriedly converged to the golden body, rushed to the high clouds, and quietly approached the direction of the battle.

“The sea of ​​blood is vast, and I and Xiaocao are looking for it. It is still too time-consuming. If we can find demons and get a map of the sea of ​​blood, it will be much easier.”

Ye Fei pondered secretly, and then he saw a fierce fight on the sea of ​​blood in the distance. It was a normal evil fight.

There are demons on both sides, fighting against each other, not for treasure, that is to have enemies with each other, Ye Fei is surprised that one of the parties killed is actually a guardian of Blood Demon Religion, his There are two ordinary Martial Saint demons beside him.

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