Ye Fei was swallowed by the flag, but at the moment of being swallowed, he had already waved a fist of life-and-death fight, a punch, and shattered the boundless darkness into a purple-golden Sky.

“The martial arts of the evil demon is really weird, but this is not enough…receive my sword, Taiji Sword!”

Out of the darkness, Ye Fei has already swiped the Spirit Sword quickly and cut out The terrifying Purple Gold sword glow instantly cuts Yin Jun together with the flag into two.


Ye Fei’s free left hand condensed Purple Gold fist, once again punched the strongest fist of life and death, the purple-golden Iron Fist collided with the magic star, and exuded the power, the island below, Du Zhen’s four or five splits, I don’t know how many demons were shaken to death in this battle.

But without waiting for the remaining demons to retreat, in the sky, there were two horrible explosions in succession. First, the flying magic star was crushed by Ye Fei’s punch. Then, it was the dark stone gate suspended in the sky, which was smashed by Ye Fei sword light.

“Ah! Destroy my Yin Jun stone gate, I Yin Demon Sect, I must kill you!” Old Demon of Yin Demon Sect was furious, he didn’t expect Ye Fei to be so strong. .

“This kid, he really only has Martial Saint 7th Layer?” He simply didn’t see Ye Fei’s Heavenly Devil Sect Old Demon, and took a breath, and broke the magic star with his bare hands. The terrifying Strength of Fleshly Body?

Then, in the eyes of these two demons Martial Sovereign, even more tragic murderous intention broke out. Now that Ye Fei has been offended, we can only cut weeds and eliminate the roots!

“Heavenly demon stars!” Heavenly Devil Sect’s Old Demon demonic energy is monstrous. This time, both of his hands came out together, and in one breath, he shot ten magic stars in a row and smashed them at Ye Fei.

“The ancestor will tear you apart!” Old Demon of Yin Demon Sect was even more furious. He slapped his forehead, and quickly drilled out a taller Yin Monarch Divine Soul, holding a spear. , With the roar of Old Demon below, the Yin Lord became even more violent, and countless spears turned into a black rainstorm and stab Ye Fei.

Under the offensive of the two Martial Sovereigns, the void was beaten into nothingness, and in this piece of nothingness, Ye Fei’s body was tall and straight. He stepped heavy steps. Like the ancient gods and demons, walking in the void, the black rainstorm, the terrifying magic star, before they got close to Ye Fei, they were bounced away by the rotating Purple Gold Tai Chi all around.

“This is Martial Sovereign? This is your strength, you guys, I’m so disappointed!” Ye Fei coldly shook his head, and then raised the Spirit Sword, the howling sword light, like a hurricane , Roaring at his all around, Ye Fei slashed forward, cutting out the emptiness of all around into deep rifts.

“Isn’t True Martial Saint Court declining? Isn’t this kid only Martial Saint 7th Layer, his attack and defense are even more terrifying than our Martial Sovereign?”

The two demons, Martial Sovereign, both watched with horror. They suddenly regretted that they didn’t take Ye Fei seriously. It was not until Ye Fei showed their strength that they were horrified to find that they were not facing a common Saint Court who had fallen. disciple, but a terrifying existence comparable to Holy Son.

“Don’t keep your hands, fight with him, the ancestors won’t believe…”


Yin Demon Sect Old Demon never finished , He felt that a huge Taiji Sword picture slammed on him quickly, and the body of the demon Martial Sovereign exploded instantly, exploding into broken flesh and blood, and the blood dyed Taiji was red.

“The domain, or the domain of eleven layers Profound Truth? True Martial Saint Court disciple, so terrifying?” The backward Heavenly Devil Sect Old Demon saw Ye Fei’s body with his own eyes, and eleven appeared The breath of Profound Truth, which made him, who has only one heavenly demon Profound Truth so far, scared the soul flew away and scattered, regardless of his Martial Sovereign respect, turning around and fleeing frantically.


Instantly kill a Martial Sovereign, Ye Fei’s confidence, unprecedented increase, an invincible belief, stimulated him to roar to the sky, spit out the killing words, Both formed a terrifying sound wave of murder, and the stunned Heavenly Devil Sect Old Demon vomited blood, and his eyes flashed with horror and hideousness.

“Since you can’t escape, the old man will be perish together with you!” Heavenly Devil Sect’s Old Demon is really ruthless. Perceiving Ye Fei’s approach, he suddenly turned around with a grim look, without the slightest Hesitation prepares Self-destruction to scare away Ye Fei. For this, Ye Fei is just sneaked.

Ignoring the Self-destruction of Martial Sovereign, Ye Fei carried the Spirit Sword and rushed up, and before Old Demon Self-destruction, he cut off the head of this Martial Sovereign with a sword.

“Martial Sovereign, just this, who would dare to fight with me!” Ye Fei was covered in blood, holding Martial Sovereign’s head in one hand, directly in front of the group of demons.

Chapter 1236 Cannibalism

Chapter 1236 Cannibalism

This scene also scares the demons absolute silence.

The disciplines from Heavenly Devil Sect and Yin Demon Sect are even more frightened and dare not breathe. They just look at the head raised high by Ye Fei with extremely frightened eyes. That is Heavenly Devil Sect Old Demon, the head of the deadly head, and even the head of Martial Sovereign!

Due to the joint suppression of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family and the four Saint Courts, in the dragon head world, there is no quasi-emperor, only Martial Sovereign.

Martial Sovereign is the absolute master here. If anyone can kill Martial Sovereign, in the eyes of the demons, it is tantamount to a god-slaughtering existence. What’s more terrifying is that Ye Fei is not a slaughter. One, still killing two Martial Sovereigns in a row. Still kill one person with one sword!

So, when Ye Fei threw Martial Sovereign’s head down in an invincible posture, the demons horrified and retreated madly. Even the discipline of Heavenly Devil Sect was the same. No one thought of revenge. , There is only one thing in everyone’s mind, and that is how to survive this battle. Many people are even more frightened, and their hearts collapse and cry.

“Evil demons, they are the real demons. Zhao Qianjun is the evil king, and Ye Fei is the Demon King!”

“Two adults, forgive me! We are willing to surrender, we are willing Swear allegiance to you!”

Zhao Qianjun is strong and kills all the half emperors. Ye Fei was even more terrifying to two swords. After slashing the godlike Martial Sovereign, many demons collapsed.

In addition to the disciplines of Yin Demon Sect and Heavenly Devil Sect, who are still standing together in surprise, many weak demons of other sects have already prepared to surrender to Zhao Qianjun.

Ye Fei is very surprised about this, but he is not a murderer. There are more than two thousand demons here. If they are really pressed, crazy ants may kill the elephant. .

This is also the reason why the two demons Martial Sovereign did not force all demons to attack Zhao Qianjun. One was that they knew they were terrified, and the other was that they were afraid of causing public outrage and accidents.

“Senior Brother, these demons, whether to kill or stay, you decide.” Ye Fei looked towards Zhao Qianjun, he is not a cruel person, but these demons are easy to let go and too cheap for them Up.

“Junior Brother, these people, leave it to me! Everyone is demons, then we will use demons to solve it. I can let you go!”

Zhao Qianjun One sentence made many terrified demons see the hope of survival, but the next sentence, Zhao Qianjun made many people despair.

“But after all, you have besieged me. If you want to survive, you will kill the disciplines of Demon Sect and Heavenly Devil Sect here. This Zhao promises to let you leave safely. Don’t pursue it anymore!”


Zhao Qianjun’s words were undoubtedly a thunder, and the demons who were present were shocked. Ye Fei was also surprised, feeling that this would be too cruel. Up.

But not waiting for him to speak.

Zhao Qianjun has a deep sound transmission: “Junior Brother, Yin Demon Sect and Heavenly Devil Sect, are all the evil demon Great Influence in the dragon head world. You beheaded their Martial Sovereign, two sects disciple, already hated If you enter the bones, do not eradicate them, you will never have peace in the dragon head realm!”

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