It’s not that he is not smart enough, but the only thing he can’t think of is that the gorefiend will be destroyed by Ye Fei with Heavenly Tribulation. Even Zhao Qianjun couldn’t think of this. So, after learning that Ye Fei wanted to get involved in the Blood Demon Religion and looking for a solution to Black Lotus, Zhao Qianjun immediately helped Ye Fei to make a series of plans.

Sure enough, this plan made the three blood ancestors flustered and confused. If they were bloody chaotic, it would make bloody and bloody kills embarrassed. “Blood chaos, what should we do?”

“It’s very simple. Two ways. One, we will redeem our merits and cooperate with Ye Fei to rescue the blood demon at all costs. Second, we control Ye Fei. While the blood demon has not escaped, we must dig out him within The Black Lotus of the body, the ancestors said, Black Lotus is the key for us to get rid of the control of the Gorefiend!” The bloody eyes flashed a cold light. Then, in the eyes of Xue Yin Xue Kill, a crazy rays of light flashed.

Blood killing is even said with a malicious smile: “That kid has been tricked into Cave Mansion cultivation by me. As long as the three of us work together, that kid is definitely not our opponent.”


hong long long!

In Cave Mansion, Ye Fei closed his eyes and was still cultivating with all his strength. His time was very tight. “From here to the Blood Demon Religion, it only takes two days to go back and forth. Senior Brother Zhao guessed nothing. If it’s wrong, two days later, the three major blood ancestors will definitely come here and force me to confide in the secrets of the bleeding demons.”

That is, he used spirit vein cultivation for only two days. God, he must breakthrough a realm! Then he has the ability to fight Martial Sovereign mid-term.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei didn’t hesitate anymore. Just when Dragon Tortoise hollowed out all the spirit veins, he suddenly let go of all his Primordial Spirits, eight Primordial Spirits, while facing the spirit vein. The spirit fluid that gushed out was madly absorbed.

The same is true for Xiaocao, his belly is full of chubby food, and he still refuses to give up collecting these delicious spiritual fluids. During Ye Fei cultivation, Xiaocao moved out of the large and small water tank. Tank by tank, move the excess spiritual liquid into the animal print space, and plan to drink it slowly in the future.

The most exaggerated thing is Dragon Tortoise. While digging a hole, it has black mouths everywhere. It eats when it sees the Spirit Stone, and drinks it when it sees the spirit. It has a great spirit vein, which is just like that by Dragon Tortoise. In a day, it was hollowed out, and a large amount of Spirit Stone and spiritual liquid were swallowed by Dragon Tortoise’s black mouth.

When Dragon Tortoise hollowed out the spirit vein, the whole body was fattened into a ball, and he couldn’t even stand on the ground with his limbs, so he could only panic and call for help.

In this regard, Ye Fei and Xiaocao’s face turned black at the same time. This is a complete spirit vein. As a result, under the black mouth of Dragon Tortoise, it was half abandoned on the spot.

Fortunately, their harvest is not small. The whole body of Xiaocao Drink has become fatter, but there is still no sign of growth.

Ye Fei successfully used the spiritual liquid here to break through to Martial Saint 8th Layer. If there is enough time, he can completely break through to Martial Saint 9th Layer, but time is not enough.

Only cultivated for a day and a half, Ye Fei decisively stopped cultivation, then took back Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, and jumped into the tunnel that Dragon Tortoise had dug long ago.

Chapter 1254 Refining the corpse puppet again

Chapter 1254 Refining the corpse puppet again

“Junior Brother, according to Brother Yu’s understanding of demons, in order to prevent you from escaping After the blood ancestor tricks you into the cave, it will definitely arrange countless Killing Formations to trap you inside, so that other blood ancestors can come and jointly force you to vomit the secret of the bleeding demon. At this time, you must not to act blindly Without thinking. Many of our evil demons are connected with our heart and blood. Once you break the formation, the blood ancestor will have the induction.”

“Then Senior Brother, what should I do?”

“It’s very simple, dig a hole. The Dragon Tortoise next to you is a fierce demon, and there is a dragon claw that can dig through the spirit vein silently, while the evil demon array can only close the Cave Mansion but not the spirit vein! Because of the spirit The vein can’t be deployed. If you dig through the spirit vein, you can escape without knowing it.”

“But in case, when I go out, the blood ancestor will stay outside. , Then I don’t want to wear it?” Ye Fei asked again at the time.

Zhao Qianjun smiled boldly, full of strong self-confidence, “The evil demon is suspicious, and the blood demon is not an ordinary Demon God, but the foundation of the Blood Demon Religion established Sect. If the blood ancestor has a ghost in his heart, he is After living with you, the blood ancestor will definitely go back personally, tell the other blood ancestors about this, and will never trust other people. At that time, your chance will come.”


Recalling the plan that Zhao Qianjun had made before leaving, Ye Fei was extremely excited, “People of the Zhao family are naturally out of the ordinary, even the old queen mother. Hag, I also pretend to be an inexhaustible strategy, well-versed in the heart, tusk, with the opportunity of Senior Brother Zhao, I sneaked into the Blood Demon Religion, and I was half succeeded.”

In the hole under the smooth spirit vein Climbing out, Ye Fei squinted and looked not far away. Gao Qiang also took people with him, guarding the entrance of Cave Mansion like an enemy. Even Gao Qiang checked Formation several times to see if Ye Fei was trapped. , Crack the traces of Formation.

“Relying on Senior Brother Zhao’s plan, I successfully entered the Blood Demon Religion. Looking for a solution to Black Lotus, I must rely on myself now.”


Taking advantage of the high strength and the others were unprepared, Ye Fei suddenly rushed out, raised the sword in his hand, and killed the two outermost Blood Demon Religion disciple. The rest are also turn pale with fright.

“How is it possible, the fourth blood ancestor, isn’t it trapped in Cave Mansion?”

Gao Qiang was even more furious: “Ye Fei, what are you going to do?”

“Of course it is murder! Eight dragons!”

roar roar roar!

Heavenly Dragon’s Octave, resounding through the void, the golden body of Buddhism does have a great effect on demons. Under the pressure of the Heavenly Dragon’s Might, the remaining Blood Demon Religion disciple has no ability to resist. Stunned by Heavenly Dragon’s Octave, some people with fragile minds also destroyed their souls and fell to the ground.

Only Gao Qiang, as the Blood Demon Religion Holy Son, he can barely urge Blood Demon Art to resist the attack of Heavenly Dragon’s Octave, but Gao Qiang was not Ye Fei’s opponent in his heyday. Not to mention that Ye Fei also broke through to Martial Saint 8th Layer at this time, and it was a sudden sneak attack.


The eight dragons just shot at Gao Qiang fiercely, Gao Qiang already screamed, and fell to the ground with serious injuries, his eyes flashed with fear.

“Don’t kill me, Lord Blood Ancestor, I surrender, I am willing to be a slave to you!” Gao Qiang begged for mercy, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“Okay, I promise you.” Ye Fei was very happy and nodded, directly condensing the fist of death, cutting off all the vitality of Gao Qiang.

“You!” Gao Qiang’s eyes widened spitefully, and he wanted to yell at him. If he agreed to be a slave, would you still kill?

“What are you, I promised you to be a slave, but I didn’t say, don’t want your life, but don’t worry, I will bring you back to life and start another life!” Ye Fei sighed.

If it is not really impossible, he doesn’t want to use the secret technique of Life and Death Palace anymore, but if he doesn’t do that, he won’t be able to enter the Blood Demon Religion smoothly and find a way to resolve Black Lotus.

“Forget it, this is the blood ancestor plot against me first, and the third president also told me that in the dragon head realm, there is absolutely no mercy, Brother Gao, your life, I can only accept Now, please Fellow Daoist to get up!”

Ye Fei sent a large amount of Death Power to Gaoqiang within the body, and suddenly bent over and arched his hands, respectfully, and bowed to Gaoqiang’s body.

Gao Qiang’s body immediately jumped up with bitterness: “Ah, Ye Fei, do you dare to kill me?”

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