
Zhundi’s Self-destruction, how terrifying, it’s definitely more than ten times larger than the formidable power of the complete Emperor Artifact Self-destruction. This piece of sky, Completely collapsed, even the black magic cloud of the Ancestral Dragon abyss could not stop the formidable power of Self-destruction of Emperor Zhun.

A huge hole appeared in the clouds, and there was a brighter white light. Shining down from the hole, is that sunlight?

Ye Fei looked up a little in amazement, and then he realized that it was not sunlight, but a huge ship of bones, illuminated by a white light.

Then this light turned into a hand of bones, caught Fu Renjie who was unconscious, and took the ship of bones.

Thick magic clouds, regroup, not at all, to see more things for Ye Fei. The entire Ancestral Dragon abyss has once again been shrouded in infinite darkness.

In the ear, the roar of the black mist old man flustered and exasperated was heard, but at the moment of Self-destruction, the black mist old man still shot a magic palm and caught Ye Fei By his side, he also blocked the impact of Quasi-Emperor Self-destruction, otherwise Ye Fei would suffer extremely serious injuries even if he did not die under this impact.

Despite his complicated mood, Ye Fei immediately thanked the black mist old man, “many thanks Palace Lord, come and save me!”

“hmph, you don’t have to thank you, this seat From now on, I was supposed to kill the Demon Yu Tian Ti, so I just saved you by the way! By the way, I think you are familiar with that De Yu Tian Ti?” The black mist old man suddenly stared at Ye Fei very seriously.

Ye Fei hesitated, or decided not to hide, he nodded and said: “Yes, Fu Renjie and I were once friends.”

“Friends? I don’t care about you. What’s the relationship before, but remember, you belong to the Temple of Senluo, and he belongs to the Temple of Human Demon! Anyone in the Temple of Human Demon is a traitor. If you see it, no matter who it is, you have to kill!” Black mist old man’s tone , With murderous intention.

In the end, in the Human Demon Palace, the ability to plant the demon nurturing birthplace under Senluodian’s eyelids is a serious challenge to Senluodian.

Ye Fei didn’t know this. He just looked towards the sky in a daze. His mood was extremely complicated. He was not an idiot. When he saw a quasi-emperor, he died at the expense of Self-destruction. When Fu Renjie sent out the Ancestral Dragon Abyss, he knew how important the Demon Childhood was to the Human Demon Palace.

Originally, Fu Renjie had such a fortuitous encounter, he should be happy, but in his heart, always happy does not raise.

“I have a feeling that Fu Renjie has become It may not be a good thing to be born with the devil, and before he fell into a coma, why did he say that he is not the devil?”

Ye Fei’s eyes flashed thick doubts, and then he Thinking of the bone ship that left with Fu Renjie, he hurriedly asked the black mist old man: “By the way, Palace Lord, what is the origin of that bone ship?”

“This seat black Ming!”

He glanced at Ye Fei faintly. Hei Ming raised his head and stared at the magic cloud in the sky, said solemnly: “That is the ghost bone ship. My Supreme Treasure of the Life and Death Palace, it is said that I passed this ship. By boat, we can pass the mysterious Netherworld River and enter the world of the dead.”

“When the Life and Death Palace was destroyed, Ancestor Master took some of us and escaped into the abyss of Ancestral Dragon. Formed the current Senluo Temple. And a small part of the remnants of the Human Demon Temple seized the Nether Bone Ship, escaped into the starry sky, and saved a part of its strength. If it weren’t the case, the old man would have taken people and killed the traitors!”

When mentioning the Human Demon Hall, Heiming’s eyes flashed with a bit of bitter hatred. ,

Ye Fei has no attribution to Life and Death Palace, and naturally cannot understand this hatred, but he also understands why the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family spends tens of thousands of years, and can’t wipe out Life and Death Palace, not to mention the Ancestral Dragon abyss near Senluo Temple, is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Just the bone ship of the Human Demon Hall, which can cross the starry sky, is enough to make the Aristocratic Family impossible to find.

“Unexpectedly, the Human Demon Palace was hiding in the starry sky! Could it be possible that our martial artist can survive in the starry sky?” Ye Fei was surprised.

Hei Ming said with a smile: “The starry sky cannot survive, but near Heavenly Martial Continent, in Ancient Era, there was also a life planet opened by Martial God, but those planets, most of them now, They are all occupied by the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family. For example, the white clothed person who ran away before should be from Emperor Star.”

“Emperor Star, Emperor Fan? What is the relationship between the two?” Ye Fei I felt that after hearing the words of Emperor Zhun, he had a feeling of opening a new world.

At this moment, Hei Ming suddenly complexion changed. Impatiently urged: “Where did you brat come from so many questions, because to answer your question, there is already a quasi-emperor demonic beast, we must unite and kill us.”

” Why is beast killing us?” Ye Fei continued to ask.

The quasi-emperor Hei Ming almost vomited blood, and could only say angrily: “My Senluo Temple had an agreement with Ancestral Dragon Abyss. The quasi-emperor was not allowed to enter. Once inside, all quasi-emperors demonic beasts. , Will unite and attack Senluodian, don’t let Xijiazuoxime!

“Don’t, Palace Lord, please give me a few more minutes. “Ye Fei suddenly became anxious. He finally came in. It was also nine deaths and still alive. At this time Fa Wudao and Liu Rufeng fled, Emperor Fan left, and Fu Renjie was taken away by the bone boat.

The entire quasi-emperor’s demonic beast’s lair has no rivals. Ye Fei feels that if he does not take the opportunity to dig a few times in the quasi-emperor’s demonic beast’s lair, he will always feel a little uncomfortable.

Without waiting for Hei Ming to be nodded, Ye Fei has already rushed towards the lair where the quasi-emperor dragon gave birth. Dragon Tortoise took out a Spirit Stone, rubbed the sharp dragon claw, and was ready to dig fiercely. Field.

Hei Ming was a little shocked, and then couldn’t help yelling: “Who taught this kid, a typical bandit who wants to kill you! How come I have such a discipline! Also, the magic dragon has used all the spirit veins to complete the devil’s birth, you little bastard, do you expect to dig another egg in it? “

“Palace Lord, there are no eggs in it, but there are eggshells. This thing is also a treasure! “Ye Fei was full of interest. When he saw the three-headed quasi-emperor demonic beast, in order to snatch the body of the dragon, when the fire was about to be combined, he knew that the dragon must be full of treasures.

He couldn’t take advantage of the dragon’s body, so he could only pick up and take away the black eggshells left by the dragon, which was a different kind of harvest.

Ye Fei immediately commanded the Dragon. Tortoise, dig out all the magic dragon egg shells that are harder than the Spirit Stone and take them away. Seeing this scene, Hei Ming’s face suddenly twitched fiercely.

Although he is very hard on Ye Fei’s connection The way of looting without letting go of the eggshells is very shameless, but Hei Ming also has to admit that all of them really ignored the magic dragon egg shell in the lair.

You know, Dragon Race is the whole body. They are all treasures. Even the eggshells laid by the dragons are a kind of very precious spiritual object.

More importantly, the dragons that lay the eggs are demonic of the quasi-emperor class. beast, even if most of the energy of the magic dragon egg has been absorbed by Fu Renjie using the magic fetus. But these egg shells, after all, have been contaminated with the cord blood when the dragon gave birth.

The quasi-emperor demonic The cord blood of the beast is enough for ordinary martial artists to give birth to a low-level special bloodline. If Hei Ming is not for the quasi-emperor, but also the Palace Lord of the Palace Lord, he wants to pull down this old face and rush down. I snatched all the eggshells that Ye Fei picked up.

“These eggshells are the geniuses who have allowed me to give birth to a dozen low-level bloodline dragons! It turned out to be all cheap for this kid. Hei Ming gave a bitter smile, waited until Ye Fei dug out the last piece of eggshell from the ground, and with a quick wave of his big hand, he took Ye Fei and rushed out of the Ancestral Dragon abyss.

Chapter 1312 secluded cultivation

Chapter 1312 secluded cultivation

Shortly after Ye Fei left, there was a terrifying roar from the entire Ancestral Dragon abyss. There were more than a dozen powerful quasi emperors demonic beasts. Arrived over the dragon’s lair.

“We are still a step late! “There is a demonic beast of the quasi emperor, who roared in anger, and then vented out countless flames, turning this forest into white ground, and burning a stone formation on the ground into powder.

Liu Rufeng sighed and escaped from the bone wasteland, and was about to leave the dragon head realm. At this moment, he suddenly sensed that the stones he left behind were broken, and many scattered fragments poured into his mind. Liu Rufeng’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

“The quasi-emperor of the Senluo Temple, actually entered the Ancestral Dragon abyss…There is also the Demon Yu Tianbao, the quasi-emperor Self-destruction of the Human Demon Temple, Ye Fei, You are lucky this time, but there will never be another next time. This person will not be killed, I am Saint Court, where is the majesty! “With an angry face, Liu Rufeng left the dragon head realm.

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