Ye Fei was in a daze, then dumbfounded, and finally turned into endless depression, grief and anger, what a fortuitous encounter.

The inheritance that can only be unlocked by reaching the Heavenly Venerable Realm. What an astonishing inheritance that must be. As a result, he missed it because the means he opened were not gentle enough.

Although he did this, only wanting to control the immortal Sword Soul and get rid of the control of the blood demon, Ye Fei was still extremely depressed.

Then, he turned this depression into anger, and vented it on the head of the Gorefiend.

“This damn Gorefiend, what a great opportunity, it was just destroyed by you. If you can’t kill you, I write the words Ye Fei upside down!”

In the Sword Soul, apart from the endless destruction of Destruction Sword, there is indeed no trace of memory or inheritance.

Ye Fei is angry, his eyes are all red, the first thing to master Sword Soul is to use the Death Power stored in it to quickly restore his almost obliterated consciousness.

This time Immortal Sword Soul no longer resists, but cooperates with all his strength, but Ye Fei is very tragic to find that controlling Sword Soul in advance also has huge repercussions.

That is, he still can’t use the formidable power of Sword Soul. With his current power, he can mobilize at most ten 1/10000th of destruction aura. Beyond this limit, he and the immortal Sword Soul are just May be destroyed at the same time.

“Forget it, ten 1/10000th, it can be regarded as the capital for turning over!”

In the end, this was originally the Heavenly Venerable Realm, and it was possible to use the treasure. He is now only Martial Saint Realm. , Being able to control it is already very shocking.

“Ten 1/10000th of the Sword Soul power, I don’t know if I can smash the Old Demon head of the blood demon!” I feel that consciousness has been restored.

Ye Fei instantly radiated divine sense and began to pay attention to the battle outside. The process of Ye Fei’s fusion of Sword Soul seems to be a long one, but it actually happened in dozens of breaths.

The blood demons outside did not expect in their dreams. Ye Fei used an unbearable violent means to forcibly turn on the power of Sword Soul that even the Demon Lord did not dare to touch.

When Ye Fei released the divine sense and looked towards the outside, he just saw the blood demon carrying the howling big blood knife, beheading Liu Rufeng, and rushing towards the process of lawlessness. As expected, Ye Fei was also startled, “How could it be possible that the Holy Son of the three Saint Courts are all dead, and there is no way to escape!”

Then Ye Fei saw , The Gorefiend controlled his body, smashed the Fawudao life wheel with a howling big blood knife, and pierced through Fawudao’s body with another puff.

Fa’s terrified stared wide-eyed, it seems that he didn’t expect that a genius like him would fall so easily, “Faculty, will never… let you go…”


The corpse of the lawless, burst into bursts, and the whole blood was refined into a drop of blood exuding golden light, which fell into the palm of the Gorefiend.

“The special bloodlines of these three Human Races are very good. If I refining them, I can immediately cultivate three powerful blood ancestors to fight for me in this world!”

The blood demon could only take a hundred breaths. The four young experts who killed Liu Rufeng, Qin Wuyang, Huo Qianqiu, and Fa Wudao couldn’t help but have the ambition to conquer Heavenly Martial Continent.

Chapter 1338 He is dead

Chapter 1338 He is dead

“Liu Rufeng is dead, lawlessness is dead, and Qin Wuyang , Huo Qianqiu…” Ye Fei stared blankly at the blood demon showing off one’s military strength there, and reacted very depressed. The blood demon used his body.

In other words, the three major Saint Court and Legalists are very likely to count this account on him. Thinking of this, Ye Fei has the heart to tear the blood demon. .

But he had no impulse. Liu Rufeng and the four were all super genius who could fight him, but under the Blood Demon Hand, they were chopped off melons and vegetables, and none of them stayed.

Not to mention that at this time, the blood ancestor still controls his body. At this time, rushed to meet force with force with the blood demon, if the blood ancestor did something crazy, such as destroying his Primordial Spirit, he would have nowhere to cry.

“No, even if I have control of the Sword Soul Immortal, I must not be impulsive. Even if I have to deal with the blood demons, I must pay the least price to my body!”

Ye Fei thoughts are revolving, and quickly made up his mind, this blood demon is not a wily old fox, has it become Black Lotus fiercely’s yin for him?

Well, let’s times change, let’s see!

Ye Fei was really cruel this time, that is, when the Gorefiend was immersed in the joy of killing and refining the special bloodline of the four people.

While the Gorefiend was not paying attention, Ye Fei immediately let the immortal Sword Soul release the terrifying destruction aura again. Then, his eyes showed madness, and he continued to do the previous action, extend the hand, Regardless of the destruction of consciousness, but also to grasp the hilt of the immortal Sword Soul.

In response to this, the Immortal Sword Soul immediately exuded a strong “anger” and emotional fluctuations of “Destruction”.

The whistling Destruction Sword gas, this time tore Ye Fei’s dantian into one after another terrifying crack.

But Ye Fei feels that this is not enough. His painstaking tricks must be fake and real, otherwise, the demon of wily old fox will definitely find something wrong and see the weak spot.

“As long as you can fool this Old Demon, and then slay him, no matter how great the pain is, it is worth it, immortal Sword Soul, continue to… destroy my consciousness…”


Ye Fei let out a miserable scream. This is not acting, but the pain of being wiped out of consciousness. It’s really too painful.

He once again felt the intense pain of his soul being torn apart, but Ye Fei was still enduring it. Deep in his painful eyes, fiercely rays of light flashed.

“Damn Old Demon head, I don’t believe it, such a self-abuse. It’s not you…”

In the end, Ye Fei tried to control the immortal Sword Soul before. , Which caused the endless destruction aura of Sword Soul, almost wiped out Ye Fei’s soul.

This scared gorefiend quickly withdrew all consciousness in the dantian space. The blood demon at this time also had no idea what was happening in the dantian space.

However, the blood demon is not at all. Therefore, he takes it lightly. He uses some mysterious Demon God secret technique to refining the special bloodline of the four people of Fa Wu Dao at the fastest speed, forming four Brilliant blood crystals. After that, the Gorefiend immediately retracted all his consciousness and returned to Ye Fei’s dantian space with all his strength.

The powerful Demon God consciousness can be felt instantly, in the dantian space, that terrifying destruction aura everywhere.

This makes the blood demon secretly alarmed, but in the dantian space, Ye Fei’s consciousness is being constantly wiped out by the continuous destruction aura of Sword Soul, changing from clarity to blurry and nothingness. when. The Gorefiend was happy again jié jié laughed strangely.

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