Ye Fei looked at Gao Qiang indifferently: “Have you ever caught a blood slave before?”

Gao Qiang coldly nodded: “Catch it! Only the confidant of the blood ancestor can Performing this kind of task, catching ten blood slaves, you can get rid of the blood demon curse, and one hundred can become the blood ancestors discipline!”

“So, Blood Demon Religion, there is no blood demon curse. They are all blood ancestors and confidantes, and have all done this kind of conscienceless evil?” Ye Fei’s eyes were a little cold.

“Yes!” Gao Qiang is colder.

“Very well, you go out immediately, find a way to gather these people, and the ten and a half emperors guarding outside, you let them all in, I have something to say!” Ye Fei’s eyes, A flash of cold light, waved, let Gao Qiang retreat.

The blood slaves around are all in absolute silence, looking towards Ye Fei’s gaze, with fear and doubt. There is also hope. Smart people have already seen that Ye Fei seems to be more than simply mixed into the Blood Demon Religion.

“Junior Brother Ye…” Gong Zhi watched Gao Qiang leave, and finally couldn’t help but speak.

Ye Fei interrupted him and glanced around the people present, “I know you are very confused, if you believe me, you don’t ask anything, I promise, let you leave alive!”

The disciples of the Big Four Saint Court were silent for a while. The demons were full of hope. They shouted together: “Young Master Ye, we believe in you, we don’t ask anything, as long as you make us live like individuals, we are willing to pay any price!”

“I don’t want you to pay the price, I only want you, give me a promise!” Ye Fei looked at these demons coldly.

To be honest, if the blood ancestor’s methods were not too cruel, he happened to use the Demon Pool, and encountered this causality. If he changed to normal, he would never care about this kind of thing.

“Remember, I save your lives. I don’t expect you to become good people. I only hope that in the future, all you kill will be killable people. The demonic path is also the way. If you have a clear conscience and have a clear conscience, you can go on!”

The words of Ye Fei caused the demons to fall into collective silence. Then, without knowing who it was, kneel down and swear loudly. , And then the second, the third, had such a tragic experience, even those who were cruel, their hearts were greatly touched.

“We also swear!”

Seeing Ye Fei’s eyes turn to them, the four major Saint Court’s disciplines are also ready to swear.

“I believe in actual actions more than vows! I don’t want your vows. I only want you to return to Saint Court to tell the truth about saving you from me and tell the big four Saint Court’s Dean, then, tell them a word!”

“What is it?” Gong Zhi asked.

“People don’t offend me, i will not offend others! Who if offends me, I will kill them!”


Enter the Blood Demon Tower Ten half-emperors changed their expressions in an instant. Originally, only the blood ancestor could enter the Blood Demon Tower. At this time, there were hundreds of martial artists in ragged clothes. Many of them were very weak; but there were still half-emperors. , I recognized the identities of these people at a glance.

“Bold, how did you blood slaves escape?”

“The fourth blood ancestor, what do you mean! There is no order from the three blood ancestors, That’s all if you forcibly break into the blood devil tower, and you also let out all the blood slaves!”

I feel that the situation is not right, there are still a few half emperors, so I immediately turned around and wanted to run to the blood devil tower , Told the three blood ancestors of Ye Fei’s actions and the escape of blood slaves.

But just as they turned around, Gao Qiang, who walked in immediately, had already raised his hands and fell, suddenly blasting a half-emperor’s head.


Don’t need to say more about Ye Fei, the crowd who accumulated endless resentment rushed up like crazy, and instantly drowned these half emperors.

Ye Fei didn’t do anything, he just stood there, releasing a huge magic power. This magic power belongs to Black Lotus.

The transformation of the magic pool just melted the source of the plague, and could not dissolve the Demon God’s magic blood. This magic blood is still in Ye Fei within the body, forming a terrifying magic power.

This trip to the Blood Demon Religion, Ye Fei felt that it was a failure because he did not find a way to resolve Black Lotus, but he was successful again, because he accidentally found the four The Great Saint Court reconciliation method.

“As long as you take these people out and let them return to the Big Four Saint Court, I don’t believe it, the Big Four Saint Court, there are faces to chase me down. Of course, if there are people to have no shame face , Then don’t blame me to hurt the killer!” In Ye Fei’s eyes, a cold glow flashed.

When he walked through the bleeding tower, behind him, he could not find the corpses of the ten half emperors. The angry crowd made them annihilate and ended their sinful life.

Chapter 1262 Destroying your religion

Chapter 1262 Destroying your religion

Destroying ten half-emperors will not suppress everyone’s anger, ten The days when life is worse than death has accumulated too much anger for everyone. Kill them out, extinguish the voice of Blood Demon Religion, one after another.

But Ye Fei knew that they were just lucky. If he hadn’t used Black Lotus’ magic power in advance to deter these half emperors, these people would not say killing half emperors, they would be the most common Martial Saint 1st. They couldn’t kill the Blood Demon Religion disciple of Layer.

“Gong Senior Brother Zhi, calm down. You have been tortured for that many years. It has been exhausted and the lamp has been dry. Now you are trying hard, that is to die. For a nobleman to take revenge, it is not too late for ten years. , I will first cover you to leave the Blood Demon Religion, and wait for you to leave the Sea of ​​Bitterness and regain your strength. It is not too late to talk about revenge.” Ye Fei said sincerely.

His words also made many excited people calm down again. Gong Zhi said with a bitter smile: “Junior Brother Ye, we are indeed too emotional, but Blood Demon Religion disciple There are many, how do we get out?”

“It’s very simple, as the blood ancestor, I will gather all the Gorefiend recipes, protect the law, come to the Gorefiend Tower, and then stop them, then, Blood Demon Religion defends against emptiness. With so many of you, you can fully charge ahead.” Ye Fei lightly saying.

This remark made Gong Zhi and the others face changed, “Junior Brother Ye, if you don’t follow us, you have to be alone to block everyone in the Blood Demon Religion. No, it’s too much. It’s dangerous, you will be under the siege of the entire Blood Demon Religion.”

“Junior Brother Ye, why can’t you lead us out?” There is the discipline of True Martial Saint Court, and I am very puzzled.

“I can take you out, but in the end, many of you will die on the way out! Only if I block everyone in the Blood Demon Religion, you can escape safely. Of course, I do this with selfish intentions.”

Ye Fei glanced at the people calmly, “The three great Saint Courts have misunderstood me, I risk saving you all to let the four great Saint Courts, Seeing my attitude, Saint Court loses me, and I live up to Saint Court! You guys hide now and go quickly!”


I heard this remark, the Big Four Saint Court’s discipline, there was a strong shock in his heart, Gong Zhi even took a deep breath, “Junior Brother Ye, this remark, we will bring back to Saint Court, and anyway, you are ours Junior Brother, from now on, our fate is yours!”

Gong Zhi took the lead. All True Martial Saint Court’s disciplines bowed to Ye Fei deeply.

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