bangpa !

At the moment when the body was frozen into ice sculpture, Ye Fei finally succeeded in releasing the Frostbolt with his rock-like will. I saw a howling cold light, like a glacier, rushing forward, the sky and the earth were frozen until they were thousands of miles away, all turned into a terrifying glacier.

The Demon God who originally killed Ye Fei, his body and the Gorefiend domain were all frozen by the Frost Bolt, forming a tall iceberg. In the iceberg, the Blood Demon Religion Lord’s crazy roar came, “Damn it, that’s a complete ice bow and arrow! The old man searched for 30 years and found half of the Emperor Artifact. He actually dared to use it. Come to deal with the old man?”

“hmph, half of the Emperor Artifact, only an ice bow that is about to be scrapped. It is a miracle that he can pull it off once. When we break the glacier, it will be his death. !”


With the overlapping voices of blood killing and blood chaos, when the Frost Arrow flew back, the last frost giant dragon on the ice bow in Ye Fei’s hand broke suddenly. So far, this piece of ice The bow, completely scrapped, the howling Frost Arrow, only trapped the blood ancestor for a dozen breaths.

That huge Demon God ice sculpture, the ice layer has begun to shake violently, as if it may collapse at any time, Ye Fei’s heart also sinks, due to the incompleteness of the ice bow, the ice is frozen. While sealing the blood ancestor, he was also frozen by Frostbolt.

“If the blood ancestor broke through the ice before me, then I would really be a dead end!” Ye Fei’s face was covered with thick frost, and there was no way to break the ice in a short time. He regretted it even more in his heart, and he shouldn’t have allowed Sword Soul to develop a picky eater.

Otherwise, whether it is the Black Lotus within the body of the blood, or the strength of Cold Ice that freezes his Primordial Spirit, he can make the Immortal Sword Soul instantly absorb, and then escape.

Helpless, since I inhaled the Force of Tribulation and Death Power, the ordinary energy, the immortal Sword Soul has been disdainful to absorb it. At this time, Ye Fei was attacked by the cold, and the Sword Soul within the body was shocked. There was no movement.

“You really want to be picky eaters!”

Ye Fei was inexplicably sad and angry. Then, he suddenly remembered something, and cursed with a dark face: “That tortoise that is bullying and afraid of hardship, should Don’t saw that the situation was far from good, did you run away in advance?”


When someone called me, under the ice layer, a thief came out immediately Dragon Tortoise was shocked when he saw Ye Fei frozen into ice sculpture, and then he felt refreshed inexplicably.

Finally, it was its turn to dominate the fierce demon and sweep the battlefield. Dragon Tortoise roared, with a very simple claw, grabbed Ye Fei’s ice sculpture frozen into a popsicle, and moved towards the distance and moved horizontally. At that speed, if the thief saw it, he would die of shame.

The three blood ancestors of the already supported iceberg on the verge of collapse, all of them spit out a big mouth of magic blood, “God killed, hollowed out the spirit vein, it turned out to be this broken Tortoise, like Ye Fei, he deserves to die, he must die! Give the deity to die!”

Demon God was so angry that his two arms were stretched out of the glacier in a rage. , And then without looking, two magic knives, already whistling, smashed at the escaped Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise.

At this time, Ye Fei is still trapped in ice sculpture. Unable to move even a little bit. With the strength of Dragon Tortoise, it is estimated that it is not enough for a magic knife. In desperation, Ye Fei can’t take care of it. That many, I can only hold on to the last thought, and shout in corpse words: “Please Fellow Daoist to prevent the disaster!”

“Fellow Daoist has life, how can I not follow it! Fellow Daoist Hurry up and head to the White Bone Wasteland! There is a forbidden area for evil spirits, and the blood ancestors will definitely not dare to break in!”

Suddenly Gao Qiang rushed out from the tip of the iceberg like a meteor, loyally blocking Ye Fei’s before. He quickly threw a map to Ye Fei, and then Gao Qiang resolutely used his body to crash into a magic knife, and his body instantly Self-destruction.


The power of the corpse puppet Self-destruction is very terrifying, and Gao Qiang himself is also a half emperor. His Self-destruction not only successfully destroyed the first magic knife , It greatly weakened the second magic knife.

But there is still half of the afterimage of the magic knife, swept past Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise, but fortunately, Dragon Tortoise and Ye Fei, both skin is rough, flesh is thick, Dragon Tortoise Even at a critical moment, an infinite formation mark appeared on the turtle’s back, forming a large array, blocking the final aftermath of the magic knife.

In this scene, the three blood ancestors who were also angry suddenly roared and the raging anger suddenly turned into a magic flame, which completely shattered the glacier, a loud explosion sound, the Demon God after the blood ancestors merged, Out of the ice completely.

Chapter 1268 White Bone Wasteland

Chapter 1268 White Bone Wasteland

The blood ancestors came out one step too late. When they broke the ice, they always Dragon Tortoise, which runs faster than the thief, has long been carrying Ye Fei, and can’t even see the shadow.

The huge demon body of Demon God is trembling. You must know that it is the strongest and most secret method of the blood ancestors to transform into a demon. Originally relying on this hidden method, they are likely to be surprised. , Beheaded Ye Fei, thus avenging the destruction of religion.

But high-strength fierce and unafraid of death, as well as the appearance of Dragon Tortoise, actually reversed everything, how can blood ancestors not be angry? The violent blood killing is even more crazy threatening to kill all the turtles in the world in return for this hatred.

Blood chaos was looking at Gao Qiang’s Self-destruction, and his eyes flashed with fear. He couldn’t understand how Ye Fei instigated Gao Qiang and made Gao Qiang so fierce and unafraid of death. Willingly, protect Ye Fei from disasters.

“Does the high-strength cultivation deviation, the practice makes the head broken?” The bloody face was gloomy, turned to look towards the other two heads, and said bitterly: “What should we do now, the Blood Demon Religion is destroyed Now, the tortoise runs so fast again, we have no way to chase Ye Fei.”

“We don’t care, Ye Fei can not kill, that turtle must die!” Blood kill and blood The chaos didn’t stop at all, and the furious Demon God took another huge step, like a mountain, chasing down in the direction of Dragon Tortoise’s escape.

hong long long!

Listening to the running sound of The earth shook and the mountain quivered behind, a wry smile flashed across Ye Fei’s face, “This time I lost a lot of money. I wanted to stop the blood ancestor from leaving for a while. , I almost lost my life and completely scrapped an ice bow! Sure enough, there is no weak person who can become a Martial Sovereign!”

It’s like this battle, who would have thought that the blood ancestor was actually He can still fit together, and his strength has greatly increased. If it were not for this, he would not have been defeated so miserably.

“My realm is still too low, and the domain is still too weak. True Martial Saint Court can’t return. The blood ancestors can’t catch up with me. They will definitely ambush at the transfer point of True Martial Saint Court. When I get the bait, it seems that I have only escaped to the bone wasteland.”

The bone wasteland is the largest and most dangerous area in the dragon head realm. It is said that it is a hundred times more dangerous than the blood sea forest. Inside, the demonic beast Rampantly, there is even the demonic beast Sovereign of quasi-emperor level, hidden in it, usually even the demon Martial Sovereign rarely dare to step into it.

Entering the white bone wasteland is undoubtedly a very good choice, but this choice is also full of huge risks.

Holding the map given by Gao Qiang, Ye Fei couldn’t help but hesitate in his heart. Soon his hesitation, when he heard the roar of the blood ancestors soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed , He finally made up his mind.

“hmph, can’t beat you, can’t I still run to beat you? Da Hei, speed up and fly north, let’s go to the bone wasteland!” Ye Fei commanded.

“roar!” Dragon Tortoise burped loudly, and pointed his paw at his chubby body, indicating that it was not easy for him to run so fast.

Ye Fei slightly smiled, comforting Dragon Tortoise and said: “It’s okay for Da Hei, it doesn’t matter if you run fast. At most, we are caught by the blood ancestors behind, and then I am killed. What about you? I’m fat, I heard that the ginseng stewed tortoise soup is very nourishing…”


Dragon Tortoise, who was about to be lazy just now, had red eyes and his tail. Behind, a terrifying Spiritual Qi tail flame was sprayed out. The huge body is like an inflated balloon. The speed has more than doubled. If the speed of at first Dragon Tortoise is 300 li per breath. , Then now, it is definitely five hundred miles in the blink of an eye.

Under the threat of the stew, Dragon Tortoise decisively started desperately. The blood ancestors who were chasing behind also screamed decisively, and they didn’t understand. Why is such a big tortoise running at such a terrifying speed? At the beginning, they could barely see the silhouette of Dragon Tortoise.

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