“If you want more people to bully fewer people, that’s good, I’m just as you wish, Dahei , our chance for revenge is here.” He was seriously injured, and he didn’t dare to face the Emperor Zhun , The Death Power was exposed, so at a critical moment, Ye Fei threw out Dragon Tortoise.


Perceiving the breath of the three blood ancestors, Dragon Tortoise shrank his tail in fright as soon as he was thrown out, sobbed, and turned around to escape to the beast seal space, Ye Fei was angry He couldn’t wait to kick the tortoise to death, “What are you afraid of? They are seriously injured, and only the last breath is left!”


Dragon Tortoise turned his head and saw that the three blood ancestors were really weak in their breath and lost their bodies. There were only three twisted and gloomy blood. Dragon Tortoise’s eyes changed and he became tyrannical. , And then immediately became majestic, domineering side leakage,

The billowing dragon flame, like a volcanic eruption, with a trace of monster qi, sprayed out on the spot, causing the blood masses of blood to scream again and again , A large amount of blood was sprayed dry by Dragon Tortoise, and the breath became weaker, “shameless, too shameless, the deity is fighting with this turtle!”

“Blood kill, calm down! We are now suffering from both sides, and we are definitely not the opponent of this Dragon Tortoise!” The bloody blood group was embarrassed.

“I’m not a son of man! Both sides fight each other, relying on their ability, he, he can’t beat the tortoise…” Yin Qi’s blood was trembling.

The three blood ancestors knew that they were defeated. They were completely defeated and faceless.

Ye Fei laughed, smiling very happily, I feel that sometimes, Dragon Tortoise is still very useful, for example, to beat down a dog! There is no need for him to remind, Dragon Tortoise has changed from being bullying and fearing hardship to show off one’s military strength, a big mouth dragon flame, spraying forward like crazy without money.

The terrifying high temperature made the three blood ancestors immediately feel the threat of death. They completely lost the courage to fight. Knowing that they would be laughed at, they still had to ask for help, “Help, Palace Lord, save us!”

In the sky, the two Palace Lords looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They planned to use the blood ancestor to beat Ye Fei, but they didn’t expect it. In the end, it was the blood ancestor who failed miserably. , I understand that by continuing to watch, Dragon Tortoise is about to spray the three blood ancestors to death, and finally, they still shot.

“Stop it! Today’s business ends here!” Silently, two powerful silhouettes appeared over the spiritual river, the breath of quasi-emperor, and everyone who was oppressed could not breathe.

“pay respects to Palace Lord!” There are respectful voices from Disciple and Martial Sovereign everywhere.

When the Emperor Zhun came forward, Dragon Tortoise without the slightest hesitation turned around, turned around, and turned into a palm-size again, got into Ye Fei’s sleeve with a swish, and sneaked back into the beast print space.

Ye Fei is also very depressed about this, but he also understands what Zhundi means. He can defeat the three blood ancestors, but he will not allow them to be killed.

“Also please Palace Lord to help us call the shots!” The three blood ancestors escaped from the dead, immediately knelt down weeping bitter tears, and pointed at Ye Fei with incomparable hatred. My demon body should be killed immediately.”

“Are you finished? When you are finished, immediately roll back and go to retreat.” A quasi emperor spoke coldly with a very dissatisfied expression, which also made the three blood ancestors Feeling distressed, before they could finish speaking, a gust of wind had already engulfed them and was thrown into the palace of the three.

“Ye Fei, don’t blame us for intervening, they are Martial Sovereign! Moreover, we promised the blood ancestors to enter the Senluo Temple to keep them safe for one year. Do you understand?” Another Zhundi, looked towards Ye Fei’s eyes, seemed to have profound meaning.

Ye Fei certainly heard what the Emperor Zhun meant. The two Palace Lords were telling him that within a year, he could not take action against the blood ancestors. Of course, after one year, the promise of Emperor Zhun would expire. , Ye Fei shoots again, they will not stop.


In the end, the current strength is not as good as the finger of Zhundi. Although Ye Fei is depressed, he can only accept this fact. Fortunately, he has The strength and great injury of the three blood ancestors who fought, can also be regarded as a breath of bad breath in his heart.

For Ye Fei’s knowledge and interest, the two quasi-emperors are also very satisfied, “In the Senluo Temple, there is strength and status. Ye Fei, the old man thought, the title of your demon saint is a bit too arrogant. Now it seems that you really deserve your name. From now on, you will be called the Demon Saint, and work hard. In half a year, we are looking forward to your performance.”

Chapter 1278 Dread

Chapter 1278 Dread

“The demon saint. Even the Palace Lord has personally acknowledged the title of Ye Fei as the demon saint!”


Every move of the Emperor Zhun has attracted the attention of countless people. When Ye Fei claimed to be a demon saint, no one took it seriously. They only thought that Ye Fei was arrogant and arrogant to take the demon saint. This is a taboo. What is the title of Demon Saint? Holy of all demons! All the demons under Martial Sovereign Realm will regard Ye Fei as their holy. This name is really arrogant.

As Ye Fei’s fame spreads, young demons who are not pleasing to Ye Fei are all over the street, waiting to challenge Ye Fei’s Senluodian discipline, and even a month ago, they lined up To the outside of Senluo Temple.

This is also when Ye Fei entered the Senluo Temple, he received a lot of provocative eyes.

But now it’s different. His title of Demon Sage has become a gift from the Emperor Zhun. Even the Emperor Zhun admits it himself. Ye Fei Demon Sage deserves its name. There are many disciplines. I saw Ye Fei, using Martial Saint 9th Layer, the three blood ancestors demon body collapsed, almost being played to death.

The affirmation of the emperor, Ye Fei’s own terrifying strength, has made the title of Demon Sage, from a false name to a real record.

“Devil Saint, Demon Saint!”

Many disciplines couldn’t help but cheer to celebrate the birth of another powerful genius in Senluo Temple.

With the cheers of the disciples, more powerful existence began to silently pay attention to Ye Fei from the upper reaches of the spiritual river. Among them, the ten Great Saints of Senluo Temple were included.

Like the Big Four Saint Court, although there are ten Holy Sons in the Senluo Temple, they are not static, but will be re-evaluated every few years. Those who think they have the strength also At this time, they will challenge the Holy Son. Once they succeed, they will become the new Holy Son. In this way, it can always be guaranteed that those who become Holy Son will be the strongest existence under Martial Sovereign Realm.

At this time, although there is still half a year before the re-evaluation of Holy Son, many disciplines are holding back their energy and are trying to challenge. Among them, Ye Fei has undoubtedly become a contestant for Holy Son. The biggest black horse has received great attention from the Ten Great Saints.

They still got together and discussed.

“Well, if this Ye Fei is a challenge, who has the confidence to deal with him?”

“I can’t. Although I also have the ability to fight across seven levels, if I face The three blood ancestors, I am not an opponent.”

“Hey, this kid is too fierce. He killed Jin and broke down, Chen Changkong, and Fengba Dao three people. Now they have defeated the blood ancestor, this person The sharpness is too great, this time we are the ten Great Saint, it seems that someone is going to abdicate.” Another Holy Son said.

It’s okay if he doesn’t say it. Hearing this, some of the weaker Holy Sons have changed their faces and they finally become Holy Sons. They don’t want to fall.

“In the past six months, we must retreat and strive to improve our strength!” Those Holy Sons looked at each other, turned their heads and ran back to their respective Cave Mansion, and began to retreat.

“hmph, is it useful to work hard now, unless you have a kind, break through Martial Sovereign now!” Several great Great Saints sneered again and again. Anyway, Ye Fei would challenge and challenge Holy Son, the weakest, couldn’t take their turn, so they naturally didn’t worry.

Of course, there is also Holy Son, who has always dismissed Ye Fei. In the end, Ye Fei is a person who is abandoned by the sky, and the person who has been abandoned by the sky has never lived through the precedent of the Martial Sovereign.

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