On the peak of Ye Fei cultivation, Xia Jun and Lin Heaven’s Chosen are packing things, and Little Fatty and King of Gua are also sad.

Zhou Ming and the three have returned to True Martial Saint Court and brought back news of Ye Fei’s betrayal of Saint Court. After at first’s shock and disbelief, Xia Jun decided to go to the Dragon Head Realm immediately and look for Ye Fei.

“It’s the brother, we share weal and woe, we share weal and woe! The big brother left Saint Court, and we stay, it doesn’t make much sense.”

This was stopped by Shangluo, Xia Jun explained The reason is that there are also Lin Heaven’s Chosen, Little Fatty and King of Trigrams who plan to leave. They all decided to venture into the dragon head realm and go to find Ye Fei.

At this moment, the old silhouette of the third academy, silently, came to the mountain and said angrily: “What are you doing, Ye Fei is gone, you also go, you are like us Old Guy , Is it true that there is no distinction between right and wrong?”

“Dean, what do you mean…” Shang Luo suddenly understood something.

“Ye Fei is not wrong in this matter. The fault is the three Saint Courts, and the fault is Zhou Ming’s three rice buckets. You know why we want to make the Saint Court competition so cruel , Is so unkind?”

Until they answer, the Third Dean has solemnly replied: “In addition to tempering you, we also want you to know that I, Saint Court disciple, will continue to improve, Saint Court can give you only strength, and dignity, you need to fight with one shot and one shot by yourself.”

Chapter 1248 Demon Saint

Chapter 1248 Demon Saint

“Not far ahead, it should be where the most important spirit vein of the Blood Demon Religion is located.” On a mountain peak in the Dragon Head Realm, Ye Fei squinted and looked at a heavily guarded tower in the distance mountain peak.

This mountain is not too far from the sect of the Blood Demon Religion, and it is also the most important mountain of the Blood Demon Religion. In the dragon head realm, the spirit vein is scarce, and any one spirit vein is enough for the evil spirits to break the head fight. Ye Fei can know this spirit vein, thanks to Hongyu.

In helping Hongyu lift the curse of the blood demon, Hongyu knows everything, and tells Ye Fei what he knows about the blood demon religion.

For example, this spirit vein, once belonged to a small Sect resident, was later discovered by the blood progenitor of Blood Demon Religion that this spirit vein was of great value, so he forcibly snatched it, not only snatching the spirit vein , To destroy the Small Sect, and Hongyu, which happened to be the remnant forces of the Small Sect, after the sect was destroyed, they were also forced to join the Blood Demon Religion.

But the senior officials of Blood Demon Religion didn’t trust them, but instead mobilized them all to the sect, and dispatched a discipline absolutely loyal to Blood Demon Religion to guard here.

Of course, Ye Fei did not go to the Blood Demon Religion headquarters, but came here. The biggest reason is that Hongyu told him that a blood ancestor of the Blood Demon Religion happened to be hidden in the spirit vein. , Concentrate on cultivation, therefore, Blood Demon Religion will draw a large number of elites to protect this mountain range from being invaded by other demons.

That’s why Ye Fei decides. Before joining the Blood Demon Religion, first test how strong the Blood Demon Religion really is. Whether he is singlehanded and goes deep into the tiger’s den, if he goes directly to the Blood Demon Religion Asking about the secret of Black Lotus, all fools know that he has a problem. In case Blood Demon Religion has a lot of powerful powerhouses, they might turn it around and take him prisoner.

So Ye Fei decided to come here first, hit the outpost, and figure out the specific strength of the Blood Demon Religion and the blood ancestors. He walked while thinking, and soon approached the defensive cordon. Seeing outsiders coming in, a large group of Blood Demon Religion disciple rushed over immediately.

“Fuck and so on?”

“Blood Demon Religion is forbidden, trespassers die! Give you three breaths and leave quickly!”


A large group of Martial Saint demons rushed out from hidden places. From their number, you can see how much they attach importance to the spirit vein here.

“However, this may also be related to the cultivation of blood ancestors here.”

Ye Fei secretly thought, still keeping pace, and continued to walk inside: “I control What shit of you Blood Demon Religion, I felt that there is a very powerful spirit vein here, which is very suitable for my cultivation. From now on, this area belongs to my demon Ye Fei. If you don’t want to die, get out of me right away. Look!”

Ye Fei’s face is cold and arrogant, and the demonic energy is impressive. Before falling into the demonic path, Zhao Qianjun once told him that if he has strength in the evil spirits, it must be revealed. The more fierce and fierce, the more it can deter other evil spirits. If there is still harmony in the evil spirits, then there is a problem with the brain. Up.

Therefore, when Ye Fei came up, it was a posture to snatch the spirit vein, and he didn’t even blush. He gave himself a demon saint, a name that is extremely popular.

Anyway, Master dares to call Demon Sovereign, he is called Demon Sovereign, and there seems to be nothing wrong with him.

But this remark is in the ears of a group of Blood Demon Religion disciple, so how do you listen. How harsh, how do you look at Ye Fei? How do you want to tear Ye Fei to pieces.

“The demon saint, what a big tone, Ye Fei, you don’t want to ask about the strength of our Blood Demon Religion, so we dared to rush to grab the site. If you know it, get out immediately! Senior, I want you to die without a whole corpse!” A Blood Demon Religion protector responded with a sneer. He did not doubt Ye Fei’s motives.

First, the news of Ye Fei’s public enemy of the fourth courtyard falling into the demonic path has spread throughout the dragon head realm. Second, in the dragon head realm, evil demons take each other’s territory. It is too common, Ye Fei Since it has become an evil demon, it is such is human nature to seize a site as Cave Mansion.

It’s just that Ye Fei actually acted recklessly and came to snatch the spirit vein of the blood ancestor cultivation. That was too arrogant and ignorant.

“Sorry, I won’t get rid of it, please show me something!” Ye Fei sneered, suddenly shot, the huge sword light turned into a storm of swords, instantly disciple the surrounding Blood Demon Religion , Together with the protector, were all involved, spinning wildly and screaming.


When the sword wind stopped, in front of Ye Fei, none of the Blood Demon Religion disciplines could stand. They all fell to the ground, looking at Ye Fei with fear.

“What are you looking at, don’t you understand what I said? From now on, this place belongs to my demon saint. I will give you a quarter of an hour to pack up and get out!” Ye Fei coldly snorted, Stride the meteor and walk into the mountain range in the distance. This time, no one dares to stop.

But when Ye Fei was about to walk into the mountain range containing the spirit vein, there was a bang, and suddenly a sorrowful breath came out in the mountain range, “Magic Saint, so arrogant My name is Blood Demon Religion Holy Son, I am strong, and I dare not take this name. You are an abandoned man, Saint Court, and you dare to come to our Blood Demon Religion and be arrogant!”

“It’s Holy Son is strong, very good, we can save it now.”

“Holy Son, he wants to take the spirit vein, must stop him!”

Blood Demon Religion disciple around , All cheer up.

Ye Fei was also a little surprised, “Gaoqiang or the Holy Son of Blood Demon Religion? I wonder if your Holy Son is better than Saint Court Holy Son?”

“hmph, the three Saints Court’s Holy Son can’t be compared, but compared to True Martial Saint Court and other rubbish Saint Court, come one and I will kill one if you come!” Knowing that Ye Fei is here to pick things up, Gao Qiang will of course not be polite, and immediately frigid irony and scorching satire.

Through these words, Ye Fei understands that True Martial Saint Court has fallen to the point. Even the small Blood Demon Religion doesn’t put Saint Court in his eyes. Then, Ye Fei His anger was ignited at a moment’s notice, he didn’t say anything, and he suddenly rushed towards Gao Qiang.

“courting death!”

Gao Qiang was furious. He was also not convinced of Ye Fei’s record in the blood customs. The billowing blood energy formed a blood python. His body erupted, the blood python was extremely large, and the whole body was still shining with mysterious metallic luster, its snake mouth opened, sharp teeth, bite the air and roar, the most terrifying thing is the blood python all around. There are eight kinds of Profound Truth rays of light.

“No wonder this high-power is so arrogant. The eight Profound Truths alone are enough to get rid of True Martial Saint Court, a lot of emperors.” Ye Fei’s secretly nodded recognized the high-powered strength. Then, when the blood python opened his mouth and rushed in front of him, he roared.

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