Blood Demon Pill can lift their blood demon curse within the body. It was researched out by the blood ancestors of the past and specifically controlled their subordinates.

Take the Blood Demon Pill, a small number of people are still a little at a loss, but most of them don’t agree with the discipline of Blood Demon Religion, and they quickly disperse the birds and beasts.

Ye Fei no longer pays attention to these people, nor does he watch Gao Qiang fight with the demon who resisted. He stood on the dragon turtle’s back and let the Dragon Tortoise fly into the air, and began to aim at the entire Blood Demon Religion, spraying With endless dragon flames, the entire Blood Demon Religion suddenly became a terrifying fire sea.

Finally a loud explosion sound, the entire Gorefiend space, in flames, began to collapse.

“Oh my God, the fourth blood ancestor, you have to die, you really killed the Blood Demon Religion alone!”

“Hold on, three blood The ancestors have received the news, they are on their way back, waiting for the three blood ancestors to come back, all the traitors will die!”

Blood Demon Religion was established after tens of thousands of years, with ups and downs in the middle, There are still some die-hard people. For these people, Ye Fei has only one word, kill!

“Only by completely destroying this place can their sins be cleansed up. In this way, I can use the magic pool to dissolve the devil, and I can feel at ease.”


Just when Ye Fei felt at ease, eight heavenly dragons suddenly appeared behind him. At the same time, in the sky, a mysterious power came down and merged into the eight heavenly dragons.

Ye Fei immediately felt that his eight heavenly dragon golden bodies had been faintly strengthened a lot, as if out of thin air, his golden body had been promoted.

“What’s the matter? I don’t have cultivation, how can a golden body break through?” Ye Fei looked strange, and suddenly, two words came to his mind: merit!

martial artist with martial proving the dao, Buddhism, but proving the Tao with merit!

“Could it be said that my act of destroying the Blood Demon Religion unintentionally gained merit? And what was dropped just now is the power of merit?”

Ye Fei’s face He became weird, but before he carefully sensed the power of the merit, the eight dragons had disappeared, so he simply had no chance to sense the force of the merit.

Then, three roars of violent rage came to Ye Fei’s ears from outside like a hurricane. In the end, the spirit vein is only one or two days away from the Blood Demon Religion. Although Ye Fei lured the Tiger away from the mountain, there was a time difference between hitting the three blood ancestors, but the blood ancestors who reacted can still rush back to the Blood Demon Religion as quickly as possible.

This is also the reason why Ye Fei refuses to leave with Gong Zhi and the others, because once he leaves with everyone, at the speed of the three blood ancestors, he will soon catch up and open the killing ring. In this way, the discipline of the Big Four Saint Court will definitely suffer heavy casualties and affect his reconciliation with the Big Four Saint Court.

So, he can only stay, first destroy the Blood Demon Religion, and then block the pursuit of the three blood ancestors, so that Gong Zhi and the others can retreat all over and escape from the dragon head realm. Let the four Saint Court owe him a great favor.

The only thing that made Ye Fei didn’t expect was that his adventure not only sold favors, but also unexpectedly gained the power of merit, which gave the golden body a small improvement.

“Maybe this is called, good people have good rewards… I don’t know how big my golden body after promotion, formidable power will be, can it threaten the three blood ancestors!” The roar that came, Ye Fei’s body was raging, and it was also a roar. Is he provoking, or provoking three blood ancestors at the same time.

“He’s crazy! One person exterminates religion, and one more person, facing the three Martial Sovereign blood ancestors!” The escaped Blood Demon Religion disciple, heard Ye Fei’s howling, his face was full of horror , In my mind, also left an indelible shadow on Ye Fei.

The three blood ancestors are still a step late. Under the dragon flame of Dragon Tortoise, the entire Small World of Blood Demon Religion has been completely destroyed.

All the people who resisted were killed, and there was only a piece of rubble left, and there were low-level Blood Demon Religion disciple running around for their lives.


Bloodkill saw this scene, and his eyes burst open. The blood splattered five meters on the spot, madly angry, “Ye Fei, I’m not enough to destroy my spirit vein. , You still ruin my Blood Demon Religion, old man hates it, under the spirit vein three days ago, the old man should fight you hard.”

“Doomsday, absolute plague god, not a son of man! My blood family’s 10,000-year foundation was ruined!” The bloody old man burst into tears, roar towards the sky.

“Kill, kill him, kill all these traitors, all the disciplines are obedient, turn around, fight the fire, who dares to run away, execute without any mercy!” He is crazy, he claims to be resourceful, In the end, Ye Fei played around with blood and hatred.

With full of hatred, the three blood ancestors roared frantically, and constantly summoned the escaped Blood Demon Religion disciple and returned to them, but no one listened to them. The people who were extremely afraid of Ye Fei, see When the blood ancestor returns, he runs faster and more desperately.

They are afraid that the curse of the Gorefiend will be controlled.

This scene again made the three blood ancestors, their angry eyes turned blue. Together, they angrily roared: “If the religion is destroyed, it can be rebuilt. Only traitors can not tolerate one. You Go and die.”

The three blood ancestors launched the blood demon curse at the same time, and the terrifying magic power enveloped the Quartet. They wanted to let these escaped disciplines all curse and die.

Ye Fei sneered loudly: “The three blood ancestors, your blood devil curse is no longer useful, who dares to come over and fight me!”

Chapter 1265 Tianlong Swallowing the Sun

Chapter 1265 Tianlong Swallowing the Sun

If Ye Fei didn’t believe in the words at all, the three blood ancestors, all with red eyes, exploded their magic power, and then let He was extremely angry. Their magic power did not affect the Blood Demon Religion disciple who fled for their lives. In the blink of an eye, everyone, including many demonic beasts in captivity, ran away.


As the Sect Lord of Blood Demon Religion, Bloody Yin looked at the huge sect with his own eyes, just like this all split up and in pieces, dead to death, escape to escape, He suddenly burst into tears, “Sinners, ancestors, we are all sinners, we shouldn’t lead wolves into the house, we shouldn’t get into the thief ship by mistake!”

Black smoke came out of the bloody head and shouted loudly. “Big brother, you are wrong. This is not the thief who got into the boat by mistake, but the thief got on the boat! This kid, from the very beginning, has no peace of mind. He is not a servant of the blood demon, but of the blood demon. Enemy! Or our great enemy!”

“Kill, whether he is a servant or an enemy, he is dead, he is completely damned, this one who killed a thousand swords, was struck by lightning, Our blood ancestor and you have a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, even if you destroy my spirit vein, you will still destroy the religion!” The blood killer went mad on the spot, and the distorted face showed incomparable gigantic rage and hideousness.

Then, the three blood ancestors roared like blood pythons, and at the same time they madly shot forward. The blood killer shot out a scarlet python, that python, wings, dragon horn, Spit blood glow.

Blood Yin and demonic eruption, his body twisted, the whole body is no longer a person, but a flashing blood cell, the blood cell spins frantically, releasing an endless blood arrow, drowning the world.

“Evil thief, with my blood, summon God, Earth Demon! Kill this demon!” Xueluan is a scholar, he disdains melee, but is good at arranging Formation, summon gods and demons, then he The blood, soaked in the void, in the sky, suddenly a bloody vortex appeared, quickly communicating a mysterious world.


The world opened, a thick thigh, ruthlessly trampled out of the world, the void that was stepped on continued to collapse, and then, a bull-headed monster body appeared The high Great Demonic God.

“The sea of ​​blood is boundless!” Xueyin felt that this was not enough. He sat cross-legged in the blood cell, making a crazy magic mark with both hands, moving towards a ruin somewhere in the Blood Demon Religion, that piece of waste. Blasted. The blood rolled and formed a flood, which soon drowned this world and turned it into a terrifying blood pool.

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