” Brother Dao , how could I kill you, you forgot, you promised to be my slave, I kill you, in fact, I am fulfilling your wish.” Ye Fei started. Sophistry, that is the real ghost debate, what he vomits is not human language, but the language of the dead.

“Killing me is fulfilling my wish, Ye Fei, you nonsense, you pay my life!” Gao Qiang yelled, and what he spit out was a strange tone.

Ye Fei simply sat down cross-legged, arguing with Gao Qiang with a louder voice, Gao Qiang danced with his hands and screamed resentment, and sometimes sat on the ground with crazy laughs, that kind of sound, With the corpses all over the floor, it really makes the scalp numb.

Even if it’s the second time to refine the corpse puppet, Ye Fei feels frightened. The martial arts of Life and Death Palace secretly thought, it’s really not a common evil. If it weren’t for it, he would definitely not Will use this sorcery.

I don’t know if it is an illusion. When psychic with the corpse puppet, Ye Fei faintly felt that he had two eyes, looking through the corpse puppet with interest.

Ye Fei suddenly remembered the strange scene and the old voice of the last refining of the corpse puppet. Fortunately, this voice did not appear this time.

That kind of strange gaze is more like an illusion. After a while, it disappears inexplicably. In the end, Ye Fei, who concentrated on refining the corpse puppet, can’t remember what it is. feel.

Because it is not the first time to refine a corpse puppet, Ye Fei’s powerful talent still allows him to complete the final step in only half a day, even if he is extremely repulsive in his heart.

When the night black wind was high, a dead body puppet was standing beside Ye Fei indifferently, and then one-knee kneels fell, “Subordinate Gao Qiang, see the fourth blood Ancestor.”

“Gao Qiang, you are very good, you are my enemy before death, and my corpse after death! from now on, you are me, I am still me! I come to ask you, to Black Lotus, how much do you know, can the blood ancestor have a way to resolve Black Lotus?” Ye Fei solemnly asked.

Gao Qiang without the slightest hesitation’s replied: “I have heard three blood ancestors talk about it. They said that Black Lotus is a symbol of the complete integration of magic blood, and it is also the ultimate goal of refining magic blood. , As for how to resolve it, I don’t know, but the research on blood ancestors of the past is in the Blood Demon Tower.”

“Where is the Blood Demon Tower?” Ye Fei hurriedly asked.

“In the Blood Demon Religion, only blood ancestors can enter there, and no one else, including Martial Sovereign, can enter.” Gao Qiang coldly said.

“Very well, you take me to the Blood Demon Religion now. I want to enter the Blood Demon Tower!” Ye Fei exclaimed, finally seeing the hope of resolving Black Lotus.

“Yes!” Gao Qiang got up without the slightest hesitation, took Ye Fei, and rushed into the dark night.

Chapter 1255 The Fourth Blood Progenitor

Chapter 1255 The Fourth Blood Progenitor

The vast night is the time when demonic beasts like hunting most, and they are also demons. , The time when he least likes to appear, this reminds Ye Fei of the burial place. The night of the burial place is also dangerous.

In comparison, the dark night in the dragon head world is much better. Similarly, the demonic beast is more reassuring than the invisible monster. While quickly approaching the Blood Demon Religion, carefully avoiding it At the demonic beast along the way, Ye Fei behaved very carefully.

He wasn’t afraid of these demonic beasts, but didn’t want to fight the demonic beasts. If the blood ancestors’ attention was drawn as a result, it would fall short. Therefore, Ye Fei did not choose to fly and run on the ground. Be careful of each step.

In the middle of the road, Ye Fei heard the demonic beast’s angry roar in the distant night, and then a mass of blood light, separated from the demonic beast’s body, and flew into the dark sky .

“That is our Blood Demon Religion’s blood control technique, which can control the opponent’s blood, like the blood ancestor, and directly strip the opponent’s blood from the body, instantly turning the opponent into a corpse.” Gao Qiang did not When Ye Fei asked, he explained in detail.

With his explanation, the demonic beast in the distance has become absolute silence, and only a cold voice came over, “Blood kill, don’t care about the demonic beast, go to the spirit vein first. It’s important.”

“haha, that kid was trapped by me in Cave Mansion, can he still fly? There is also my array outside, as long as he breaks the formation, my mind will also have feelings. The two Senior Brothers don’t worry, the kid can’t run.” The blood killer flew to the sky, and in his hand he was holding a demonic beast fur that shone with silver.

“This is the fur of the Silvermoon Beast. It is very popular with the ladies of the Aristocratic Family. One piece is worth a million high grade Spirit Stone. It’s good luck to kill you with blood.” Nodded in blood, he shook his head again, “However, although the fur is good, it is necessary to have a life flower. From now on, it is important to hurry and solve the major event first.”

“haha, if it weren’t for the encounter This silver moon beast, the deity will not stop, let’s start on the road, and try to control the kid before he finds it.” The blood killer put on the silver moon beast’s fur, the whole person is silver light, the three of them together, At a very fast speed, rush to the distant sky.

Ye Fei came out of the hidden rock gap, Gao Qiang also came out afterwards, coldly said: “Blood ancestor, the other three blood ancestors are all led to the spirit vein by you, now Blood The emptiness of Demon Religion is the best time for the blood ancestor to enter the blood demon tower.”

“Yes, the blood ancestor is leaving, we are just on our way! Da Hei, come out!” Ye Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed it. , From the beast mark space, grabbed Dragon Tortoise.

I saw the Dragon Tortoise at this time, still in the shape of a ball, the tortoise shell was broken because of its bulging belly, and the limbs could not reach the ground. Ye Fei’s face turned dark, which brought her high strength. , Sat on this awkward Dragon Tortoise, and then Dragon Tortoise flew slowly, and then moved out crazy in the direction of the Blood Demon Religion.

The speed, like a black meteor, cut through the night. Of course, if the meteor doesn’t hiccup, it would be better.

Dragon Tortoise’s speed is very fast. The Dragon Tortoise, which was overwhelmed, exploded on the spot. It rushed back to the Blood Demon Religion from the spirit vein. The blood kill of Martial Sovereign in the mid-term, it took a day to fly at full force. time.

And Dragon Tortoise, it only took half a day to rush to the sect of Blood Demon Religion. At this time, the sky was just getting bright. Many of the disciplines of Blood Demon Religion are still immersed in their dreams.

However, Dragon Tortoise’s hiccups were too loud, just like thunder. The Blood Demon Religion disciple who was stationed was quickly alarmed.

“Who, dare to trespass into my Blood Demon Religion?” More than a dozen Blood Demon Religion guardians rushed over with the discipline. Ye Fei sits still on Dragon Tortoise, his face is cold and proud, just like many demonic giants.

Gaoqiang’s complexion was cold, jumped off Dragon Tortoise, and coldly yelled: “I don’t know you! Wait for you to retire, it’s none of your business.”

“It’s Holy Son! I’m sorry Holy Son, we didn’t know it was you.” Several Blood Demon Religion protectors repeatedly apologized, and looked at Ye Fei curiously. Obviously, I was very curious about Ye Fei’s identity, but didn’t dare to ask, so I could only retreat to both sides and let Ye Fei walk into the Blood Demon Religion.

When I saw Gao Qiang walking behind Ye Fei, these Blood Demon Religion guardians were shocked, secretly thankful, but fortunately, they didn’t ask questions. Even Holy Son would cheat. The identity of this person is not simple.

Along the way, the two encountered several dial checks, but they were all easily resolved under Gao Qiang’s presence. Gao Qiang, relying on the identity of Holy Son, successfully brought Ye Fei into the core of Blood Demon Religion area, blood demon space.

“Blood ancestor, here is the blood demon space. Generally, only the discipline recognized by the blood ancestor can enter this space cultivation.” Gao Qiang walked and introduced Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked at this blood demon space, and felt many powerful semi-sovereign aura breaths inside. He was nodded, said solemnly: “It seems that there are also many semi-emperors in the Blood Demon Religion.”


“Generally, I have a total of fifty-three half-emperors in my Blood Demon Religion. Only half of them are loyal to the blood ancestors. Control them and give effect to the blood ancestors.” Gao Qiang said coldly.

After some explanation, Ye Fei learned that in order to control the Blood Demon Religion, the three blood ancestors put the blood demon curse on each discipline within the body. This kind of curse can only be solved by the blood ancestors. , Only those who are loyal to the blood ancestors or have made significant contributions to the Blood Demon Religion can be exempt from the curse.

For example, before Gao Qiang was alive, it was because he was the Blood Demon Religion Holy Son, and he worshipped the blood to kill as his teacher, so that the curse can be lifted. Of course, in the Blood Demon Religion, most people cannot lift the curse for life. , It will be controlled by the blood ancestor for life.

“Stop, the blood demon tower is heavy, no one except the blood ancestors can enter, Gao Qiang, who is this person, what is your purpose for bringing outsiders here!”

When Gao Qiang explained, Ye Fei had already walked to a scarlet magic tower. This magic tower was similar to the seal tower, but it was filled with dense demonic energy. I want to come, the ancestors of the blood ancestors should have seen the seal of Buddhism. The magic tower, so according to the style of the sealed magic tower, this magic tower was built.

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