At the same time, in the mountains and forests, a huge demon ape rushed out quickly. The demon ape was carrying a bloody demonic beast corpse. Obviously, the shadows harvested the demonic beast’s soul. At that time, the bad luck guy came across the magic ape, and happened to come here to hunt.

In the eyes of the demonic beast, the powerful martial artists are all super spiritual pill with shining aura, eating a martial artist is more useful than eating a demo beast. Naturally, this powerful demon ape also regarded these shadows as prey and began to kill.

When Ye Fei came back, he had already seen the demon ape, swallowing the black shadows on the ground one by one.

The rest of the shadows couldn’t help screaming, but they were wearing tall black hats, covering their entire body. Ye Fei couldn’t see who they were, just Know the realm they revealed.

“Two Martial Saint 7th Layers, led by a Martial Saint ten-fold great expert! However, their strength is much stronger than ordinary demons, and everyone has one to several kinds Profound Truth!”

While Ye Fei was observing, he happened to see that these three shadows joined forces to launch the Profound Truth to force the scene of the Demon Ape, but the Demon Ape did not intend to let go of the prey in his eyes. , But because of their resistance, they became crazy.


Another huge sound wave, shaking the sky, was impacted by the sound wave, the mountain range where Ye Fei was hiding, there was a bang, collapsed on all sides, a sound, roaring A mountain, Ye Fei has seen a lot of magic apes, but it was the first time he saw such a powerful magic ape.

“No wonder the White Bone Wasteland is called the Evil Forbidden Land. The demonic beast here is too powerful. A demon beast that comes out is Martial Sovereign Level!”

Ye Fei already He didn’t dare to stay any longer. At the moment when the mountain collapsed, he suddenly turned into a streamer and rushed into the distance. The three shadows had already fallen into the sky amid the roar of the demon ape, and they happened to be swallowed by the demon ape one by one.

Then, the demon monkey stared at the last Ye Fei with ferocious eyes. He even grabbed the corner of the collapsed mountain on the spot, and was about to smash it at Ye Fei.

But before the demon ape smashed over, the ground roared, and countless white soil madly rolled up, unexpectedly formed a white giant earth palm, and quickly smashed it towards the demon ape.

“Not good, the helpers of the dark shadows are here!” Ye Fei was extremely depressed. This is the curiosity that killed the cat. After being chased by the demon ape, there was another powerful Martial Sovereign in front of him, especially when the Martial Sovereign dealt with the demon ape, the eyes looked very surprised and looked towards Ye Fei: “Break into the bones. Wasteland, you can still survive the pursuit of the Demon Ape Sovereign. This Venerable is the first time I have seen you, hey, it’s you!”

Chapter 1270 Forced Inclusion

1270 Zhang Qiang pulls into the group

“It’s not me, I’ve confessed it! Your sir, you’re busy slowly, Junior has something to do, let’s go one step ahead.”

Ye Fei secretly scolds the man who abandoned the sky. Sure enough, it is bad luck. It is difficult for other people to encounter a Martial Sovereign in their entire life. As a result, when he leaves the house, he encounters two, still a man and a beast.

Fortunately, when the mountain range was smashed by the demon ape, he covered in dirt with the dirt in the sky. Ye Fei was not worried that he would attract the attention of Venerable Sky.

Furthermore, the Venerable did not have time to pay attention to Ye Fei. The demon ape had already changed its goal. Suddenly the mountain in his hand moved towards Venerable and threw it towards him. At the same time, he slapped him more violently. The palm of the huge earth that was pushed away shattered.

“Evil creature, kill my discipline, and dare to commit crimes, your beast soul, this Venerable is here! Life and death are on the line, heaven and man are at a loss!”

Venerable shouted, Open your hands, hold the sky with your left hand, hold the ground with your right hand, and display a kind of terrifying martial arts similar to magical powers, fighting with the magic apes.

Of course, during the battle, the Venerable did not forget to move towards Ye Fei divine sense sound transmission, “Don’t go, little friend, the old man is not malicious, we can talk…”

“I don’t know each other, so don’t talk about it!” Ye Fei yelled in response, turned his head and ran away. He was really depressed. Since entering the dragon head realm, he has been bad luck all the way, and he was chased wherever he went. Wherever I go, I always encounter Martial Sovereign experts who cannot afford to offend.

It is precisely to see that whether it is that or the magic ape, they are all powerful existences in the later period of Martial Sovereign. He is a small body of Martial Saint 8th Layer, which is not what courting death is.

Helplessly, Ye Fei ran fast, but there was a sound. He ran faster than Ye Fei. Just not long after he rushed out, in the sky, there was another dark shadow, rushing quickly Come down.

“Fuck, it’s Martial Sovereign again! There are so many Martial Sovereigns in this white-boned wasteland?” Ye Fei suddenly wanted to cry, and finally understood why the white-boned wasteland is called the Evil Forbidden Land, and it is the Martial Sovereign too. Too much, ordinary demons naturally come in and die one by one.

“It seems that White Bone Wasteland cannot stay. You must leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible!” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with solemnity, allowing so many Martial Sovereigns to hide here, White Bone Wasteland, absolutely There is a big problem, the only good thing is that Martial Sovereign that blocked him this time. The strength is not high, only Martial Sovereign Early-Stage, do it quickly, he can still escape.

“Those who stand against me die, Taiji Sword, Taiji realm!”

Boom ka!

Ye Fei decisively shot, slashing out a terrifying Purple Gold Sword glow, when he was at a loss, his Tai Chi field, not at all, was activated, as if it was under some kind of huge suppression.

“Domain? Young Master Ye, you actually want to use the field in the white bone wasteland?” The dark shadow on the opposite side looks weird and does not at all mean to shoot Ye Fei, but quickly dodges and avoids Opened this sword.

“Is it recognized? This voice is familiar!” Ye Fei snorted in his heart, retracted the sword, and looked at the dark shadow opposite, “Who are you, what force are you?”

“hehe, Young Master Ye, how forgetful the nobles, old man Yu Zhijiang, Young Master Ye can still remember that when he was outside the sea, he sold Pill Recipe of Countenance Halt Pill to old man?” Yu Zhijiang slightly smiled, took off his hat. Ye Fei took a closer look and found that this person is really the Palace Lord, Yu Zhijiang, of the Palace of Senluo.

Back in Xie Xiuhai, he was ashamed of his pocket and ran to the Senluo Temple to sell the countenance halt pill’s Pill Recipe in exchange for the Spirit Stone to buy the holy bones. I didn’t think the past few years have passed. In the dragon head realm, I ran into Yu Zhijiang again… Wait, Ye Fei remembers that when he was in the open sea, Yu Zhijiang was only sevenfold, not even the ancient Martial Saint. It has only been a few years, this person Has it become Martial Sovereign?

“You are not Yu Zhijiang!” Ye Fei shouted sharply.

“I am Yu Zhijiang, I can prove it! Young Master, you see, this is the Countenance Halt Pill Pill Recipe you sold to me back then.” Yu Zhijiang was very sure, after thinking about it, and adding Said: “The old man has always been Martial Sovereign, just for the convenience of doing business, deliberately concealing the cultivation base.”

Said this, Yu Zhijiang still sighed, “old man met you back then, You are still a little Martial Lord. I haven’t seen you in a few years. You are already the number one in the Heaven Ranking, the invincible demon saint. I really surprised the old man. I knew that. Back then, I just stubbornly pulled you. Enter the Palace of Senluo.”

“Old Yu, don’t, Junior is just an abandoned body. The name Demon Sage is too arrogant and ignorant. I have already decided. I will return to the Northern Territory now. Return to the mountains and forests, goodbye!” Ye Fei arched his hand, turned around, and was about to change direction and continue to escape.

This Yu Zhijiang is a Martial Sovereign but is dressed as a mighty, boneless wasteland, and it is very likely to be the site of the Senluo Temple. A fool can also see that this Senluo Temple is not a good match. He was stupid to take Yu Zhijiang’s words, quickly found an excuse, and prepared to leave forcibly.

“Little friend, please hold your steps! Since you know Lao Yu, you are your own person. What are you going to do!” At this moment, the Venerable also came here instantly, and faintly stopped Ye Fei’s Way to go. As for the demon ape, it has long since run away.

Obviously, the demon ape is not stupid, and found that there are two Martial Sovereigns here. They must suffer a loss in fighting, and they simply take advantage and run away. In this regard, Ye Fei also swears, next time you meet the demon ape, must borrow the whip of the grass to kill the demon ape. When will you not run, run now!

The key is that you ran away, and I am alone, how can I deal with two Martial Sovereign, the key that, or the late Martial Sovereign!

Ye Fei cursed secretly in her heart. On the surface, she still tried her best to keep calm and said: “Senior is something else?”

“Of course something is happening!” The venerable blew his beard said while staring; “you brat Yes, we sent that many Martial Sovereign to solicit you. You all refused, and almost a few Palace Lords decided to go out in person. Fortunately, Yu Zhijiang came and said that we knew you, so we didn’t come forward. Yu Zhijiang, Since you know him, let him agree to join us in Senluo Temple.”

“What, those Martial Sovereigns are all sent by you?” Ye Fei complexion sank, he thought of the demonic path, Several Martial Sovereigns who kept coming to harass him.

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