The fight of life and death, with a total of eleven terrifying rays of light, smashed the blood python’s head angrily, and shattered the blood python’s head on the spot. The whistling fist of death finally turned into a hurricane, and Gao Qiang behind moved towards smashed it. Gao Qiang resisted with fear, but the Profound Truth released by Ye Fei was too terrifying.

A total of eleven Profound Truths formed an absolute crush on Gao Qiang. Gao Qiang had only time to block Ye Fei’s punch, and the next punch, Ye Fei’s life-and-death fist, had already pushed Gao Qiang’s spitting blood back, and the entire chest cavity, They all sunk violently.

Chapter 1249 The Blood Ancestor Exits the Pass

Chapter 1249 The Blood Ancestor Exits the Pass


Gao Qiang vomited blood and fell to the ground. He widened his eyes unwillingly, and didn’t expect that Ye Fei would be so strong. Only a punch would severely wound him. Of course, this was Ye Fei. Show mercy, otherwise his punch would be enough to kill Gao Qiang completely.

“hmph, if it weren’t for me to get into the Blood Demon Religion to find a way to dissolve the Black Lotus, I can kill this high strength directly.” Ye Fei left Saint Court, but looked down on high strength With True Martial Saint Court, there is still a certain amount of irritation in my heart, and this time the move is a bit heavier.

Seeing that even Gao Qiang was defeated, and the Blood Demon Religion disciple who was just about to cheer Gao Qiang, his face was flushed, and finally, he swallowed his words of cheering.

But Gao Qiang still clearly felt the changes in his eyes from the disciplines around him. Who told him to be bigger than the sky just now, but in front of Ye Fei, he was defeated with three punches and two kicks. In shame, he jumped up violently, angrily roared: “Ye Fei, don’t go if there is a species, I will ask the blood ancestor to come out to deal with you.”

this remark, in the middle of Ye Fei’s arms, the purpose of his coming, Originally tested the specific strength of the blood ancestors before deciding whether to mix into the Blood Demon Religion.

He hurriedly urged impatiently: “Go, go, as long as it comes out, it’s not your kind of rice bucket, come some blood ancestors, I will kill some! from now on, you Blood Demon Religion, I must also respect my Demon Religion!”

Ye Fei found a very sturdy excuse for his show mercy, and then he must surrender the Blood Demon Religion.

dignified Blood Demon Religion Holy Son, Ye Fei was used as a rice bucket, Gao Qiang was angry on the spot, “Okay, okay, you have a kind, I want to see how you kill the blood ancestors Your lord, surrender to my Blood Demon Religion!”

With rage, Gao Qiang stumbled into the mountain range, and went directly to the place where the blood ancestor retreat, crying: “Master, you want to avenge the discipline Ah.”

“What happened? Didn’t the deity say that when the deity is cultivating, anyone who disturbs must die?” In the Cave Mansion, the blood ancestor woke up from the cultivation, his eyes flashed quickly After a touch of tyranny, even if Gao Qiang is his discipline, he is also murderous.

“Master, the discipline is not an interruption, but someone has come to grab the spirit vein. We are not opponents. He also said…If the blood ancestors come, he will kill a few, and then surrender us. Blood Demon Religion.” Gao Qiang boldly said this remark.

In the Cave Mansion, a magical imposing manner that is violent to the limit has been exuded. Then, an old man with an old but majestic body resembling a lion rushed out angrily, “You What are you talking about, in the dragon head realm, there are people who threaten to kill our blood ancestors, who is that person and where is he?”

“That person is Ye Fei, he is just outside the mountain…”


Just halfway through the high-strength words, the furious blood ancestor has turned into a blood python, crushed countless trees and rocks, and rushed out hong long long.

When rushing to the outside of the mountain range, the blood python shrank fiercely and turned into a group of blood people. The blood people gradually became clear, and they became the majestic old man, the old man in blood. , Staring at Ye Fei indifferently, then frowned and cursed: “Is all my Blood Demon Religion’s rice buckets? A junior of Martial Saint 7th Layer, they can’t beat them.”

After scolding, the blood ancestors His eyes flashed with a cold, angry shouted: “Boy, who sent you here, the deity does not kill the unknown!”

This blood ancestor apparently retreats all year round and has never heard of Ye Fei’s For the record, he saw that Ye Fei only had Martial Saint 7th Layer, and he thought Ye Fei was a powerhouse, and he sent it out to replace the dead ghost.

Understanding the mind of the blood ancestor, Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile secretly, “It seems that my realm is still too low, and I must have a breakthrough when I have time, otherwise the Old Guy will yell at me! “

“You are that bullshit blood ancestor, you are old, and your Blood Demon Religion is too backward. If you don’t want to die, you can take your hand and join me under the command of the demon saint and be me The powerful lackey.” Ye Fei spoke proudly. His words made Gao Qiang’s scared legs start to tremble.

“There are many arrogant demons, but you are so arrogant that you are not afraid of death. The deity is rare. Since it disturbs the cultivation of the deity, the deity will kill you! Blood python strangling!”


The blood demon coldly snorted, he is not angry at Ye Fei’s rants, but directly murderous intention is infinite, his palm is open, and the blood all over his body also turns into a blood python , Moved towards Ye Fei, bite.

This blood python is much more powerful than the high-strength blood python. With a bare body, it is enough to have ten zhang, like a real ominous beast. It opens its mouth and swallows its prey in a blink of an eye. At that moment, the blood python rushed in front of Ye Fei.

Just as the blood python raised his neck and was about to swallow Ye Fei in one bite, Ye Fei finally moved. He launched a fist of life and death, a fright of death, with endless fighting intents and murderous auras. , Suddenly he punched the blood python’s mouth, and a transparent hole appeared in the head of the blood python.

The face of the blood ancestor flashed a solemnly, said solemnly: “Martial Saint 7th Layer, but can fight across seven levels! No wonder you are so arrogant, but unfortunately, you are facing our blood Ancestor, not the weak Martial Sovereign Early-Stage! Hmph, go to hell!”

Boom ka!

The mountain range swayed with the imposing manner of the blood ancestor. In general, Ye Fei’s heart was about to collapse at any time, and an inexplicable crisis suddenly occurred.

It is true that the 7-Layer War God Dao, although it can make him fight across seven levels like a powerful bloodline martial artist, but he can only deal with Martial Sovereign Early-Stage.

And when martial artist arrives at Martial Sovereign Realm, there is no level division, but only realm division, such as Early-Stage, mid-stage, late-stage, Perfection, Perfection, and then comprehend the complete realm, which is Martial Emperor. Just because Heavenly Martial Continent experienced the Human Demon catastrophe, Martial Dao withered, and the Emperor Quasi was the limit of breakthrough.

Similarly, if Ye Fei wants to challenge Martial Sovereign’s mid-term opponents, he has to fight across eight levels, and in the late stage, nine levels, perfection, ten levels!

As for Emperor Zhun, unless Ye Fei can break through the limits of the War God Dao and enter the realm of gods and demons, otherwise, Emperor Zhun can turn him into fly ashes.

“Unexpectedly, this blood ancestor is actually an expert in the middle of Martial Sovereign. This is a bit tricky.” Ye Fei was secretly shocked, seeing the blood python rushing again, he didn’t even think, so he started quickly. In the Tai Chi domain, only relying on the power of the domain can he remain undefeated in front of the blood ancestors in the mid-Martial Sovereign period. It is just a delusion to defeat the blood ancestors in this way.

Ye Fei’s heart is unavoidably bitter, knowing that he is still viewing the sky from the bottom of a well, underestimating the heroes of the world, but not knowing that the blood ancestor’s heart is already shocked Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Ye Fei was originally not a bloodline martial artist, but he was able to fight across seven levels, which shocked him. Now Ye Fei is still in front of him, and he doesn’t even master the field of display. Power, the blood ancestor is undoubtedly turn pale with fright.

“The deity has only been in retreat for a year. I can’t imagine that in addition to an evil Demon Sword in this dragon head realm, another rising star has appeared. It is a pity, it is a pity that you still have to die in the hands of the deity! Palm!”

Chapter 1250 The source of the blood demon

Chapter 1250 The source of the blood demon


The blood python disappears , The blood ancestor shot a big bloody hand and grabbed it towards the Tai Chi realm. On his blood palm, ten kinds of terrifying magic flames were still burning. That is not the magic flame, but the Profound Truth owned by the blood ancestors, and all of them are the Profound Truth related to blood.

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