” No matter how strong this Ye Fei is in Martial Saint Realm, what about Martial Sovereign, is he going to turn into dust?”

“Yes, not Martial Sovereign, In the end, it is the ant, what a bullshit demon saint, but it is just a short-lived glory. When we become Martial Sovereign, any one can crush him!” With the title of demon saint, Ye Fei finally realized it. A handful, what is arrogance, no matter where he goes, there is a discipline, respectfully greet him, and half the emperor comes to make friends, even when Martial Sovereign sees him, he is greeted with a smile.

Yu Zhijiang is very emotional, “Strength is a good thing, Ye Fei, you have already received the attention of the quasi emperor. If you can become a Holy Son in half a year, maybe there will be a quasi emperor. disciple, it’s just the title of your demon saint, it’s a bit exaggerated, it’s better to change it.”

Yu Zhijiang thought of hearing the title of Ye Fei demon saint, a certain Palace Lord was initially unhappy, so he decided to Remind Ye Fei, “You are still young and humble, and the quasi emperors will be more satisfied with you.”

“Old Yu, I am very humble!” Ye Fei was wronged, “I have always been a low-key People who do not open their eyes, make me want to keep a low profile and do not raise. “


Yu Zhijiang was suddenly speechless. Seeing the silhouette of Ye Fei entering the room, he stared at him for a while, but he didn’t realize that Ye Fei was low-key.


“Strength is indeed a good thing. If my strength is strong enough, today, I will not suffer from both sides of the blood ancestors, but directly kill them. “

While returning to house, Ye Fei’s eyes flashed unwillingness. Although the devilishness has been resolved, the Black Lotus within the body is always his heart disease, especially today when he sees blood The black lotus that the ancestor released, he has a faint feeling that to solve the Black Lotus within the body, he must kill the three blood ancestors.

“Anyway, each other is already a mortal enemy. If I don’t kill the blood ancestor, the blood ancestor will also kill me. I will wait another six months to become a Holy Son first and expand my rights and status in the Senluo Temple. When I kill the blood ancestor again, the quasi-emperor of Senluo Temple, It shouldn’t be stop me.”

He made up his mind, Ye Fei began to retreat again, his plan is very simple, That is to take advantage of this half a year, and strive to raise the realm to the tenth level of Martial Saint.

However, the reality is cruel.

Sen Luo Temple has a lot of Spiritual Qi, but it is still not as good as the spiritual river. Ye Fei soon discovered that he actually fell into a bottleneck of some kind. This kind of bottleneck can’t be broken through simply by relying on the Spiritual Qi. .

On the other side, the blood killed three people, and with the help of Emperor Zhun, they restored the fleshy body. They are very grateful, “many thanks Palace Lord life-saving grace!”

“The three blood ancestors don’t need to be polite, but we can only help this time. Six months later, if Ye Fei shoots you again, we can’t stop it. So, you’d better take advantage of this time. , Take the initiative to confess mistakes to Ye Fei, so that we can adjust and resolve your grievances.”

In the end, the three blood ancestors are also Martial Sovereign. The formidable power of the three-person combination has also caused Sen Luo Temple. The interest of part of the quasi-emperor was only considered to have made the blood kill the trio recover a life. For this, the blood trio was not only fortunate, but also the endless hatred of Ye Fei.

As soon as the Emperor Zhun left, a thick fierce light flashed in the eyes of the blood killer, “Damn, Ye Fei ruined our Blood Demon Religion, and defeated us in public. Now the Palace Lord actually shows us Apologize to that little boy? I would kill with blood rather than humiliate!”

Blood and cold said with a smile: “Apologizing is impossible to apologize. He is within the body of the Black Lotus, which is our achievement. God’s best chance! Kill him and dig out the Black Lotus within the body. We can not only relieve the source of the plague, but also allow the blood to reach Perfection and become a new Demon God!”

“Blood killing, blood chaos, what you think is good, but have you thought about it? Ye Fei can break through Martial Saint 9th Layer in only one month, and both sides suffer from us. If you give him another half a year, his How terrifying will their strength be?”

Blood chaos and worry, the bloody killing and bloody face turned pale. When Ye Fei was mentioned before, they were angry and disdainful, but at this time, three In people’s hearts, there was a trace of fear and deep fear.

Chapter 1279 Joining Hands

Chapter 1279 Joining Hands

“Blood chaos, then what should we do?” The bloody face flashed with a gloomy look . Xueyin didn’t speak, but a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Blood chaos nodded, said with a sneer: “Our hatred with Ye Fei is too deep. Either he died or we died. Therefore, we must not let him continue to grow, let alone let He becomes the Holy Son, otherwise, the Emperor Zhun will not help us anymore, and Ye Fei will definitely bring the power of the Holy Son and find excuses to kill us.”

I have to say that the blood chaos is indeed very strategic Knowing that the two quasi-emperors promised a one-year protection period for the blood ancestors, Ye Fei had already planned to spend half a year to become the Holy Son, and then use the special status of the Holy Son to attack the three blood ancestors.

The chaotic analysis said coldly: “The time left for us is only half a year. If we don’t want to be killed by that kid, then we must at all costs, strangle him, even if we can’t strangle him, we must stop him. Now it’s up to the two elders to see if they have this courage?”

Bloodkill and Bloodyin looked at each other, and then thought of the great strength shown by Ye Fei in the spiritual river battle. There was a flash of horror in the eyes, and then it became cold again, “Okay, blood chaos, as long as we can kill Ye Fei, we are willing to do everything!”

“Since you are willing, then we will Let’s start, since Ye Fei can’t be killed head-on, it’s the same to kill him with crafty plots and machinations.”

A gloom flashed across the bloody face, blood killing and bloody Yin, even more revealing. Unforgettable hatred.

“If it weren’t for Ye Fei, we would still be the blood ancestors of Blood Demon Religion aloof and remote. If it weren’t for Ye Fei, how could the world discover the secret of capturing the martial artist and making the Spirit Stone?”

“It was Ye Fei, who ruined everything about us and turned us into today’s stray dog. He won’t let us get better, and we won’t let him get better!”

“Also There is that tortoise, but also to kill fiercely…”

The whole palace, there were three angry roars of blood ancestors, and then soon, the blood chaos with the lightest injury, with the fastest speed , Leaving Sen Luo Temple.

Originally, newcomers to the Senluo Temple had to go through a period of investigation and determine their absolute loyalty to the Senluo Temple before they could leave the Senluo Temple. But the three blood ancestors are different. Their reputation in the dragon head world is already so bad that the demons shouted and beat them.

In order to survive, they issued the Heavenly Dao blood oath on the condition of absolute allegiance to the Senluo Temple, and thus obtained the asylum of the Senluo Temple. They have been impossible to betray the Senluo Temple, and of course they can enter and leave the Senluo Temple at will.

“What do you mean by bloodyin, bloody monsters are combined, but your biggest secret, it is a cultivation success Demon God Absolute Art, are you sure you really want to dedicate it to us?” The Emperor Zhun was very surprised when he learned of Bloody Yin.

They are willing to take in the three blood ancestors, despite their infamous reputation. First, they have mastered the blood oaths of the three blood ancestors, so don’t worry about them betraying them. Second, they are the two quasi emperors. , Blood Demon Religion hides a Demon God cultivation technique, which is also the reason why Blood Demon Religion can establish Sect tens of thousands of years.

When the blood Yin Intersection shot the Blood Demon Codex, the heart was dripping blood, but the eyes were full of tears, saying: “If the two Palace Lords had not come forward, we would have been The little demon Fei was beaten to death. We have no intention of retribution. We can only dedicate the Blood Demon Secret Art to the Senluo Temple!”

The benefits of the two quasi-emperors looking at each other and sending them to the hands are still rare. The Demon God cultivation technique, they don’t want to be fools.

“Let’s talk about it, what promise do you want from us?” After all, it is the Palace Lord, the two quasi-emperors, both understand that they are willing to spend such a large capital, and their request is definitely not small.

Blood Yin lowered his head, a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes, and respectfully said: “The subordinates have nothing to ask for, but two Palace Lords, don’t interfere with our grudges with Ye Fei.”

The two Palace Lords glanced at each other, and both hesitated, but they also knew that Ye Fei and the blood ancestors had too much enmity. It would be difficult to dissolve the extinguish sect. The key lies in the spiritual river, Ye Fei was still in front of countless people, and the three blood ancestors he fought could not lift their heads. The hatred not only could not be resolved, but also deepened.

“Well, because the three of you are absolutely loyal to my Senluodian, your grudge with Ye Fei, we Zhundi, we will choose not to help each other!” One of the Zhundi promised. Then he made a gesture of seeing off the guests. Naturally, the bloody yin was thankful, and he consciously put down the blood demon Secret Art, happy to leave.

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