The huge magical nature once again invaded Ye Fei’s mind. His eyes were red, and he suddenly raised the Spirit Sword with both hands, and slashed forward, actually using pure power to smash it. In the same way, he also decapitated the head of Jin’s run-down.

“Jin broke down and died, he, he also swallowed my demon Heavenly Dao Tribulation!” Chen Changkong’s legs suddenly began to tremble, even though he was half a Demon Race, he felt Ye Fei’s body After the eruption of demonic nature, he unexpectedly had a kind of awe and fear from the soul.

“This demon must invite Holy Son to kill this person!” Chen Changkong was so fierce, he made a decisive decision, turned around and left, regardless of the life or death of other people.

roar roar roar!

In the sky, suddenly there was a huge dragon roar, like the original sound of heaven and earth, mysterious, coercive, broken gods and demons, Buddha light illuminating everything.

The eight heavenly dragons actually came from the void this time. The huge dragon’s mouth opened at the same time, facing Ye Fei, facing Chen Changkong, and facing this world, and roared angrily.


Chen Changkong’s half-devil’s body became stiff again, before he came back to his senses, eight heavenly dragons, already swooping down, the powerful dragon body suppressed him.

Tianlong’s suppression finally made Ye Fei’s devilishness fade away. He secretly thought it was dangerous, but thinking of the scene where he was almost caught in the demon just now, he looked towards Chen Changkong’s eyes, and a flash of anger flashed. “You want to get me into a demon, you should kill!”

“Spare me, Ye Fei, you have offended Shenwu Saint Court and Tiance Saint Court. If you kill me again, you will offend the three at the same time. Saint Court, there is nowhere to go!” Chen Changkong was extremely frightened and wanted to survive, but he had forgotten at first, how dismissive of Ye Fei, he could only humiliate and beg for mercy.

“Ye Fei, don’t stop!”

The blood customs in the distance also rushed out three tyrannical half-emperor silhouettes, they were all wearing True Martial Saint Court The costume of the emperor, the head of a person named Zhou Ming, he is a member of the Saint Court Zhou Family, he also heard the Shenwu Saint Court behead the True Martial Saint Court disciple, came to mediate.

It’s just that Zhou Ming was a step late. When he came, there were already dead bodies in the blood customs. What made Zhou Ming most shocked was that in the corpse, he also saw Fengba knife and Jin Dilapidated bloody head. Zhou Ming almost fainted in shock, and then the look in his eyes looking towards Ye Fei had become angry.

Chapter 1244 Public Enemy of the Fourth House

Chapter 1244 Public Enemy of the Fourth House

“Nie barrier, Nie barrier, Ye Fei, if you do evil in Saint Court, forget it, you Entering the dragon head realm, you dare to get stronger?”

“Ye Fei, do you know what you have done, who is Jin Shaanxi, Shenwu Saint Court, the Direct Disciple of a certain dean! Dao, Tiance Saint Court, a child of Martial Sovereign! And Chen Changkong, Heavenly Dao Saint Court, the most potential and youngest Heavenly Grade disciple!”

“You scourge, you This time we have caused a terrible disaster. Do you know what a terrible disaster this will bring to True Martial Saint Court?”

The three emperors of True Martial Saint Court who came here Zhou Ming, who was headed by him, showed murderous intention. It is worth mentioning that he is still Zhou Buyu’s pro-Uncle. For Zhou Busu, he was sealed bloodline and relegated to handyman all his life. Fei is dissatisfied.

This time I saw Ye Fei’s devilish hair, killing so many disciples of the third court, he was even more angry with his eyes breathing fire, not even think, he has displayed the majesty of the emperor, not at all Asked the reason, and directly rebuked.

Ye Fei suddenly became hot, coldly snorted and said: “Before I came in, the three presidents once told me that the Dragon Head Realm must not be merciful, they kill me first, is it not allowed I fight back, but it’s the three of you, knowing that the Saint Court of Shenwu, beheading my discipline of True Martial Saint Court, but did not show up. Now you see me after the fight, and you only show up. What are you doing?”


Hearing this, the two emperors behind were all flushed. Indeed, when they heard Shenwu Saint Court beheading the True Martial Saint Court disciple everywhere, they were all scared I wanted to escape from the Dragon Head Realm, until I heard that all of this was caused by Ye Fei’s instigation of Jin’s ruin.

The three people changed their minds and discussed whether they could treat Ye Fei as an abandoned son, in exchange for gold. The other disciplines leave a way out to True Martial Saint Court, but the three didn’t expect that, Ye Fei was so sturdy and sturdy that, under the siege of the three Saint Courts, he killed Fengba Dao and Jin Shao.

Understand that if Ye Fei is allowed to continue to kill, maybe the three Saint Courts will be offended to death, or maybe the hatred of the third court will be drawn to their emperor. The three of them couldn’t sit still anymore, and jumped out quickly to prevent Ye Fei from making a big mistake.

At this time, the three of them would naturally not admit that they were worldly-wise and play safe. Zhou Ming was even more angry and cursed Ye Fei: “The evil spirit, the devil, don’t want to Nonsense, as the emperor of Saint Court, I will consider everything for the sake of Saint Court, Ye Fei, you have caused a disaster. As the Heavenly Grade Senior Brother, we will never allow you to impudent go down!”

“hmph , The so-called step back and broaden the sky, and further consigned to eternal damnation! Now, True Martial Saint Court is already in decline, we are concealing our capacities and biding our time, without fighting against the world, you are so evil, in Saint Court, you have no respect, in the dragon head realm , You hurt the assassin again, and you are more with the evil spirits. You are clearly trying to destroy the unity and harmony of our four Saint Courts!” One of the emperors rebuked.

Hearing this, Ye Fei couldn’t help but yelled angrily, beckoned, and sent the seven True Martial Saint Court disciple heads to the three of them.

“Yes, you repeat what you said just now. This is the unity and harmony you want? Others killed our discipline, and you didn’t say anything. When I killed other Saint Court’s disciplines, you ran out , Tell me this, you can see their eyes clearly, they are the souls of innocent death!”

The three Zhou Ming’s faces were pale and their eyes were ashamed, but they are also Heavenly Grade disciple, where Saint Court’s hope lies, is now publicly accused by an Earth Grade Junior Brother who still has no future at all. They all feel very shameless.

Zhou Ming was even more furious, and quickly cursed straightly: “Niezha, shut up! If you didn’t provoke Jin to ruin first, how could they die? Their deaths were caused by you! “

Another emperor stood up and said with sorrow: “Unfortunately, I, True Martial Saint Court, came out of your wicked obstacle! You clearly sabotaged our four great Saint Court same qi, connected branch, A good situation of unity and harmony!”

“Don’t talk too much with this evil, this person is very sinful, you must take it home and give it to the dean to send you back. You still don’t kneel down to get the decree, and then call yourself a cultivation base. Follow us back to the True Martial Saint Court, and wait for the dean’s response!” The last emperor is coldly snorted.

Then, arrogantly condensing the Heavenly Grade decree in the void, and ordered Ye Fei on the spot.

In this regard, Ye Fei heard that the blue veins on his forehead were jumping wildly, but before he was angry, Chen Changkong, suppressed by Tianlong, had already struggled angrily roared: “Zhou Ming. You True Martial Saint Court. It’s over, he humiliated us so much and killed so many of us. You don’t want to cover him!”

“Senior Brother Chen, don’t worry, we swear that we will definitely not cover up this evil obstacle, but catch him When he goes back, I also promise that our Highness Holy Son will definitely give you a satisfactory account on this matter.” After Zhou Ming finished speaking, he even bowed to the discipline of the third hospital with a sincere expression of apologize.

Ye Fei heart trembled, suddenly a little frustrated, “Finally understand why True Martial Saint Court has fallen so badly. It’s not that True Martial Saint Court martial arts is not strong, but too many of you. People are bullying and afraid of hardships. In the face of the weak, you will be stunned, and in the face of the powerhouse, you will only be slapped and cowardly like a chicken!”

“Don’t you hear that men are strong, men are fighting, men are killing ! The dignity of a man is killed with a single shot, rather than being handed over and being trampled on! You have to explain, and now, I will give you an explanation!” Ye Fei looked cold.


Sword light up, heads fall!

Chen Changkong’s hideous head has fallen into Ye Fei’s hands. His eyes went out of his sockets. He couldn’t believe it until he died, Ye Fei really dared to kill him.


This scene also made the three Saint Court’s disciplines all face fear. Chen Changkong is dead, Fengba Dao is dead, Jin Dilui is also dead, there is still who, Ye Fei dare not kill?

“True Martial Saint Court, you are finished, from now on, our three major Saint Courts are irreconcilable with you!” After the shock, all the three Saint Court’s disciplines ran away in panic, and even dared not look back. Look at Ye Fei more.

Zhou Ming and the three also stared blankly at the head in Ye Fei’s hands. They were shocked, and they were even more furious. Zhou Ming pointed at Ye Fei, and the murderous aura surged, “The devil, in front of us You dare to…”

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