Ye Fei did not explain anything. In order for Zhao Qianjun to rush to the six Holy Sect as soon as possible, he remembered something and reminded him: “By the way, I have a king of trigrams, very Senior Brother is good at divination and finding people. If you want to find Zhao Si-nian, Senior Brother can go to True Martial Saint Court and let King Gua help you calculate.”

“Remember for brother! Junior Brother take care!”

Zhao Qianjun There is no surprise, but a sad look on his face.

“Senior Brother also take care! I hope that our senior and junior brothers can meet again in the future!”

The last sentence, Ye Fei said in his heart.

This time the three major Saint Courts suffered heavy casualties. Once he leaves the True Martial Saint Court, the three major Saint Courts will definitely retaliate against him. He doesn’t know whether he can survive.

There is also the Black Lotus within the body, which is always a hidden danger. He doesn’t know if he joins the Blood Demon Religion, he will definitely be able to take out the way to resolve the Black Lotus from the mouth of the blood ancestor.

“I can only take one step, look at one step, if the blood ancestor refuses to say, then I will use military force, even if the entire Blood Demon Religion is destroyed, I have to resolve the damn Black Lotus within the body !” Watching Zhao Qianjun and Hongyu leave, Ye Fei’s eyes gradually became indifferent. Originally, Zhao Qianjun wanted Hongyu to stay and help, but Ye Fei still refused. It is an ordinary Martial Saint, which is not very helpful to him.

This time, Ye Fei decided to stay alone and join the Blood Demon Religion.

“But in that case, I can be considered to have completely fallen into the demonic path. I don’t know, does Blood Demon Religion have the guts to ask me?”

Chapter 1247 Constantly Improving

Chapter 1247 Self-improvement

Ye Fei still underestimated the influence caused by his falling into the demonic path during the blood customs battle. The 2nd day he walked in the dragon head realm actually had The evil demon Martial Sovereign came personally and invited Ye Fei to join the group and join their Evil Demon Sect faction. Some even opened high positions such as Vice-Sect Master and Vice Gate Lord.

But Ye Fei refused all of them. He entered the demonic path to find a way to resolve the black lotus within the body, not for the so-called high position. However, these demons’ invitations gave him a lot of peace of mind. “Senior Brother Zhao is still experienced. Once I become a public enemy of the Fourth House, there are actually many demons. I believe I have fallen into the demonic path.”

Of course, this also has something to do with the bloody customs battle. He killed too much. The Heavenly Grade disciple of the three Saint Courts, together with the common disciple, was annihilated. Such a heavy loss is enough for people. Believe that he has become a demon.

Not to mention, he was still in public, suppressing the three Heavenly Grade disciple from True Martial Saint Court. After the imprisonment was lifted, the three of Zhou Ming immediately fled from the Dragon Head Realm in a desperate manner, returned to True Martial Saint Court with full of hatred and dissatisfaction, and reported his betrayal.

In the dragon head realm, Ye Fei’s fame, also among the demons, spread quickly, and was tied with the evil Demon Sword Saint Zhao Qianjun, and gained the awe and respect of a large group of demons.

“It seems that among the demons, there has been another great rising star. The Heaven Ranking is the first, the invincible supreme, such a genius, True Martial Saint Court does not know that it is their loss to retain, and the same is also true. Our luck!”

In the dragon head world, somewhere in the bone-laden wasteland, there is a black temple. In the temple, a pair of cold eyes are looking through a water mirror. A martial demon, Martial Sovereign, came into contact with Ye Fei more strictly speaking. The owner of these eyes seemed to be in contact with Ye Fei in person through the eyes of those demon Martial Sovereign.

It’s just that the masters of these eyes are angry that no matter how they recruit, Ye Fei turned down them on the spot, which annoyed them all.

“This man, not simple, he killed the Saint Court disciple and immediately betrayed True Martial Saint Court. He didn’t give us an excuse against True Martial Saint Court at all.”

On the peak of the Saint Court of Shenwu, an old man shook his head. After receiving the news of the death of Jin Shao and the others, he sighed rather heavily. Behind him, a large group of Martial Sovereign stood. Different from True Martial Saint Court, these Martial Sovereigns are very young and rarely have an old face. This also proves that their life essence is sufficient, and their battle strength is also at the Peak.

When he heard the words of the old man, many people’s faces became angry. The youngest one, Martial Sovereign, retorted with an angry face: “Even if we can’t target True Martial Saint Court, but this Ye Fei, we must kill. Please also ask the dean, let me take action, kill this child, and save me Saint Court. Reputation!”

“No, Martial Sovereign can’t make a move! Otherwise, it will anger the old ghost of True Martial Saint Court, so let’s work with Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Strategy Saint Court to publish a piece to kill Ye Fei The task, the matter of the discipline, is left to the discipline to solve it. The old man also took a look at True Martial Saint Court, how he reacted to this matter.”

Dean Shenwu shook his head and finished the process. In the event, he returned to the void and continued to retreat. Only a group of Martial Sovereign left, looked at each other in blank dismay.

They don’t understand that True Martial Saint Court is so decayed, the dean, why is it still so jealous, if not for the dean’s obstruction. Many impulsive Martial Sovereigns have already entered the dragon head realm, and thwarted Ye Fei.


It was discovered that Martial Sovereign of Saint Court of Shenwu was not at all dispatched. It was only an order to kill Ye Fei. When the mission was issued to the discipline, Heavenly Dao Saint Court, the dean of Heavenly Dao Saint Court, unexpectedly At the same time, they chose to be silent. The Martial Sovereigns of the two Saint Courts were also not dispatched. They only ordered their respective Holy Sons to deal with Ye Fei’s affairs.

This is obviously thunder and little rain.

The three disciplines of Saint Court are very dissatisfied.

As Heavenly Dao Saint Court’s most potential Saintess, Zhao Yu has been in the half-emperor state after three years of cultivation. Not long ago, he challenged Heavenly Dao Holy Son and the two sides fought a tie.

Such sensational news also made Zhao Yu immediately become Heavenly Dao Saint Court Saintess, a high-ranking authority. Of course, she immediately learned everything that happened in the dragon head world. Zhao Yu’s face couldn’t help but become very weird, “This guy, is it a hedgehog, should I kill him in advance before others do it?”

His face became cold, but there is always A corner, in Zhao Yu’s heart, reveals softness.

Tiance Saint Court, Dongfang Yu had a very sad life. Not long after he entered Saint Court, he accidentally offended a follower of Holy Son and has been suppressed ever since.

Recently, Dongfang Yu has been considering whether to bow his head to admit his mistakes to Holy Son in exchange for a peaceful life in Saint Court. At this time, he saw Mission Palace targeting Ye Fei’s Kill Order. It was the three Saint Courts and Kill Order released at the same time. Dongfang Yu was shocked, “Senior Brother, what did Ye Fei do? How come the three Saint Courts chase him down at the same time?”

“hmph , What else can I do, this child is frantic, in the dragon head realm, killing gold in a row, Chen Changkong, and the tyrant Senior Brother Dao, Holy Son has already let us go into the dragon head realm, looking for his whereabouts, it is necessary At that time, Holy Son will personally take action to kill this demon!” The Senior Brother who passed by, filled with righteous indignation.

Dongfang Yu’s heart was suddenly shocked: “Fengba Dao died? Ye Fei also betrayed the four Saint Court and fell into the demonic path? I don’t believe it, Brother Ye is not like that People.”

He hurriedly continued to inquire, and soon he learned the specifics of the matter, including the reason why Ye Fei betrayed Saint Court.

“Men should be strong, men should be fighting, men should be killed… men, be self-improvement!”

Repeatedly experiencing what Ye Fei said to suppress Zhou Ming’s trio, Dongfang Yu suddenly said Long sigh, “I finally understand why I’m not as good as Brother Ye, Brother Ye, many thanks. You pointed me the way!”

Originally, under the pressure of Heavenly Son, Dongfang Yu had decided to bow his head, but at this time, he suddenly showed great courage and confidence.

At this time, a follower of Tiance Holy Son came over and ordered Dongfang Yu arrogantly: “Beijing dog, come with me, Holy Son decided to give you a chance to redeem!”

“Atonement? Hahaha, I, Dongfang Yu, would rather die than bow my head to you villains. Get out of here!” Dongfang Yu suddenly violent and beat that Holy Son’s follower into a real Dog head.


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