“You have helped me a lot for so many years. We are brothers who love brothers. You eat mine, live mine, recognize me as your Lord, is it that difficult?”

Ye Fei shouts hoarse and starts to play emotional cards.


The answer to him was the whistling of sword energy. Sword Soul’s anger clearly appeared in his heart, warning him to stop the dangerous behavior at this time.

Ye Fei smiled miserably, his eyes became fierce, “I am going to die, you still refuse, then come on, destroy me, my host is dead, I don’t believe it, you will have Have a good time!”

At worst, one shot and two scattered!

Rush over, get on it, bah, control it!

Ye Fei yelled angrily, and his whole consciousness continued to stride forward, and even with his hands, directly grabbed the hilt of the immortal Sword Soul.

Then, he felt an aura of ruining Exterminating Heaven and Earth, filling the entire dantian space, and even holding up his dantian space, it was about to explode.

Under the impact of this devastating sword energy, Ye Fei’s consciousness, like a torch in the wind, was rapidly weakened and blurred.

The pain of the kind of consciousness being wiped out made him the soul flew away and scattered almost on the spot, but Ye Fei did not retreat. He still, stubbornly extend the hand, grasping, that close The hilt in front of you.


The immortal Sword Soul is even more angry. The howling sword energy suddenly blows Ye Fei’s consciousness from the torch into a faint candlelight. As long as Ye Fei dares With the next move, it will absolutely ruinously destroy Ye Fei.

But Ye Fei still didn’t flinch. He still, extend the hand, in his own consciousness, from clear to fuzzy, and finally, until it becomes a point of light that will collapse at any time.

His hand, still, unswervingly stretched forward, tightly, holding the hilt of the immortal Sword Soul, and this time, the immortal Sword Soul is not continuing to destroy Ye Fei On the contrary, his consciousness conveyed a sense of fear and confusion.

Obviously, facing Ye Fei’s frantic suicidal behavior, even the immortal Sword Soul felt scared.

It was afraid of the lunatic in front of him. In order to control it, it didn’t even care about the soul flew away and scattered.

Chapter 1337 Nine Heavens Sword Master

Chapter 1337 Nine Heavens Sword Master

“You Won!”

When Ye The moment Fei mastered Sword Soul, within Sword Soul, there was a clear female voice, which was very helpless and seemed speechless.

Ye Fei’s tired face, but a thick fright appeared, “How is it possible, the immortal Sword Soul can actually speak, it is still a woman’s voice!”

The blood demon in the battle outside clearly felt that Ye Fei’s whole body was erected, but he was busy chasing and killing Fa Wudao and Liu Rufeng, and had no time to pay attention to Ye Fei’s situation, but felt that Ye Fei was almost bursting dantian. There is also the devastating sword energy inside, the blood demon still laughed heartily up.

“It’s really stupid Human Race, he really wants to control Sword Soul, you know, that is the Demon Lord, who dare not expect to control the existence!”

“Come on, he is not Ye Fei, he is definitely not Ye Fei, he is a demon, possessed Ye Fei’s body!” Fa Wudao and Liu Rufeng were full of fear.

The first time Qin Wuyang was beheaded, they thought it was an accident. After all, the blood demon was a sneak attack at the time, but when they saw that the blood demon was killed with a single blow, he killed Huo Qianqiu who possessed the Emperor Artifact . Even a dull person can react, the person in front of him, simply impossible is Ye Fei.

Because if Ye Fei were so strong, he would kill them all in the Ancestral Dragon abyss. Therefore, Liu Rufeng and Fa Wudao now have to run away.

The blood demon’s eyes flashed with a cruel and fierce light, “If you let you escape and attract more Human Race ants, the god can still cultivation at ease, let me die! “

Boom ka!

The blood demon controlled Ye Fei’s body, and instantly chased behind Liu Rufeng, the scarlet blood knife, with the destruction of Space Power, with a puff of knife, already Cut Liu Rufeng, together with his god, into two pieces. Even so, Liu Rufeng is still alive.

Half of his body fell to the ground, with deep regret and fear in his heart. Then, when he saw his blood, it turned into a bloodbath and swallowed him.


“Why is it impossible?” In the Immortal Sword Soul, the woman’s voice seemed funny and helpless.

Hearing this kind of laughter, Ye Fei felt that he had one’s hair stand on end, and his heart was cold. He resisted the ghostly fright and continued to ask: “Are you Sword Spirit or Senior?” “

Seeming to understand Ye Fei’s worry, the woman said silently: “I am a memory in Sword Soul! A memory of Nine Heavens Sword Lord!”

“Nine Heavens Sword Lord?” Ye Fei was shocked. This reputation sounded full of infinite domineering, “Is this Sword Soul, the master of Nine Heavens Sword, why does it exist within the body of mine?”

“I said, I’m just a memory. My existence is to let the person who started Sword Soul know the origin of Sword Soul, and then go to nine days to find the sword master to obtain inheritance. As for other things, I don’t know anything. !”

“Then, if I master the Sword Soul of Immortality, can I get the inheritance of the master of Nine Heavens Sword?” Ye Fei was surprised and delighted.

If he can obtain a sword master inheritance, he is still worried about the blood demon, and he will kill the Old Demon with a single sword!

“This is also the reason for my helplessness! You were chosen by Sword Soul. The tenth Heavenly Abandoned Body. According to the rule of the Sword Master, Heavenly Abandoned Body requires Heavenly Venerable Realm to enable Sword Soul inheritance. , It’s a pity that the other nine died below the Martial Sovereign Realm.”

The woman sighed helplessly, and then said in a weird tone: “It’s only you who used almost self-destructive violent means to force Sword Soul recognized you and destroyed my inherited memories in Sword Soul.”

“So, I can’t get inheritance?” Hearing this bad news, Ye Fei wanted to spit out an old mouth. blood. His methods were just not gentle enough, and he simply did not cause damage.

“Sword Soul elder sister, can’t it be accommodating?” Ye Fei was anxious, he was still waiting to obtain the inheritance of Nine Heavens Sword Lord, and then hacked to death the blood demon.

The woman sighed again, but her voice suddenly became much lower, “Impossible, the price of forcibly awakening Sword Soul is this piece of my inherited memories, which will be…completely…destroyed…maybe, Waiting for you to become Heavenly Venerate… Entering nine days, maybe… it’s still possible, look for…”

The voice is getting lower and lower, until, disappeared.

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