“You Human Races are really not ordinary stupid and stubborn, knowing that there is no hope, but you still want a possible miracle! Trifling ants, also want to control Sword Soul, if you If you can succeed, this god will have your last name from now on!”

The Gorefiend’s face was full of mockery and pride.

“My dear son, come and listen!” Faced with the sarcasm of the blood demon, Ye Fei immediately counterattacked unceremoniously.

“When death is imminent, dare to be hard!” The blood demon heard this furiously. Seeing that Ye Fei had “emptied the lamp”, the destruction aura released by Sword Soul was also within his acceptable range The blood demon of wily old fox immediately realized that this was a great opportunity to obliterate Ye Fei’s consciousness, seize the immortal Sword Soul, and Ye Fei’s body.


The consciousness of the Gorefiend was once again transformed into the fighting form of Three Heads Six Arms. He stepped on the Black Lotus to form an invisible defense. While resisting the surrounding destruction aura, while jié jié smiled , Shoot a bloody palm, to completely destroy Ye Fei’s consciousness.

“As long as this kid dies, I can completely occupy this body and become the immortal Sword Soul, the new master, when the time comes, what Demon God, what Demon Lord, all must be acknowledged Allegiance is at my feet!”

It seems that he has already thought of the scene where he will be kneeling for nine days in the future, and his feet are full of Demon God, and even the scene of Demon Lord. The blood demon suddenly felt refreshed, just watching Ye Fei’s gaze became more pleasing to the eye, and then, with his blood palm, he was about to grab Ye Fei and pinch Ye Fei to death like an ant on the ground.


This is the moment that Ye Fei waited for! At this time, his consciousness was almost wiped out, but his connection with the immortal Sword Soul was already very close. With the movement of his mind, the seemingly resisting immortal Sword Soul suddenly became murderous aura boiling.


The light of destroying the Destruction Sword suddenly passed Ye Fei and destroyed the blood palm shot by the blood demon, and this blood palm was also transformed by the blood demon consciousness. The destruction of the blood palm is the blood demon Part of the destruction of consciousness.

The sharp pain of tearing the soul immediately made the blood demon scream, but before the blood demon came back to his senses, suddenly, the entire space, the original scattered destruction of Destruction Sword Qi, was again All gathered together to form a storm of destruction swords, whizzing, enveloping the blood demons.


The body-protecting Black Lotus can’t stop this terrifying destruction aura. The blood demon only feels that his consciousness is in pain and his soul is tearing.

The intense pain made him almost crazy, the mutation of Sword Soul, which immediately made the blood demons completely crazy…and fear!

Blood demon didn’t expect to kill, Ye Fei really miraculously controlled the indestructible Sword Soul, even more treacherously, using self-masochistic tricks to trick him into the dantian space, Fiercely fouled him again.


The blood demonic energy roared on the spot, he decisively split his consciousness, part of his consciousness turned into blood reckless, opened his mouth wide, and took a crazy mouthful. Ye Fei swallowed them all together with the immortal Sword Soul.

The other part of consciousness is turned into a blood light, rushing out of the dantian space madly, and also escaped from the pursuit of Sword Soul.

“Where to go!”

Suddenly, Ye Fei exploded, and Ye Fei didn’t even have time to regain her consciousness of being about to collapse, because when the blood demon escaped from the dantian space, Surprisingly, he rushed directly to the location of his Primordial Spirit. If the Gorefiend really succeeds, this demon can completely destroy all of his Primordial Spirit, make his Primordial Spirit collapse and become a useless person!

Ye Fei will never allow such a situation to happen!

Chapter 1339 is a bit cruel

Chapter 1339 is a bit cruel

“Blood Demon, I can’t kill you today, I will give you your last name!”

Ye Fei with red eyes, carrying the immortal Sword Soul, impressively, also rushed out of the dantian space. In this scene, the scared Gorefiend felt like the soul flew away and scattered.

Be aware that as a host, Ye Fei can borrow the power of the immortal Sword Soul, but he can never control it or bring the immortal Sword Soul out of dantian.

Because when it comes out, Sword Soul’s uncontrollable destruction aura will instantly destroy Ye Fei’s body, as well as the surrounding space.

This is also the reason why the blood demon would rather lose part of his consciousness and escape from Ye Fei dantian, but the blood demon didn’t expect in dreams. Not only did Ye Fei miraculously control Sword Soul, but also immediately , Control the breath of Sword Soul that almost destroying heaven extinguishing earth, so as to bring out the immortal Sword Soul.

It was this shock and hesitation, Ye Fei had successfully caught up with the blood demon before the blood demon destroyed his Primordial Spirit.

At the same time, the whistling Destruction Sword light radiated. Facing the blood demon, Ye Fei was really ruthless this time, directly spurring the Indestructible Sword Soul, that ten 1/10000th The force of terror.


The terrifying Sword Soul immediately locked the blood demon, emitting an endless destruction aura, slashing towards the blood demon, under that aura, the blood demon suddenly issued even more miserable Before he even had time to split his consciousness, he felt a huge fear of death.

The Gorefiend is very unwilling. His entire consciousness exudes a thick resentment and bitter hatred. He is destroying the Destruction Sword aura and is about to destroy his consciousness. Suddenly something was decided, in his palm, a drop of blood essence that contained part of the power of Demon God appeared.

After that, the blood demon once again separated a part of consciousness, turned into a bloody man, rushed to the immortal Sword Soul, and another part of consciousness rushed into the demon blood.


Indestructible Sword Soul instantly destroyed the blood, but when Sword Soul was about to destroy the devil blood with its residual power, that drop of devil blood suddenly carried resentment and Resolutely, rushed into Ye Fei’s blood, fuse together with Ye Fei’s blood completely.

“Ye Fei, I die, and you die too, don’t think about it, destroy me!”

In the blood, there was a spiteful voice of the Gorefiend.

“Sword Soul, stop!” Ye Fei was sweating coldly all over, it is really the blood demon is too treacherous, and the Demon God who can survive the ancient times is not so easy to kill.

Just with the blood demon didn’t expect, Ye Fei can miraculously merge with the immortal Sword Soul, and Ye Fei also didn’t expect. The blood demon still has this hand, it can be completely integrated into his blood!

In this way, if Ye Fei insists on killing the Gorefiend, then he will have to let Sword Soul of the Immortal and destroy all his blood within the body. What is the difference between this and suicide? This is also the most powerful and difficult part of the blood demon, only having blood, the blood demon is almost immortal!

Of course, it is not without a price for the blood demon to display such an anti-blood control method. Ye Fei was quickly and shocked to discover that with the blood of the blood demon, it was completely integrated with his blood. , His body seems to have undergone a very strange change.

“It is a special bloodline, and I, who is fused with demon blood, have a special bloodline, or the purest Demon God bloodline!”

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