Eight dragons!


The answer to Zhou Ming was eight angry dragons swooping down. The golden dragon tail, like a steel whip, was drawn fiercely on the three of them. Zhou Ming’s three vomited blood and were Tianlong suppressed instantly. In the end, they are just ordinary Heavenly Grade disciple. They have Profound Truth, but they can’t stop the unique Buddhist Golden Body like Eight Dragons.


Zhou Ming vomited blood, his arrogance subsided, and the eyes looking towards Ye Fei changed from anger to deep fear: “Domain, you actually have Two realms?”

“What, two realms, isn’t he a waste of waste, how could he be so strong?” The other suppressed emperor was very unwilling.

“Ye Fei, you are crazy. You are also the discipline of True Martial Saint Court. Killing us will not offend the three Saint Courts, but the public enemy of the four houses. Are you going to betray Saint Court? “The third emperor, with a violent expression, wanted to take out Saint Court to save his life.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but laughed: “What about the public enemy of the Fourth Court? What about betraying Saint Court, what about it, men should be self-reliant, and want me to be like yours. I would rather leave Saint Court.”

Chapter 1245 Blood Burial

Chapter 1245 Blood Burial

“From today, I, Ye Fei, will leave the True Martial Saint Court!”

Ye Fei’s words were loud and loud. Seeing Zhou Ming’s performance made him feel disappointed in True Martial Saint Court. The decline of True Martial Saint Court is not martial arts, but people’s hearts. But after all, he was a member of Saint Court, who also trained him.

Although he has left Saint Court, he can’t forget his roots. Therefore, Ye Fei resisted the killing intention. He did not kill Zhou Ming’s trio. He just used eight Tianlongs to suppress them stubbornly. Then, he waved his hand, and the seven deadly heads flew in front of him.

“You died because of the decline of Saint Court, and you died because of me. Now, I personally behead the ruined gold and the others, you can also look at it!”


It seems that after hearing Ye Fei’s words, those seven True Martial Saint Court disciple heads, at this moment, slowly closed their eyes, and the expression of resentment became calm.

“Red jade, raise the grave!” Ye Fei was instructed and nodded to the red jade not far away. Suddenly, he patted the blood sea with both hands, and the sea of ​​blood was rolling, separating from the two sides, revealing a shallow shoal.


Hongyu clapped his hands again, took the shallows in the air, and photographed a deep red cave. This is the special funeral of the dragon head realm, blood burial!

“Soul! Burial!”

Ye Fei stretched out his voice, he step by step, walked to the ford, buried seven heads in the cave, and he waved , The severed sword stele flew over and plunged into the ground, forming a tombstone with no words, “I don’t know your name, all I can do is use the head of the enemy chief to pay tribute to your heroic spirit!


He took one step into the air and walked to the top of the sword monument. Then, on the sword monument with his own hands, he inserted three hideous and fearful heads.

Jin is ruined, Chen Changkong, Fengba Dao!

“Kneel down!”

Tianlong moved, grabbed the three of Zhou Ming, and came to the sword monument, pressed the dragon claw, and instantly pushed the three of Zhou Ming to kneel down. In front of the sword monument.

“Ye Fei, you must not die!”

“Skills can be killed, not insulted, some kind will kill us!”

“Devil, demon Head, betray Saint Court, sooner or later you will be broken into pieces!” Thinking that death is approaching, Zhou Ming and the three yelled at them to conceal their fears.

“Relax, I will not kill you, but you must atone for your own faults to these dead people! If you are willing to take action, they will definitely not die miserably!”

No matter how arrogant the Shenwu Saint Court is, it is also impossible to kill the Heavenly Grade disciple of True Martial Saint Court at will. Every Heavenly Grade disciple has the opportunity of breakthrough Martial Sovereign. It is also the four major Saint Courts, the object of full training, any one is Beheaded, both sides will become mortal enemies.

But Zhou Ming and the trio knew this, but because of cowardice, be worldly-wise and play safe, they couldn’t save themselves. Judging from the love of True Martial Saint Court, Ye Fei will not kill them, but the death penalty can be avoided, and the living sin cannot escape.

So Ye Fei decided to let them repent, even if it was only a formal confession.

“from now on, I don’t owe True Martial Saint Court!” Forgiving Zhou Ming’s trio is already his biggest bottom line. Of course, for Ye Fei’s kindness, Zhou Ming’s trio will never be grateful , But furious.

Who are they, Heavenly Grade disciple of True Martial Saint Court, Ye Fei actually let them kneel down to a group of dead people!

They would never admit that it was their cowardice that killed these people.

But what kept them from cursing was the one after another head that fell afterwards. These were all heads from Shenwu Saint Court, Heavenly Dao Saint Court, and Heavenly Dao Saint Court third courtyard discipline.

It was Zhao Qianjun. When Ye Fei held a blood burial, he personally took action and beheaded all the escaped disciples of the third courtyard. “The heroes are hidden in the sea of ​​blood, and the spirits of the Beijing are broken!”

Three Saint Courts, just stacked three people’s head Jingguan.

“This tomb, I don’t want anyone to be disturbed, whoever disturbs is my enemy, Ye Fei!” Ye Fei stood up and looked towards the demons around him that hadn’t retreated.

The evil spirits were in a commotion, and then, a hidden evil spirit Martial Sovereign walked out of it, facing Ye Fei, respectfully saluting, the scene looked quite strange, Martial Saint 7th Layer, actually suppressed the real Martial Sovereign, but no demons feel weird.

Dragon Head Realm, strength is respected. Ye Fei has the strength to win the respect of demons, even if this demons is Martial Sovereign.

This Martial Sovereign said in a deep voice: “Young Master Ye, please rest assured, we are evil spirits, but we also respect heroes. This sword monument and your achievements will be spread throughout the dragon. First world!”

“many thanks!” Ye Fei gave his hand.

“Young Master Ye, you are polite!” All the demons hurriedly returned the courtesy. No matter how fierce the demons, the look towards Ye Fei flashed with awe.

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