One person, scared two thousand demons, did not dare to make a move. The two Martial Sovereigns frightened did not dare to make a move. They could only use strong means to send out half of the cannon fodder. The power of Zhao Qianjun.

“This is the real man, and this is my good man in the Northern Territory!”

Seeing the corpse all over the floor, and among the corpses, one person one sword, facing the demons Ye Fei can’t help but roar. That’s the blood of a man, and that’s the heroic song!

“Junior Brother!” Zhao Qianjun turned his head in surprise, his bloodthirsty eyes, rarely showing a touch of warmth.

“Senior Brother!” Ye Fei laughed and cheered. He suddenly rushed to the mountain, and the demons blocking the road all felt a hurricane and turned their blows.

“Ye Fei, you are Ye Fei!”

“The True Martial Saint Court disciple offering a reward of 100 billion Spirit Stones?”

Two Martial Sovereigns , Are all a little shocked, Zhao Qianjun is enough to be a lunatic. Is this Ye Fei also a lunatic? Faced with two thousand demons and Martial Sovereign was present, he didn’t run away, but broke in to die?

“Yes, I am Ye Fei!”

Ignoring all around murderous aura, Ye Fei rushed up the mountain step by step, and first respectfully bowed his hand to Zhao Qianjun:” Senior Brother, I’m late, leave these two Martial Sovereigns to me, and leave the rest to you. Today, our two brothers will join forces to kill you!”

“hahaha, Junior Brother, good Yaxing, how can Brother Yu not be with you! Okay, Martial Sovereign will give you, and I will kill the others!” For Ye Fei’s crazy behavior, Zhao Qianjun was not only not afraid, but also excitedly dancing. Then, he complexion turned cold, killing instantly To the dozen or so half emperors.


Zhao Qianjun roared, with Ye Fei to block the most feared Martial Sovereign, Zhao Qianjun finally burst out his full power, one after another Profound Truth, like a meteor, rushed out from his within the body “Junior Brother, look good, this is Brother Yu’s sword! Seven evil swords!”


With Zhao Qianjun’s sword swing, between Heaven and Earth, resounding through seven The terrifying sword sound, Zhao Qianjun, turned his Profound Truth into a sword. Seven Profound Truths are seven different evil swords of heaven and earth.

Ye Fei was surprised to find that Zhao Qianjun actually mastered seven types of Profound Truth just like Jin Shaobai. No wonder he was able to fight against gold and ruined even if he had no field. At that time, the two demons Martial Sovereign who frightened him were both endlessly afraid.

“This is the real genius, the evil spirits are unparalleled!” Ye Fei was amazed and sincerely admired the Senior Brother who walked the demonic path.

Facing the seven evil spirits and half emperors of the seven evil swords, it is extremely fearful. They have launched the strongest martial arts to resist the terrifying evil sword, but the evil sword’s trajectory Too tricky. Many of these ordinary demons and half emperors did not even understand the Profound Truth, how could they be opponents of the Seven Evil Swords.

Zhao Qianjun, also let Ye Fei see another sword dao for the first time, evil sword dao, this kind of sword dao pays attention to cruelty, poison and evil!

The seven half-emperors, obviously joined hands, felt that they had successfully blocked the seven evil swords, but the seven evil swords, at the moment they were blocked, the sword energy suddenly turned into a fog. In the gap, pierced into the gap, like seven soft black ribbons, piercing the seven people’s heads.


The Seven Evil Swords succeeded, Zhao Qianjun’s eyes showed fierce light, and through the Seven Evil Swords, he used the Devouring Magic Technique to directly take the seven people All plundered and strengthened oneself, vividly and thoroughly showed Ye Fei what is evil and what is evil.

“Evil demon, when plundering the sky, plundering the ground, plundering people, Junior Brother, look forward to it, Brother Yu second sword, a thousand Mortal Kills! Thousands of Mortal Kills! Kill the heavens and kill Yellow Springs!”


Chapter 1235 Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1235 Martial Sovereign

“Not good, that is the strongest Mortal Kills of Demon Sword Saint! “

“Zhao Qianjun, let’s fight with you!”

Seven half-emperors died under the seven evil swords, and the remaining half-evil demons never dare to have any more Keep, they unite and each use their strongest martial arts.

The fierce Martial Dao’s momentum, with the evil light that destroys everything, slashed to Zhao Qianjun. Several of the half emperors unexpectedly reached the limit at a critical moment, breaking through, and displayed Profound Truth. Those demons and half emperors immediately showed ecstasy. They were confident that if so many people joined forces at the same time, they would definitely be able to block Zhao Qianjun’s attack, and they might even join forces to carry out an anti-kill.


Zhao Qianjun is as cold as a devil, with a huge evil sword running across the sky. He finally cut out his second sword, an amazing evil sword, slashing this world horizontally, slaughtering the sky, and smashing Yellow Springs. Listen to a loud explosion sound, this world, no longer exists, only Zhao Qianjun’s evil sword, constantly splitting, one sword, ten swords, one hundred swords, one thousand swords!

Thousands of swords and demons!

Crazy sword energy pierced through the bodies of a dozen demons and half emperors, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, dividing them into chaotic corpses, the roar of hundreds of army souls, It came out from the evil sword. Any demon who approaches, hears this sound, the head bursts on the spot, violent death.

This is Zhao Qianjun’s sword. As soon as the evil sword comes out, millions of corpses are buried, leaving only a rugged Bloody Path.

This scene also stimulated the two demons Martial Sovereign and madly angry. They knew that their plan failed and did not drag Zhao Qianjun to death. Not to mention, they also attracted Ye Fei, a powerful enemy. .

“Now our only chance of winning is to take advantage of Zhao Qianjun’s failure to make a move, and join forces to kill Ye Fei, and not give Zhao Qianjun a chance to comeback!”

Old Demon of Demon Sect on the left , Spoke indifferently, from the beginning to the end, he was only afraid of Zhao Qianjun, the younger of the evil demon, and he didn’t look at Ye Fei.


The Old Demon of Heavenly Demon Sect on the right is even more straightforward. As Ye Fei turned his head and watched Zhao Qianjun’s evil sword dao, he had already made a sudden move. The pitch-black palm, with the power of Martial Sovereign, is like a black magic star, cruelly crushed towards Ye Fei.

That is Heavenly Devil Sect’s strongest heavenly demon Star Fragmentation hand, cultivation to the limit, you can use your bare hands, fan Star Fragmentation Chen!


The Yin Demon Sect Old Demon on the left was a bit slower, but it turned out to be the first to come. He both hands forming seals and chanted incantation, In the sky above the three of them, a black stone gate appeared, and an ancient yin monarch, wearing heaven and earth, roared out of the stone gate.

In the hands of Mr. Yin, he also held a black flag, which unfolded with the wind, and turned into a horrible ghost cloud, swallowing Ye Fei in one mouthful.

“He is dead?” Hongyu stood in the distance, watching this scene in horror, when she hadn’t come back to his senses from the horror of Ye Fei being swallowed.

In the vast darkness, a light suddenly appeared, and then the light turned into a torch and a shining star.

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