Sun Luo Temple.

Hei Ming sits in the Palace Lord’s seat with a gloomy expression. Next to him are all the quasi-emperors in the Senluo Temple. They leave the pass at the same time, and their expressions are solemn.

“Unexpectedly, the Human Demon Palace sacrificed the life of a quasi emperor in order to obtain the demon nurturing birthplace. It seems that the picture of the Human Demon Palace is not small.” A quasi emperor sighed.

“Palace Lord, what should we do now, we do not hesitate to tear up the agreement with the Ancestral Dragon abyss, and break in, just to strangle the demon-born child. Now that it has fallen short, it will also anger the quasi emperor of the abyss demonic beast.” There were also Zhundi, worried.

“Enraged is irritated! At worst a battle! Palace Lord, you order!” There is also a quasi emperor, full of fighting intents.

It is not the first time that the battle between Senluodian and Ancestral Dragon abyss.

Hearing this, Hei Ming was also nodded and said: “Yes, the Ancestral Dragon abyss is not enough to fear, Human Demon Hall is our scourge, if we pass the order, we can close the Senluo Hall, below Martial Sovereign, All retreats, Martial Sovereign and above, full preparations, Ancestral Dragon died in the abyss of a quasi-emperor demonic beast, and other quasi-emperor demonic beasts will definitely count this account on our heads.”

“Yes, Palace Lord!”

Knowing that the demonic beast of the Ancestral Dragon abyss might be about to attack the Senluo Temple, the faces of Zhundi present became solemn.

The first thing to return to Senluo Temple, Ye Fei is to carry the Spirit Sword and directly enter Yu Zhijiang’s palace, “Yu Zhijiang, Venerable Aoki, you two old bastard are really here Here, it’s good, give me my life!”

Thinking of being pitted in the Ancestral Dragon abyss, Ye Fei almost died. Without saying anything, he raised his sword and slashed forward. This one is drinking together Yu Zhijiang and Aoki Venerable of Tea were shocked, and the other Holy Sons in Senluodian were trembling with fear.

“Brother Ye, this is the situation. We didn’t mean to cheat you, but the Palace Lords have already ordered that if we want to test you like this, there is nothing we can do?”

Yu Zhijiang and Aoki Venerable are still somewhat conscientious, knowing that they did give Ye Fei miserable this time, even Imperial Capital was self-destructed in it, Ye Fei could actually come back alive, that’s it. , Is enough to make them feel like a miracle.

Ye Fei is still very upset, coldly asked: “Capital sins are forgiven, living sins are inevitable, you must promise me one thing if I forgive you!”

“Okay, don’t Let’s just say one thing, we promised ten things!” Yu Zhijiang and Venerable Aoki hurriedly laughed. It is indeed the current Ye Fei, they really can’t afford to offend.

If you know that Ye Fei is in the Martial Saint 9th Layer, you can defeat Demon God, the blood ancestor of the late Martial Sovereign. Now Ye Fei Martial Saint is tenth, defeating the ordinary Martial Sovereign Perfection, that is also proper .

“This kid is obviously an ordinary person, and he can be so perverted. We dignified Martial Sovereign. We must lower our posture to comfort him.” Yu Zhijiang and Venerable Aoki looked at each other, both Seeing the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

The other party is Martial Sovereign, and he has also been ordered by the Emperor Zhun. Ye Fei has to hang out in the Senluo Hall. Of course, he will not risk enmity. Seeing that these two people have admitted their mistakes, he is satisfied. “Forgive you, I’m going to close the breakthrough now, this palace looks good to me…”

“Okay, Brother Ye likes this palace, although you can use it.” Yu Zhijiang relaxed, he most What is afraid is that Ye Fei will come back, like a blood ancestor, looking for him to seek revenge. Didn’t expect Ye Fei just to ask for a palace. For them, it was a simple task.

“hmph, it seems that this kid has some conscience!” Venerable Aoki is slightly nodded, and his Master is the Hei Ming Palace Lord. Of course I know that Ye Fei is in the Ancestral Dragon abyss, but he dug a lot of demonic beast lairs and obtained a lot of treasures.

Especially the eggshells of those magic dragons, which made Venerable Aoki feel a red formation eye. When Ye Fei was in retreat, he had quietly discussed with Yu Zhijiang what should be done. From Ye Fei’s hands, there are a few eggshells.

In the palace.

Ye Fei also took out a lot of eggshells with some distress. Among them, the eggshells that had been contaminated with the cord blood of the quasi-emperor were even more important signs of his preservation. When he returned, Hei Ming Palace Lord He has been told about the preciousness of these eggshells.

“There are a total of 13 eggshells that have been contaminated with the cord blood of the Quasi-Emperor Devil Dragon. That is to say, using these eggshells, I can make a total of 13 people give birth to the low-level Devil Dragon bloodline! “

Although this kind of bloodline is only the lowest special bloodline, but the value is also incomparable gigantic. Of course, Ye Fei will not hand it over to Senluodian, but intends to bring it back to Ye Family. Then after Ye Family, also There are many geniuses with special bloodline.

“There is also Xia Jun. He has a special physique but no special bloodline. Although he didn’t say it in his heart, I can see that I saw Fatty and Lin Heaven’s Chosen, all of them came from behind and surpassed him. This kid is actually quite lost in his heart!”

Just in his hands, with the special bloodline, he certainly will not forget the little brother Xia Jun. It took a while to sort out the magic dragon egg shell. Ye Fei is from the belt of space, pouring out a lot of Spirit Stone and fairy crystal.

“these all are I dug out in the demonic beast lair in the Ancestral Dragon abyss. With these cultivation resources as support, I can completely secluded cultivation for the remaining months!”

Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with expectation.

Because of the breakthrough Martial Saint not long after the tenth, he did not at all continue to try the breakthrough half-emperor realm, but decided to stabilize the realm at the same time, first battle the demonic path 8th floor cultivation success.

“In this way, I have a powerful fleshy body comparable to the Emperor Artifact. Even if it is a quasi-emperor attack, my fleshy body can resist for a while.”

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fei quickly used the Immortal Sword Soul to improve his perception and began to fight against the crazy understanding of the demonic path 8th floor.

However, the higher the level of martial arts, the more complicated the Heaven and Earth Rule is. Even with the immortal Sword Soul and the infinite improvement of the perception, Ye Fei took a full month to be considered barely. , I found out the specific cultivation technique of the demonic path 8th floor.

It took another month for him to fully understand all the Heaven and Earth Rule contained in the 8th floor of the demonic path.

So it took a few more days before he officially started the cultivation and the demonic path 8th floor specific cultivation technique.

Chapter 1313 Predecessors’ Notes

Chapter 1313 Predecessors’ Notes

hong long long!

This doesn’t cultivate, I don’t know, Ye Fei was shocked after a cultivation, and he was running and fighting the demonic path, every cell in every piece of flesh and blood within the body, unexpectedly at this time , All turned into one after another deep black hole.

Then these black holes began to frantically absorb all the energy around him, the fairy crystals, the Spirit Stone, and the spirit vein in the Martial Sovereign palace, the stray Spiritual Qi in the air.

He is within the body’s cells, no one will refuse!

This is only cultivated for ten days. The air around Ye Fei can no longer find a trace of Spiritual Qi. The spirit vein that serves as the foundation of the Martial Sovereign palace ground is not available in Ye Fei. In a well-controlled situation, he was instantly sucked and dried by the black holes of the cells remaining within the body.

“It’s time for Yu Zhijiang to cry, heaven knows, I just borrowed his palace to retreat, and I didn’t intend to destroy the spirit vein of this palace!”

After absorbing a whole spiritual vein, Ye Fei was crying without tears. In fact, even himself didn’t expect, cultivation and demonic path 8th floor, which would cause such terrifying consequences.

Although in previous cultivation, the consumption of the demonic path was also amazing, but if Ye Fei took out a few 1 billion Spirit Stones to pile, he would definitely be able to force the demonic path level to pile up.

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