Three days later, they could only see the disappearing tail flames of Dragon Tortoise.

Ten days later, the blood ancestor could only vaguely sense the breath of Dragon Tortoise. Twenty days later, the blood ancestors couldn’t even sense the breath of Dragon Tortoise. On the contrary, they vomited a lot of devil blood all the way with anger, and the huge demon body they chased showed signs of collapse.

Dragon Tortoise, who is madly escaping for life, is foaming at the mouth while still flying desperately. Ye Fei has discovered the pattern. As long as Dragon Tortoise wants to stop, Ye Fei will introduce the ginseng tortoise in detail. During the cooking process of the soup, Dragon Tortoise was so scared that he could only hold back his energy, and continued to run faster than the rabbit.

Finally, under the efforts of Dragon Tortoise, a month later, Ye Fei discovered a white wilderness in front of him. This is the Bone Wilderness. It is said that there are countless demonic beasts among the survivors, fighting and devouring each other. After tens of thousands of years, the entire wilderness has become white bones, just like a layer of snow.

In front of the Bone Wilderness, there is also an ancient tablet erected on it with Martial Sovereign’s Spiritual Imprint, rubbing the four blood characters of the trespasser’s death to warn the evil spirits of the dragon head world, don’t Easy to enter.

But for Ye Fei, who is currently being chased by the blood ancestors and wanted by the four Saint Courts, there are really no other methods besides entering the bone wasteland and hiding for a while.

“These days, Saint Court disciple is not easy to do. Being a demon is also very difficult. Da Hei, I have worked hard for you. I escaped inside. It shouldn’t be the blood ancestor. , But you are so fat. The demonic beast inside should be very interesting to you.”


Dragon Tortoise fell on the ground and was panting, hearing Ye At Fei’s words, he felt his still round body in shock and hurriedly returned to the beast seal space. Xiaocao happily told Ye Fei that Dragon Tortoise said he was not hungry and skinny, and he was determined not to come out anymore.

In this regard, Ye Fei was speechless, but he thought that this would save a lot of Spirit Stones, and he was secretly delighted. These saved Spirit Stones can be used by him to improve his strength. .

He didn’t dare to go deep into the bone wasteland, but let Xiaocao find a relatively safe valley, hid quietly, and then began to retreat crazily inside.

“If you don’t breakthrough Martial Saint 9th Layer, Ye Fei will never go out, and if I don’t reach half the emperor, I will never leave the bone wasteland one step!”

In the cave, Ye Fei watch Because of the thousands of fairy crystals saved by Dragon Tortoise’s diet, his heart was secretly ruthless. This battle with the blood ancestor also gave Ye Fei a huge excitement.

“In the dragon head realm, only if you have the strength, you can live. Without the strength, you will not only be chased and killed, but also slaughtered! I, never be slaughtered!”


Taking a deep breath, Ye Fei plunged directly into the deep pool of the valley, and then began to cultivate hard in it.

As time goes by, the pond where Ye Fei is hiding, gradually emerges elegant Spiritual Qi. These Spiritual Qi nourish the surrounding vegetation. More and more demonic beasts like to come here to drink and fight, and finally, a demonic beast from Martial Saint 3rd Layer will forcefully drive away other demonic beasts and prepare to use this as their new lair.

But before this Demon Beast builds the nest, crash-bang, in the sky, there was a sound of chains, and at the same time an iron hook suddenly fell from the sky and entangled the body of the demonic beast At the same time, he hooked harder, and the demonic beast immediately stood still, but in his body, there was a beast soul exactly like the demonic beast, which was pulled out by the hook and fell into a group of Shadowman’s animal skin pockets.

Chapter 1269 Venerable Evil Spirit

Chapter 1269 Venerable Evil Spirit

Ye Fei was cultivation at the bottom of the pool. At this time, he was also disturbed by the chain above. Using divine sense, I saw the soul of the demonic beast, chained and forcibly hooked out of the body.

If it’s an ordinary demonic beast, it’s all, but the demonic beast is Martial Saint 3rd Layer! If it hadn’t been for closed-door cultivation at the bottom of the pool, at the demonic beast, he would have probably been discovered. Such a vigilant demonic beast was actually hooked with an iron hook and the beast soul was hooked out. This aroused Ye Fei’s interest.

“Xiaocao, do you remember the spiritual Qi of those shadows?” Ye Fei whispered. Xiaocao is also eating the fairy crystal in the beast print space. The Dragon Tortoise next to him has green eyes. He wants to get a black mouth several times and secretly eats a Spirit Stone, but Xiaocao is very alert and does not give Dragon Tortoise this opportunity. .

However, after several months of starvation, Dragon Tortoise’s body shape is no longer puffy, and his limbs are finally able to reach the ground.


In front of Dragon Tortoise, the grass comfortably swallowed the last piece of fairy crystal, feeling elated, patted his hands, and gestured to Ye Fei He made a no problem gesture, indicating that Xiaocao had already remembered the special Spiritual Qi of those black shadows.

In this way, even if the shadows walk away, the grass can feel it at any time. However, Ye Fei waited patiently for a long time to determine that around the valley, not at all people were watching, he rushed out of the pool with a bang.

Months of cultivation, Ye Fei not at all breakthrough Martial Saint 9th Layer, it’s not that the strength is not enough, but that he has too many Primordial Spirit within the body. Eight Primordial Spirits are comparable to one Primordial Spirit. , Breakthrough is more difficult.

“The cultivation base did not have a breakthrough, but encountered a group of mysterious black shadows like ecstasy messengers. Strange, isn’t it that the bone wasteland is a forbidden place for demons? How did the group of people get in, and what methods did they use? , Got those demonic beast souls away?”

With strong curiosity, Ye Fei quietly followed the direction where the shadows left, and left the water pool. The bone wasteland also has a lot of vegetation through these Grass, wood, grass can easily find the Spiritual Qi fluctuations left behind by the group of dark shadows.

About three days later, Ye Fei found the second place where the dark shadows stayed. It was a cave. In the cave, there was a huge demonic beast corpse.

Like the demonic beast in the pool, it was unharmed, but the soul of the beast was taken away by those people. This feeling is strange, even if the old bird of Martial Dao, the method of the dark shadow, It went far beyond Ye Fei’s expectations.

“This white bone wasteland is definitely not just as simple as the forbidden land of evil demons. The dark shadows may not be foreign, but they themselves live in the white bone wasteland.”

It was tracking to a hill and looking at the huge Demon Insect that fell on the ground, Ye Fei’s expression became serious. After several days of observation, he found that these dark shadows acted very well, and they seemed to know in advance where there was a dangerous demonic beast and avoided them in advance.

Their moves are also very regular. They all choose the demonic beast of Martial Saint a 2nd layer. Such demonic beasts are abundant in the wasteland of the bones. With the chains in the hands of the shadows, it is easy to move. , You can kill the demonic beast and take the beast soul.

Being able to understand the distribution of the demonic beasts of Bone Wasteland, this is obviously not a foreign demon. What can be done is Ye Fei. It is also by the induction of the grass to avoid those powerful demonic beasts.

“This group of dark shadows is too weird, I will continue to follow, or just leave.” Ye Fei was in entanglement. He was very curious about Sombra’s behavior, but he was worried that he would cause unnecessary trouble if he followed rashly. Just as Ye Fei was hesitating, a violent roar suddenly came from the forest in the distance.

In the beast seal space, Xiaocao also quickly told Ye Fei that the powerful demonic beast was approaching here. Ye Fei stopped hesitating, turned around and ran away. Doing more is not as good as doing less. He has enough trouble, “At most, find a place where no one is there and continue closed-door cultivation.”

Ye Fei thought secretly. He could not help speeding up his pace of leaving, but before he could go far, the screams of dark shadows had already been heard in the mountains.

“Hurry up, let’s take care of it, it’s not a normal demonic beast, but a demonic beast Sovereign!”

“Send a signal, please help your Lord, please help your Lord! “


A large-scale firework blooms in the sky, and the sight of thousands of miles is full of light, but this light also stimulates the demonic beast Sovereign in the forest.


Within a thousand miles, there was another terrifying beast roar, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, there were several shadows, not yet When he rushed to the sky, his soul was shattered and fell to the ground.

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