Only at that time, he wanted to get involved in the Blood Demon Religion and resolve the demonic nature within the body, but he refused decisively. Now that he wants to come, he is really wise.

“Two Seniors, I am Saint Court disciple, please forgive me…”


The palm of the giant earth suddenly turned away The whole forest was photographed into powder, and then the Venerable smiled and asked: “Senior has bad ears. By the way, kid, what did you say just now, please tell me again.”

“… “Ye Fei has nothing to say.

Yu Zhijiang has a lot to say. He walked up cordially and said with earnest words: “Ye Fei, our Senluo Temple is different from Saint Court. We speak with our strength, regardless of your background, or you As long as you have the strength, we will try our best to cultivate whether you are a person who is abandoned by the sky. If you can make enough credit, a few quasi emperors can still help you through the Martial Sovereign!”

“Go through the Martial Sovereign with all your strength!”

Ye Fei startled, what kind of power is this Senluodian? Even the dean of Saint Court can’t guarantee that if he can completely survive the Martial Sovereign robbery, Senluodian can be more assured?

“This one sings the red face and the other sings the black face. How come I got on the thief boat by mistake and was forced into the gang.” Ye Fei suddenly fell into an extremely depressed state.

Yu Zhijiang no longer persuaded him, but his face was full of hope: “Ye Fei, I know it’s a bit embarrassing for you to agree now. Why not go back to Senluodian with me first, and wait until Senluodian, you decide , Do you want to join?”

Chapter 1271 The Two Halls of Life and Death

Chapter 1271 The Two Halls of Life and Death

“Two Seniors, please, of course I want to see It’s the grace of the palace.” Ye Fei smiled bitterly, nodded and said very happy.

Yu Zhijiang smiled, with an expression of appreciation that can be taught and taught by a child. The Venerable Ecstasy was also slightly smiled, showing you brat conscious eyes, “You will run away when you see us. The old man thought you had a misunderstanding of the Senluo Temple, so he almost tied you up.”

Ye Fei would like to say that you are not nearly at all, I am afraid I am not nodded, you just have to do it right away, but even considered his bad luck, he actually encountered two Martial Sovereign at the same time, one of which was the late Martial Sovereign. I can’t fight, and I have nowhere to run.

“However, looking at Yu Zhijiang’s attitude towards me, Senluodian just wanted to recruit me, and it didn’t mean it was against me. Anyway, let’s lie to the snake, stabilize Senluodian, and then act accordingly.” Ye Fei secretly made up his mind.

“By the way, Senior, since Senluodian is a force in the Dragon Head Realm, how can that many branch halls be established in Zhong Prefecture?” Ye Fei asked again.

The Venerable glanced at him slantingly, “Join the Senluo Temple, you will know it naturally.”

Ye Fei cursed in his stomach, “old fox, you can’t say anything! “

Yu Zhijiang faintly smiled and said: “Venerable is this temper. Several of his disciplines died at the mouth of the demonic beast. Venerable Aoki must not feel comfortable in his heart.”

The speed of the two Martial Sovereigns is very fast. After flying in the bone wasteland for about half a day, the two took Ye Fei and came to a flat open space.

Suddenly, Venerable Aoki slapped his hand to the sky, and the void shattered to form a black passage. Yu Zhijiang’s expression was very serious and said: “Ye Fei, the space of white bone wasteland, nine bends and eighteen bends , Sometimes a step is a space. If you follow us and take a wrong step, you will fall into an infinite folding space.”

“Infinity?” Ye Fei was secretly shocked.

“Yes, it is infinity. The dragon head world is transformed by the first level of Ancestral Dragon. The wasteland of white bones is actually the skull of Ancestral Dragon. The space inside is folded, and even the real one thought one world, some worlds, There are countless opportunities hidden, and some worlds contain endless murderous intentions. So, you must be careful!”

The answer is Venerable Aoki, he leads the way, Ye Fei follows closely behind, and quickly remember Aoki Zun Each step that the person walked through, Yu Zhijiang is responsible for closing all layers of space.

Ye Fei was shocked to discover that there are countless Killing Formations in the space the three pass through. These Formations, closely linked with one another, form a more terrifying serial array, which is the later Martial Sovereign Venerable Aoki, walking into the big formation, all became cautiously.

“Sin Luo Temple in Zhong Prefecture, can build a black market everywhere, but also can dominate the white bone wasteland, so that other demons dare not enter. It is not for no reason. These folding spaces alone are enough for the four Saint Courts. There are those who are quasi-emperors of the Aristocratic Family who are discouraged.”

The most important point is that entering the bone wasteland, it is still impossible to use the field! This was explained by Yu Zhijiang deliberately to him on the way.

This is also the reason why Ye Fei compromised. His strongest method is the domain. If he cannot use the domain, he will not face the advantages of Martial Sovereign.

Ye Fei deliberately counted them. They passed through 18 horrible Killing Formation before they officially entered a world of Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances.

The earth is white, dotted with many red flowers, as well as rushing springs, flowing through these white earth, nourishing the surrounding spirit flowers and grasses.

Ye Fei can’t believe it, this place will be the sect of demons!

Yu Zhijiang saw Ye Fei’s shocked look, and he rarely said with a smile: “hahaha, didn’t expect the dragon head realm where demons gather, there is such a Human World Immortal Realm, right?”

“It really didn’t expect.” Ye Fei was still a little shocked.

“hmph, this is just a partial hall, Ancient Era, the main hall of my Life and Death Palace, that is the real Immortal Realm!”

Venerable Aoki seems unintentional, But when speaking, there is a faintly discernable divine sense, coldly paying attention to every change in Ye Fei’s face.

He is very confident, with his Martial Sovereign divine sense, he can definitely probe Ye Fei unconsciously.

Ye Fei did not find the divine sense of Venerable Aoki, but Xiaocao was very sensitive to divine sense. After all, to activate divine sense, spiritual Qi is also needed.

Ye Fei immediately understood that Venerable Aoki was still not at ease with him. Only then did he speak and tentatively. He looked towards Venerable Aoki with a blank face and said: “Strange, didn’t you bring me to Senluodian? , Why do you say that this is the Life and Death Palace?”

“You are in Saint Court, and the Emperor Zhun told you about the Life and Death Palace?” Venerable Aoki asked.

“Don’t mention Saint Court to me!” Ye Fei was suddenly furious, glaring at Venerable Aoki. Yu Zhijiang hurriedly smiled bitterly, “Don’t be impulsive, Aoki, this time you are wrong. You know that Ye Fei is a public enemy of the Fourth Academy. Why do you mention this?”

“old man just watched Little Friend Ye I haven’t even heard of Life and Death Palace. I was a little surprised, sorry, sorry!” Venerable Aoki left with his hand.

Ye Fei explained to Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, he is this temper. Don’t be angry. Our Sanluo Palace is the Life and Death Palace. You can live in peace of mind. A month later, we will be Palace. Lord will see you in person!”

“Big brother Yu, since you are the Life and Death Palace, why are you renamed Senluodian?” Ye Fei asked very surprised, with a surprised expression, Both Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise were dumbfounded, and Yu Zhijiang didn’t even want to see any weak spot.

“Let’s tell you so, Life and Death Palace, in Ancient Era, was once very brilliant, but for some reason, Life and Death Palace was divided into two halls, the Life Palace and the Death Palace! Among them we Senluodian belongs to Shengdian!” Yu Zhijiang said.

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