“What about the Palace of Death, where is the Palace of Death?” Ye Fei curiously asked, all the hearts that hit him to death in his heart, Life and Death Palace, he had no time to hide. Now he actually bumped in.

But on the surface, he didn’t show it.

Yu Zhijiang stunned, hesitantly said: “Death Palace is the Human Demon Hall. Specifically, the old man is not very clear. You must not say these things, otherwise, it is Old man, I can’t keep you.”

I took a deep look at Ye Fei. Yu Zhijiang called two maids and took Ye Fei to the guest room. Along the way, Ye Fei met him from time to time. Generally, a young martial artist competes and cultivation on the mountain. He also sees the Martial Sovereign powerhouse, opens his palace, preaches casually, and does not prohibit others from listening.

In a trance, Ye Fei actually had the illusion of returning to Saint Court, but compared to True Martial Saint Court, the discipline of Senluo Temple, with a very strong baleful qi, saw the new Ye Fei , And some people, directly and bluntly, made the gesture of wiping their necks.

Ye Fei was too lazy to take care of it. After entering the arranged room, he closed the door and continued to retreat.

On a mountain outside, Venerable Aoki is watching Ye Fei’s actions closely. His divine sense has never recovered, and he is still attached to Ye Fei’s room concealedly.

Shortly afterwards, Yu Zhijiang also came to this mountain and complained: “Venerable Aoki, you are too suspicious. The identity of Ye Fei, the outer hall of the Senluo Temple, has long been investigated. Chu.”

“Be careful not to make a big mistake!”

Venerable Aoki nodded, shook his head again, “After all, this kid has joined Saint Court. Although he has fallen, we are also Be careful, this may be the mischief of those quasi-emperors Aristocratic Family and Saint Court. Our Life and Death Palace must not repeat the mistakes of the past!”

Chapter 1272 Martial Saint 9th Layer

Chapter 1272 Martial Saint 9th Layer

“Martial Saint Realm, the more difficult it is to break through as you get to the back, it’s no wonder that many people only have the first breakthrough in a few years or even more than ten years. Enough Spirit Stone or fairy crystals, otherwise it will be difficult to break through in a short time. However, the Spiritual Qi in the Small World of Senluo Temple is a bit wrong.”

Ye Fei shut himself in the room, just cultivated Within an hour, he opened his eyes in great surprise. In the beast print space, Xiaocao still reached out his little hands very seriously to count, and found that the count was not enough, and dragged Dragon Tortoise over and carried Dragon Tortoise’s paws. , Counted again.

Then, Xiaocao’s eyes became very big, big heart eyes, and told Ye Fei that Xiaocaoguang is a spirit vein that he sensed, and there are more than twenty.

And this is only the periphery of Senluo Temple. As for the interior of Senluo Temple, how many spirit veins there are, Xiaocao dare not count, because there are many and very strong spirit veins. Martial Sovereign guards, once sensed, they may find it.

After listening to Xiaocao’s description, Ye Fei was also taken aback by fiercely, “More than 20 complete spirit veins, my God, is the four major Saint Courts, and they have complete spirit veins. There are only three or five articles. There are more than 20 items in a Senluo Temple. Doesn’t that mean that all Saint Courts together can’t be compared to a Senluo Temple?”

And this is just Life The remnant forces after the destruction of and Death Palace are only, then, before the destruction of Life and Death Palace, what a powerful force that should be?

“Weird, with such a powerful force of Senluodian, it can completely occupy the entire dragon head realm, and the Zhong Prefecture quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family, and the court resists. Why, Senluodian should hide its own strength?”

Ye Fei felt very strange, and soon thought of the Death Palace in Yu Zhijiang’s mouth, “The Death Palace is actually called the Human Demon Palace. Could it be said that Human Demon is also from the Life and Death Palace? If so, why did he again? To destroy the Heavenly Martial Continent, would it not also indirectly destroy the foundation of the Life and Death Palace?”

All kinds of questions surfaced. Ye Fei couldn’t help but become interested in Life and Death Palace and shook his head. “No matter what that many, I’m in the Life and Death Palace, and I can’t run. If you can’t do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it, you should first use these Spiritual Qi and work hard for cultivation !”

You must know that if you can use more than 20 spirit vein cultivation at the same time, the three principals of True Martial Saint Court cannot enjoy this treatment. Now that there is a chance, Ye Fei will certainly not miss.

hong long long!

In the next time, Ye Fei began to work hard on cultivation. In order to absorb the Spiritual Qi contained here more and faster, he directly released eight Primordial Spirits, forming eight terrifying voids, crazy Devour everything around Spiritual Qi.

Soon, the entire room, under the influence of the Primordial Spirit void, formed eight crazy rotating Spiritual Qi funnels, a large number of Spiritual Qi, from all directions, converged to his within the body .

Only three days later, Ye Fei felt that the Martial Dao barrier within the body showed signs of breakthrough.

“What a great Spiritual Qi, it seems that the spirit veins of Senluodian are not only numerous, but also very high-quality!” Ye Fei was ecstatic.

According to the normal cultivation speed, he has to break through to Martial Saint 9th Layer, and at least five years of hard work is required, that is, with Spirit Stone and fairy crystal, he also needs three months to half a year Up.

However, he only cultivated for three days in Senluodian, and the Martial Dao barrier showed signs of breakthrough. This shows how amazing the cultivation effect of a large number of spirit veins is.

“Perhaps, without Spirit Stone, within a month, I will be able to break through Martial Saint 9th Layer, when the time comes, I will have the strength to fight Martial Sovereign in the later stage!”

Ye Fei was excited, and the cultivation became harder. Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise did not absorb these Spiritual Qi. First, Ye Fei left a lot of Spirit Stone and fairy crystals. Secondly, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise did not absorb these spiritual Qi. The grass sensed the tyrannical divine sense, paying attention to Ye Fei.

At the same time, this divine sense is still hidden in the void, between faintly discernable, not to mention Ye Fei, it is Martial Sovereign, I can’t even feel it, Xiaocao also opened the heaven and earth spiritual eyes, only then barely discovered of.

“How is it, are you sure, this kid is really a man who has been abandoned by the sky, and he has cultivated the power of despair?”

Is immersed in the cultivation, Ye Fei didn’t know. In the palace of Sen Luo, there are already two quasi emperors, using divine sense to observe him.

“I’m sure, everyone within the body has the Heavenly Dao brand. Only those who have been abandoned by nature will not have the Heavenly Dao brand.” The two black clothed old people are talking man is also the two Palace Lord of Senluo Temple.

Like Saint Court, Senluodian, the quasi-Imperial Capital belongs to the Palace Lord, and Martial Sovereign is the Vice Palace Lord. In fact, when Ye Fei entered the Senluo Temple, the two Palace Lords began to pay attention to Ye Fei. At this time, they were even more astonished when they observed the faint power of despair when Ye Fei was cultivated.

“This kid is really weird. He is a man who has been abandoned by the sky. He can’t even survive the Martial Sovereign catastrophe. He can embark on the road of despair?”

“That may not be true, People who are abandoned by the sky may not be able to survive the Martial Sovereign robbery. There is a record in my Life and Death Palace classics. 10,000 years ago, the person who destroyed our Martial Emperor’s corpse was a body called Qitian. , If it weren’t for that incident, even if the group of traitors in the Human Demon Hall had been found out, our Life and Death Palace would not have been destroyed.”

“Senior Brother is justified! , This kid can walk to this day as a man who is abandoned by the sky, has proved his potential, Saint Court does not take it, then we take it!”

The two quasi-emperors finally determined through observation, After Ye Fei had no problem, they were together and called Yu Zhijiang in.

The black clothed old man on the left opened the mouth and said: “Yu Zhijiang, you are familiar with Ye Fei. From now on, you are his guide, responsible for guiding him, and returning to my Senluodian as soon as possible !”

“This…” Yu Zhijiang looked towards the two quasi-emperors a little puzzled.

hong long long!

Ye Fei’s room, Spiritual Qi roared, and after twenty days of painstaking practice, he felt that Spiritual Qi within the body had accumulated to the apex. He immediately began to try to attack his Martial Dao barrier.

The first impact did not fail unexpectedly. After all, he had too much Primordial Spirit within the body, and the Spiritual Qi that needed breakthrough was extremely large.

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