“Traitor, traitor! Gao Qiang, the fourth blood ancestor, you two traitors! They must have let go of blood slaves!”

“Quickly notify the three blood ancestors, All the others are dispatched. Be sure to kill every prisoner who escapes!”

“I see who you dare!”

Ye Fei’s angry roar fiercely. His voice is not loud, but the infinite magic power, like a hurricane, swept through every Blood Demon Religion disciple present, and protects the law: “Two ways, I will lift your blood demon curse, and you will leave the Blood Demon Religion. Of course, you You can also choose to die together with the Blood Demon Religion!”

“Traitor, you to have no shame traitor! Don’t listen to him, let everyone go together and kill this traitor. You must not let blood The story of the slave is spread!” The half emperor of the Blood Demon Religion was all furious. The matter of the blood slave is absolutely confidential. Once it spreads out, the entire Dragon Head Realm will be shocked.

The anger of the Four Saint Courts that followed will definitely destroy everyone in their presence. For Ye Fei, these half-emperors suddenly hated them.

Almost when Ye Fei’s voice fell, all the half-emperors present rushed over, wanting to kill Ye Fei instantly.

A large group of Blood Demon Religion disciple, protectors, also turned their heads and ran away, wanting to chase and kill the blood slaves who fled, Ye Fei also did two actions on this, that is, launching the Tai Chi domain and opening up Purple Gold Tai Chi. The dazzling Tai Chi realm immediately blocked all of these half-emperor attacks.

The law does not invade, is inherently undefeated?

How is this possible? Every half of the emperor who took the shot had a deep fear on his face. They thought that Ye Fei was only Martial Saint 8th Layer, and thought that Ye Fei was easy to deal with. Now it seems that they have obviously kicked an iron plate.

Many of the Blood Demon Religion disciple who began to stir also forgot to move in shock. As long as a small number of diehards wanted to leave the Blood Demon Tower and hunt down the escaped blood slaves.

But a mouthful of dragon flame, of course, sprayed these people into fly ash. Then there was a huge giant tortoise with constant hiccups, whose limbs could not reach the ground, but it blocked every demon who tried to leave the blood devil tower.

Many demons suddenly discovered in fear that although the tortoise in front of him was fat and untenable, once such a tortoise that was bigger than a mountain rolled up, its lethality was absolutely terrifying. .

hong long long!

Dragon Tortoise only rolled once in the open space of the Blood Demon Tower. There were hundreds of Blood Demon Religion protectors on the spot, and they died tragically under the huge turtle mountain.

“Ah, go to a few people and kill the Dragon Tortoise!” A Vice-Sect Master roared furiously, and suddenly gave up attacking Ye Fei, trying to kill Dragon Tortoise.


Ye Fei immediately stared at the man, a purple-golden fist, like a star, blasting the Vice-Sect Master into meat sauce with one punch. But Ye Fei’s actions also gave other Vice-Sect Masters a chance. They looked at each other and launched the strongest attack again. moved towards Ye Fei, front and back, left and right, endlessly rushing over.

“Kill him, kill him, you can control that Dragon Tortoise!” Many Vice-Sect Masters, expressions are all crazy.

“Is it useful to think that there are more people? Today, I said that I want to exterminate religion, then I will do it! I use Tai Chi to cleanse your sins!” Ye Fei gripped the Spirit Sword, suddenly In the front, a surging sword river was cut out, and the sword river turned into a huge Taiji Sword picture. The entire sky was filled, and the many half emperors below ruthlessly crushed down.

At this moment, Ye Fei is like a god, and more like a demon, Taiji can reach it, it can kill, one half of the emperor, with panic and unwillingness, is ruthlessly destroyed by Taiji Sword.

There are also half-emperors with Profound Truth in the department, who inspired Profound Truth, burned their blood essence frantically, and suddenly fled to all directions.

“He is too strong, we go to find the blood ancestor, as long as the three blood ancestors come, he will be dead, the blood ancestor will pull him out…”


The half-emperor’s words didn’t finish, the whole world suddenly resounded through the majestic Dragon’s roar, Heavenly Dragon’s Octave, and the whole world. Even Dragon Tortoise, which was rolling all over the ground, couldn’t help but stop when he heard this voice.

Ye Fei simulated the first eight dragon sounds of heaven and earth with his powerful Buddhism power. The dozen or so half emperors who had fled suddenly shook, and at this time, he once again With the sword, the Tai Chi in the sky disappeared and replaced by the eight Dao Void.

In the sky, sword fire erupts, like eight volcanoes erupting. Void Sword fire!


The entire Gorefiend world is collapsing, the endless sword fire ignites the space, and it continuously pierces the last dozen Vice-Sect Masters. , Only a pile of charred remains.

Tai Chi domain, Tianlong golden body, coupled with the realm of Martial Saint 8th Layer, Ye Fei at this time is confident to fight against Martial Sovereign’s mid-term opponents, trifling a group of half emperors, why not Can escape his beheading. ,

“The last chance, to give up, or to die with the Blood Demon Religion?” In the sky of sword fire, Ye Fei is like Demon God, and the infinite magic power shocks the many Blood Demon Religion below. disciple.

He didn’t kill indiscriminately, but knew that many people in it were cursed by the blood demon and had to join the Blood Demon Religion. These people, like the senior officials of the Blood Demon Religion, have essential different.

“As the Holy Son, I have surrendered to the Fourth Blood Progenitor. Many of you are forced to join. Do you really want to see that the Fourth Blood Progenitor, one person, is destroyed Is it a teacher?” Gao Qiang stood up, with a few heads in his hand,

Chapter 1264 Power of Merit

Chapter 1264 Power of Merit

Three cunning Vice-Sect Masters, trying to hide in the crowd and escape, were discovered by Gao Qiang, and then beheaded. At this point, the senior management of Blood Demon Religion has been to catch everything in one net!

Many of the Blood Demon Religion guardians, Elder, who were still resisting, were immediately full of fear. Before the three blood ancestors returned, they wisely chose to surrender.

“The fourth blood ancestor, we are willing to surrender, and we are willing to serve you as the Lord!”

Gao Qiang said indifferently: “Now surrender and wait for the three blood ancestors to come back. The opposite is you. Today, I will replace the blood ancestors and kill you!”

“Gao Qiang, you traitor, the three blood ancestors will soon return. When they come back, none of you I want to live, fight with them, and wait for the return of the three blood ancestors!” The Elders, who had just surrendered, all jumped up with their face looks sinister.

Ye Fei didn’t make any more moves. Gao Qiang was him. Gao Qiang’s every move was actually carrying out his will. This is also the most peculiar part of the corpse puppet.

Ancient Era, the corpse puppet army of Life and Death Palace, is also the most terrifying existence.

For the Life and Death Palace expert who has mastered corpse puppetry, let alone destroy one person and teach one, as long as there are enough corpse puppets to destroy the entire dragon head world, it is a single thought Things. Ye Fei feels that Life and Death Palace is a bit like Necromancer.

Of course, this witchcraft is not as a last resort. He doesn’t want to use it anymore. Then, he walked towards the Blood Demon Religion disciple who had never taken a shot or escaped.

They are all common disciples, slaves, or some small bosses. Whether to kill or not to kill, in fact, has little effect. Ye Fei has no prejudice against demons. Of course, he will not kill them when he sees demons like those who claim to be upright. Instead, he throws them a large amount of blood magic pills stored in the bleeding tower.

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