Born out of the ordinary, the posture of Martial Emperor, this is the posture of Emperor!

In the four major Saint Courts, someone once made a vague classification of geniuses. Ordinary martial artists with powerful physiques are regarded as ordinary geniuses.

Martial artist with a special bloodline is a special genius. If the bloodline is powerful enough, he can become a super genius. Such as lawlessness and the others belong to super genius.

On top of super genius, there are top geniuses such as martial artist. They are all born out of the ordinary, their battle strength is amazing, and the cultivation base breakthrough can be called heaven-defying.

Above the top geniuses, they are born Saints like Difan, or Fu Renjie. They are born out of the ordinary, they are no longer born out of the ordinary, but born sacred. , And accompanied by various natural phenomena.

According to the ordinary person, this is the birth of Spiritual God, and they are also called, peerless genius! There may not be one in ten thousand years.

“Hey, compared to them, people like Heavenspan, we are really under too much pressure!” Xia Jun looked at the disappearing cold wind and felt even more pressure.

At the same time.

I don’t know if my heart is wise, Ye Fei also sighed, “Compared with the peerless genius like Difan, the pressure of Heavenspan like me is still too great.”

Although the blood has been fused and turned into Demon God bloodline, Ye Fei did not dare to use this power at all. All the time, the blood demons were hiding in his blood, looking for a chance to give him a fatal blow.

Of course, the blood demon is just lurking like this. Ye Fei may be able to bear it. The most unbearable thing is that the blood demon is shameless in order to hinder his cultivation, controlling his blood and turning it into a vortex. Continue to absorb the Spiritual Qi of his refining.

In this way, every time Ye Fei absorbs a very spiritual Qi, only eight points, enters his Primordial Spirit, cultivation War God Dao, and the remaining two points are all absorbed by the blood demon, strengthening the blood demon If the consciousness of Ye Fei continues under this situation, not only will it be difficult for Ye Fei to break through and demonic path, but it is more likely that he will help the Gorefiend inadvertently.

Ye Fei certainly can’t tolerate such things. He also thought about stopping the blood demons, but compared to the Old Demon head of tens of thousands of years, he is still too tender. Not only did it not take advantage, but was also taken advantage of by the Gorefiend to steal part of the Spiritual Qi.

It can be clearly felt that the blood demon’s consciousness of being severely damaged by the immortal Sword Soul has begun to recover. In this regard, Ye Fei could not bear it, and finally stopped the cultivation and demonic path, and said angrily: “Blood demon, don’t go too far! I said, get out of my body, I don’t make it difficult for you, I can swear!”

“Fuck you, swear, you little demon! Continuous! I’ve been overcast to my god twice, if my god believes you half a nonsense, my god is a pig!”

Ye Fei within the body, there was a sound of blood demon tyranny. That voice was full of bitterness, and even more bitter hatred. Just hearing that voice, Ye Fei felt cold in his vest, and it strengthened his determination to get rid of the blood demons.

“No, I must find a way and not give the Old Demon head a chance to absorb Spiritual Qi, otherwise the Old Demon head will recover a little bit, which is a huge danger to me.”

Ye Fei knew in his heart that the blood demon was absorbing his Spiritual Qi crazy in order to prevent him from breaking through 8-Layer War God.

But the more nervous the Gorefiend, the more determined Ye Fei is, and he wants to break through.

“Blood demon, this is what you forced me, don’t think that I can’t do anything like you.” Although the blood demon stealing Spiritual Qi is abhorrent, Ye Fei is also a monkey essence. Feeling the full malice from the Gorefiend, he immediately thought of the great idea of ​​A Tooth For A Tooth.

He restarted his cultivation and started the War God Dao.

Like war demonic path, cultivation War God also needs to consume huge spiritual Qi resources to strengthen one’s soul. The only difference is that the War God Dao turns every cell into a star.

And the War God Dao is to transform his soul into 365 Revered Divinity. Each God is equivalent to a complete soul. In this way, 365 Revered Divinity is superimposed on each other, which is the Martial Emperor. Don’t want to destroy his soul.

When the deity forms one third, he can break through the War God Road 8th floor, 2/3, 9th floor, all completed, he can break through the War God Road 10th floor, with a battle across ten levels Ability!

And the higher the tenth level, it happens to reach the peerless genius standard.

This is also what Emperor Fan said to Ye Fei that even if Ye Fei merged with the power of the fifth despair, he could only be regarded as a half opponent.

Only when the tenth level is higher, Ye Fei can formally possess the battle strength to challenge peerless genius.

“In order to achieve this, I will definitely do whatever it takes. Even if it is a peerless genius, I will definitely surpass, immortal Sword Soul, suck me!”


Sword Soul vibrated, and suddenly from Ye Fei within the body, there was a terrifying suction power. Originally, with the picky eaters of the immortal Sword Soul, I didn’t even bother to absorb the low power of Spirit Stone.

But Ye Fei has now completely mastered the Indestructible Sword Soul and has officially become the master of Sword Soul. Even if the Indestructible Sword Soul is reluctant, he can only obediently and honestly make these “unpalatable” Spiritual Qi, all the traces are absorbed.

But without waiting for Sword Soul to transform these Spiritual Qi into Destruction Sword Qi, Ye Fei suddenly ordered in a deep voice: “Indestructible Sword Soul, give it to me! Remember, only aim at me. Let it go!”

This is the way Ye Fei thought of dealing with the blood demon. Isn’t this demon trying to steal his Spiritual Qi? Well, he first sucks the Spiritual Qi into the immortal Sword Soul Inside, let the immortal Sword Soul be released in a small area, and supply Ye Fei to re-absorb and refining.

If the Gorefiend dared to steal it at this time, it would happen that Ye Fei fucked Sword Soul and hacked the Old Demon 10,000 times!

I noticed Ye Fei’s actions, stealing Spiritual Qi, the blood demon who regained consciousness, and his consciousness on the spot was shaken into a ball, and he yelled: “shameless, such a crooked way, you are I figured it out, this kid is born a demon! No, must figure out a way to prevent him from continuing to cultivation!”

Chapter 1343 The tribulation of the emperor

The emperor of the 1343 Robbery

No matter how the Gorefiend cursed, Ye Fei found that controlling the indestructible Sword Soul, first absorbing the Spirit Stone, and then releasing the Spiritual Qi, was indeed a good way to suppress the Gorefiend.

Although in this way, he cultivates spirit transformation and his cultivation speed may be affected to a certain extent, but this will have a significantly greater impact on the blood demons.

At first, as long as the Gorefiend took advantage of Ye Fei cultivation, he could control the blood, perform secret techniques, and continuously intercept the Spiritual Qi that poured into Ye Fei within the body, but with Ye Fei After absorbing all the Spiritual Qi through the Indestructible Sword Soul, the blood demon wants to steal Spiritual Qi while Ye Fei cultivation, which is almost impossible.

Unless the blood demon is desperate, he has the courage to expose his consciousness to the sword of the immortal Sword Soul, the blood demon certainly does not have the courage.

Therefore, against Ye Fei’s domineering practice of “eating alone”. The Gorefiend had reached a point where he was heartbroken and hated.

“Damn little demon, don’t let me find a chance, or I must make you a puppet and torture you for at least 10,000 years!”

The blood demon hates you.

Originally, he calculated the Ye Fei breakthrough War God Dao, the Spiritual Qi that needs to be consumed must be extremely large, so he can intercept a little bit, even if only 20%, he can also destroy Ye Fei breakthrough War God Dao 8th floor, and by the way, with the help of the stolen Spiritual Qi, restore the consciousness damaged by Sword Soul.

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