” Brother Ye, rest assured, we swear that no matter what misunderstanding you have with Heavenly Dao Saint Court, we will tell you the truth about today’s mentors and dean!” Heavenly The discipline of Dao Saint Court also bowed deeply to Ye Fei.

“We would like to go back to Saint Court of Tiance and try our best to help Ye Fei clarify the misunderstanding. Brother Ye, life-saving grace, don’t say thank you for now, we are waiting for your return!” The discipline of Saint Court of Tiance is also deeply Bow to Ye Fei.

Only the disciple of Saint Court of Shenwu, pupil light is complicated, but thinking of Ye Fei’s willingness to take risks and rescue them, then there will be one blow to fight against the dangers of the entire Blood Demon Religion. , They can’t help showing respect.

“Brother Ye is a true gentleman, who is righteous, and forgets his life! People with lofty ideals from ancient times are also only this. We are willing to do our best to resolve the misunderstanding between Brother Ye and our hospital!”

“And us, Ye Gong Ren Yi Wu Shuang, I will swear that I will kill one person indiscriminately in the future, and I will not die.” The other demons swear again and bow to Ye Fei at the same time.

Then, everyone quickly left the range of the Blood Demon Tower, carefully hidden, and waited for the time when the Blood Demon Religion defended the most emptiness.

Ye Fei faintly looked at their backs. He didn’t care whether these people were truly grateful. He rescued these people, but only showed an attitude to the Four Saint Court.

“You guys, it’s better not to force me!”


In the Blood Demon Religion, I remembered the loud bells and the strong and indifferent voice: “All the discipline, the law protector, Elder, come to the Blood Demon Tower, visit the fourth blood ancestor, 30 breaths , Execute without any mercy!”

“The fourth blood ancestor, true or false?”

“impudent! There is no command from the three blood ancestors, and Dare to give orders to us?”

“Go. Let’s take a look at the style of the new blood ancestor and see if his hair has grown!”

The entire Blood Demon Religion is shaking. The news of the Four Blood Progenitors was too shocking, but no one dared to hesitate. In the end, most of the Blood Demon Religion disciple within the body were cursed by the Blood Demon, which was destined to be unable to resist the orders of the Blood Demon.

The confidants of the other blood ancestors, with strong dissatisfaction, plan to fight fiercely with Ye Fei. Gao Qiang Holy Son secretly revealed to them just now that the fourth blood ancestor intends to give them again Planting a curse is related to their vital interests.

The Blood Demon Religion seniors who were dissatisfied with Ye Fei again rushed over one by one, and they consciously hugged in a group, trying to shock Ye Fei with great momentum. They also didn’t notice at all, when they cast all their gazes at the Blood Demon Tower, at Ye Fei.

A large group of blood slaves, under the leadership of Gong Zhi, surreptitiously used the Blood Demon Religion to defend against the void, rushed to the entrance of the Blood Demon Religion Small World, and rushed out almost without hindrance. .

At the same time, all the Blood Demon Religion disciple, the protector, and Elder were also confused or angry and concentrated on the Blood Demon Tower. They saw outside the Blood Demon Tower at a glance, standing one wearing Purple The youth of Gold black robe, and many Elder’s complexions, suddenly became more ugly.

“Martial Saint 8th Layer? Are the three blood ancestors confused? This kind of stuff can also promote him to become the fourth blood ancestor?” It was a Vice-Sect Master who spoke.

In the Blood Demon Religion, the three blood ancestors take turns to serve as Sect Lords. The half-emperor realm is all Vice-Sect Masters. They are the absolute confidants of the three blood ancestors. Da Shiquan was cursed by the Gorefiend earlier. Therefore, facing a new blood ancestor like Ye Fei, they are not particularly afraid.

Especially when I saw Ye Fei’s realm, he was not even a half emperor. These Elders simply lost their apparent respect.

“Fourth Blood Ancestor, you summoned us, what the hell is going on, and, without the orders of the three blood ancestors, who allowed you to enter the Blood Demon Tower, this is a capital crime! And, old Man also heard that you want us to have the Blood Demon Curse again, is this true?”


Another Vice-Sect Master spoke. With his voice, hundreds of Blood Demon Religion protectors, Elder, all stared at Ye Fei with an angry face. If it weren’t for the relationship between Ye Fei and the three blood ancestors, according to the evil demon’s Tempered, they couldn’t help but want to shoot.

Gao Qiang, who retreated behind Ye Fei, immediately stared at the group of people with lifeless eyes, “Bold, whoever dares to question the decision of the Fourth Blood Ancestor will die!”



Gao Qiang’s words undoubtedly shocked the hearts of the senior officials of Blood Demon Religion, and then went into a rage, “Gao Qiang, you are the discipline of the third blood ancestor, more I taught Holy Son, why do you want to stand by outsiders? Are you going to betray the three blood ancestors, or do you want to apostasy!”

A Vice-Sect Master was so strong and deliberately detained A big hat, wanting to strike the mountain to shake a tiger and frighten Ye Fei. It is estimated that by now, Gong Zhi and the others should have escaped from the Blood Demon Religion. Ye Fei coldly opened his mouth and shook his head: ” You are wrong, Gao Qiang is not apostasy, but wants to destroy religion, I want to destroy your religion!”

Chapter 1263 One person destroys one religion

Chapter 1263 One person destroys Yijiao

“What, destroying religion?”

“Isn’t he the fourth blood ancestor, why does he want to destroy Blood Demon Religion?”

bang !

earth shattering!

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, even the most savvy Vice-Sect Master has a feeling of hearing sleep talk. How arrogant and crazy is this to destroy one religion by yourself?

After the astonishment, these Vice-Sect Masters laughed cruelly. They were worried that they had no chance to take down the fourth blood ancestor. As a result, Ye Fei gave the opportunity to them. Multiple Vice-Sect Masters winked at each other, and a fiery demon immediately rushed out.

“Kill, the traitor must die, I don’t care if you are the blood ancestor!”

“Blood, the son of the second blood ancestor, his biggest hobby is to kill and catch Captured prisoner!” Gao Qiang said coldly.

“Very good, this person is full of blood and gore, let me kill!”


Ye Fei raised his hand, but pointed to the blood, together The Purple Gold sword light has penetrated the blood-stained head, and the many Vice-Sect Masters with mocking faces are all terrified.

But before they could react, a loud explosion sound spread throughout the Small World of Gorefiend Space. There were horrified shouts everywhere, and some people stumbled and rushed from a distance: “The major event is not good, some captives have escaped, and many captives, they shouted that they would rather die than be blood slaves!”

Blood Demon Religion not only has the discipline, but also the servants of everyone. They are all blood slaves on the surface. They are treated poorly, but they can barely survive. They can’t figure out why that many people will come out to rebel.

Only those Vice Gate Lords, they know how cruel real blood slaves are, and at the same time they are Blood Demon Religion, a secret that must not be exposed. They usually hide carefully in the Blood Demon Tower. Inside, only their absolute henchmen know.

And now, all the blood slaves have escaped, but at this terrible time, Ye Fei forcibly used the identity of the blood ancestor to gather all those who could fight in the blood demon tower. At this time, I still don’t understand what’s going on. These senior officials of Blood Demon Religion could be killed by a headshot.

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