But this time it doesn’t work. In these ten days, Ye Fei estimates that the spiritual Qi he refining has almost exceeded 10 billion high grade Spirit Stone, which is an astronomical figure. , But his battle demonic path still shows no sign of breakthrough.

He has countless cells within the body, only 10% of the cells have reached saturation under Spiritual Qi, and the remaining nine-tenths are still empty black holes without any meaning of being filled.

“What the hell is going on, is Human Demon cheating me, there is a problem with the demonic path he gave me?” Ye Fei flashed this thought, but soon he denied it again.

On martial arts, Human Demon can cheat anyone, but it can’t cheat him, because his within the body has the immortal Sword Soul, which can infinitely improve the perception.

For this reason, Ye Fei is very confident that there is no martial arts in this world that he cannot comprehend.

“Furthermore, with the power of Human Demon, his existence only needs a finger to kill me. He doesn’t need to do things on Martial Cultivation Art. It’s not only easy to be seen, And it’s very downright!”

How can a Martial God who can destroy heaven and extinguishing earth make such a boring act?

“Since it’s not the problem of Martial Cultivation Art, can it be said that cultivation and demonic path itself need such a terrible consumption?”

Ye Fei couldn’t help but fall into contemplation. After a while, He decisively stopped continuing the cultivation, “Thinking hard, my understanding of Martial Dao is still too shallow, to understand the truth, even if there is an immortal Sword Soul to improve the perception, at least 20 years of hard work!”

Before the Holy Son challenge, there are still less than two months, he does not have 20 years to waste, and immediately Ye Fei opened the palace gate and walked out. But he saw Venerable Aoki standing outside like a door god; he was not surprised to see Ye Fei come out, but threw a book over and said, “Master asked me to give it to you. He said, this thing , It should be useful for your breakthrough.”

“Palace Lord gave it to me, he knew that my cultivation encountered obstacles?” Ye Fei was a little surprised.

“I don’t know about this, but the Master said that you can enter the Ancestral Dragon abyss without dying, or you can pass the 1st Step test of the Senluo Temple. This book is your reward. It is only suitable for you.” Venerable Qingmu continued to say with a cold face.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but opened the book curiously, but after a few glances, his body was shocked, and he immediately understood why Hei Ming Palace Lord wanted to give him this book. Because this book is actually Life and Death Palace, a senior’s cultivation notes who also passed the road of despair!

After the Life and Death Palace civil strife, this notebook fell into the hands of Senluo Temple. Unfortunately, the quasi-emperors of Senluo Temple will naturally not step on the path of despair knowing that they will die. Naturally, no one cares about this notebook. Hei Ming also happily behaves favorably, and by the way also deepens Ye Fei’s sense of belonging to Sen Luo Temple.

In Ye Fei’s eyes, this notebook is indeed a priceless treasure. For the first time, he sincerely handed over to Venerable Aoki: “Trouble Venerable to convey my words to the Palace Lord, today Well, Ye Fei remembered it.”

Venerable Aoki nodded and said: “I will convey it to you. Also, nothing happened recently. Don’t come out. The demonic beast of the Ancestral Dragon abyss, just It’s coming to attack the city.”

After speaking, Venerable Aoki has hurriedly left.

Ye Fei then noticed that the entire Senluo Temple had risen from the ground and entered the middle of the outer 18 Killing Formation. It also served as an array spirit, maintaining the operation of the entire Formation.

At the same time, there were endless demonic beasts in the Ancestral Dragon abyss. They were driven out by the demonic beasts of the quasi emperors. The black was pressed, turning the whole white bone wasteland into a black ocean.

At this time, even if Venerable Aoki did not remind him, Ye Fei would not run out and wander around. It would be miserable if he was caught on the front line as cannon fodder.

It’s not only him, all the disciplines of Senluodian have begun to retreat, even those Holy Sons who are bent on suppressing Ye Fei, all stay behind closed doors and strive for cultivation.

Under the pressure of the demonic beast’s siege, the two blood ancestors, Blood Kill and Blood Yin, had to temporarily put down their grievances with Ye Fei and were forced to join the defense system of the Senluo Temple.

The chaos of blood has never returned.

“There are countless ways in the world, but Strongest Dao has ten ways, divided into the way of gods, the way of demons, the way of magic, the way of demons, the way of Heavenly Tribulation, the way of despair… “

Ye Fei opened the notes and saw a familiar passage at first glance. He had also heard Monster God say this paragraph before, but Monster God said that it is the most powerful ten in the world. Kind of power. And this senior of the cultivation desperate road attributed these ten powers to the ten strongest Martial Dao.

The introduction to the path of despair is particularly detailed. After studying this notebook carefully, Ye Fei was surprised to find that the power of cultivation despair does not necessarily require both cultivation, demonic path and War God path. These two cultivation techniques.

“It turns out that as long as any Supreme gods and demons cultivation technique, fusion with each other, they can cultivation the way of despair. It’s just that the War God Dao and war demonic path is the most suitable cultivation technique for Human Race cultivation. Either success can be the second only to powerful existence of gods and demons. If both are cultivated at the same time, then people can become gods and demons!”

At the same time, cultivation and demonic path It is divided into three stages. For example, the one passed from Demon Sovereign to Ye Fei is the complete refining of muscles and bones, and a small part of the blood refinement meat cultivation technique.

Later, in the burial ground, obtaining a complete demonic path from Human Demon, Ye Fei embarked on a complete, blood refinement method.

“But War God Tao also has a characteristic. The first 7-Layer, the cultivation is bones and flesh and blood. When it comes to the 8th floor, it needs flesh and blood to further condense the demon…”

Looking at the contents of the notes, Ye Fei understood that the so-called flesh and blood of the Senior is actually the countless cells of the human body.

In this way, even if the muscles, bones and flesh are destroyed together, as long as there is a cell that can survive, a powerful war demon can be reborn from the dust-like cell. Such a fleshy body is undoubtedly better than The blood rebirth of Martial God is even more terrifying!

Chapter 1314 demonic beast siege

Chapter 1314 demonic beast siege

“It’s just to reach the level of the cultivation cell in the demonic path. There is a huge limitation, which requires huge energy consumption. Unfortunately, my era is the most chaotic era of Heavenly Martial Continent. There are a lot of resources, but there is no battle for the complete cultivation technique after the demonic path 8-Layer. Finally, It fell short and was defeated by Martial Sovereign, hate, hate, hate…”

Three words of hate in a row, telling the regret of the owner of the note, Ye Fei wants to come, this person must also be a shocking and stunning invincible genius.

The ability to integrate the power of despair four times also shows the strength of this person. Unfortunately, the road to despair is too difficult and lacks the cultivation technique behind the demonic path. This was originally A genius who had the strength and integrated the power of the fifth despair, eventually died tragically under the robbery of Martial Sovereign, leaving this incomplete note in the hands of Ye Fei.

“Compared to this Senior, I am lucky, because I have a complete war demonic path and War God path in my hand, but at the same time I am unfortunate. I don’t have that Senior’s By chance, a lot of resources can be obtained.” Ye Fei was very depressed.

The reason for his depression is just one word, poor!

Ye Fei did not know that in Ancient Era, those who dared to embark on the road of despair, without exception, were the strongest peerless genius, and only they had enough perception and resources. Embarking on this invincible road of death, like Ye Fei, dare to embark on this invincible road as an ordinary person, which is unique in Ancient Era.

“It seems that my path of despair has come to an end without sufficient cultivation resources. Hei Ming Palace Lord specially gave me this notebook. Does it imply that if there is no Senluo Temple? , To provide me with immense cultivation resources. The road to despair is a real dead end for me?”

Ye Fei is also a shrewd person. Venerable Aoki also said that he lives from Ancestral Dragon coming out of the abyss is just the 1st Step of Senluodian to test him. Since there is a 1st Step, there must be a 2nd Step.

As for what the 2nd Step is, don’t ask at this time, Ye Fei guessed pretty close, “If I want to obtain the great cultivator resources of the Sun Luo Temple, I have only one choice, which is to offer absolute loyalty. Only with absolute loyalty can a force nurture me at all costs.”

Before joining True Martial Saint Court, Ye Fei would think about it. Unfortunately, he has already joined True Martial Saint. Court, betrayed Saint Court and became a public enemy of the Fourth Court, and can be explained by bitterness. If you swear allegiance to Senluodian, it is a real betrayal. Any explanation is futile.

“Furthermore, I swear allegiance to the Senluo Temple. In my life, I must be tied to the Senluo Temple. I have completely lost my freedom. Without freedom, even if I cultivation success Martial God, I am only a powerful Senluo Temple. It’s just a tool!”

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