This is exactly the situation of kill two birds with one stone.

As a result, Ye Fei just used a crooked method to forcibly cut off the blood demons from stealing Spiritual Qi, which made the blood demons unbearable.

He first yelled and cursed wildly, trying to influence Ye Fei’s mind. It’s better to let Ye Fei cultivation develop a cultivation deviation. Ye Fei was also prepared for this, and directly closed his five senses, six senses, and entered When I was in the cultivation state where I had forgotten everything, it made the bloody slobber dry, and I didn’t want to shake my mind.

In such a mindless cultivation, Ye Fei soon formally entered the cultivation of the War God Tao. His in the depth of one’s soul constantly roared, just like Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart. , The original intact soul, under the influence of War God Tao, unexpectedly began to shrink and transform.

hong long long!

I feel that Ye Fei’s cultivation has reached a critical moment. The Immortal Sword Soul immediately increased the release of Spiritual Qi. In the previous period, as long as Ye Fei cultivation is at this moment, the blood demons will definitely do everything possible. Find a way to steal his Spiritual Qi and also interrupt his process of becoming a god.

But this time, the blood demon mustered up the courage three times in a row and wanted to take the opportunity to try to seizing food from the tiger’s mouth and also interfere with Ye Fei’s cultivation, so the blood demon had no choice but to give up. It is true that he is too scared of the Indestructible Sword Soul, and has been yin for too many times by Ye Fei.

At this time, the Gorefiend has really no courage, and he rushes up again, and is yin again by Ye Fei. He can only have red eyes, like a wild beast imprisoned, staring coldly and cruelly Ye Fei’s every move, I hope to find out even one omission of Ye Fei.

It’s just that the blood demon quickly became desperate. He found that Ye Fei is really better than a monkey. Ye Fei controls the immortal Sword Soul, and the Spiritual Qi released is not continuous.

It is intermittent, every time he condense a deity, he will immediately pause to observe the reaction of the blood demon, and then continue, cultivation the next deity in the soul.

That timid, fearful, cautious, and awkward behavior immediately made the eager Gorefiend almost spouted a mouthful of old blood, and finally couldn’t help but yelled: “Coward, waste ! My god is only left with incomplete consciousness. You are still guarding against thieves. No, I must find a way to interrupt his cultivation, otherwise it will be bad!”

After waiting for about half a month, the blood demon still did not find the opportunity to interrupt Ye Fei cultivation. Instead, it was the soul of Ye Fei’s within the body, the number of gods had reached one hundred.

The blood demon suddenly became silent. He finally felt that Ye Fei’s mood at the moment when he saw his cultivation Taikoo Tiangong, it was fear and despair!

This despair, even when it was suppressed by the flesh buddhas of Tianlong Temple, the blood demon never felt it. But in the end he was the Demon God who had lived tens of thousands of years. When he was desperate to find that there was no way to interfere with Ye Fei cultivation, the Gorefiend fell into a complete madness.

He started to consume his little consciousness, and desperately released the demonic energy. He didn’t know how to use Ye Fei’s golden body of heavenly dragons, eight heavenly dragons, and roared at the same time, terrifying The sound, passed to all directions, also attracted the attention of countless demons.

This also made Ye Fei very nervous for a while, worried that the blood demon would attract the powerful Martial Sovereign or the quasi emperor and interrupt his cultivation.

It’s just that Ye Fei’s worries are redundant. The roar of the Gorefiend was also in vain.

Immediately when he noticed the appearance of the blood demons, the quasi-emperor of the Senluo Temple secretly came forward and transferred away all the demons in the ten thousand li radius.

Of course, the quasi-emperors of the Senluo Temple hadn’t thought about it. They came to check the status of the blood demons, and by the way, to see if Ye Fei is still saved.

However, the quasi-emperors of Senluo Temple quickly gave up this decision. The death of Liu Rufeng and the four people could not hide from the powerful Senluo Temple.

The ancestors of the Fajia, and the Fire Dragon quasi-emperor and the others entering the dragon head realm can’t be concealed from the eyes and ears of Senluodian. The quasi-emperors of Senluodian soon thought of a good way, that is Use the four foreign quasi-emperors of Fa Tiantong to test the blood demons first.

“If the blood demon is weak, we will take action together, and go up to pick up the bargain. If the blood demon is powerful, the three major Saint Court and Fa Tiantong will be damaged. It has nothing to do with our Sen Luo Temple! As for Ye Fei… “

Hei Ming thought of this, his eyes flashed with hesitation obviously, but thinking of the destructive power of the blood demon to Sen Luo Temple, he finally shook the head: “Little Brat, it’s a pity, but I am the Palace Chief Lord, you must not take the future of Senluodian to risk it, so you can only give up Ye Fei completely.”


It was also when Senluodian was secretly preparing, the Dragon Head Realm Somewhere in the sky, four powerful silhouettes have gathered together.

Fa Tian Tong looks old, but the imposing manner that he exudes is like the sea, deep and unmeasurable. He glanced at the three people around him, “Tiance Zhundi, Shenwu Zhundi, Heavenly Dao Zhundi! With the addition of the old man, we will fight together. This time, we must destroy the little demon Ye Fei and give my grandson a revenge!”

“And Qin Wuyang, and Liu Rufeng, and Huo Qianqiu! These all are our Saint Court’s most outstanding Holy Son, which is our Saint Court’s future hope. Now it is killed by a waste of heaven. It is really our extraordinary shame and humiliation! But please, everyone, give me a face, kill Ye Fei, must let me be the first to do it!” Fire Dragon Zhundi’s eyes flashed with a glare.

He came here this time, not to avenge Huo Qianqiu, but the quasi-emperors of Heavenly Dao Saint Court accidentally discovered that Zhao Yu’s Supreme Indifference of cultivation actually had a fatal weak spot, and this The weak spot is Ye Fei.

I just don’t know why, Zhao Yu still couldn’t attack Ye Fei. The quasi-emperors of Heavenly Dao Saint Court dispatched Fire Dragon to replace Zhao Yu, first turning Ye Fei into a waste. Then bring it back to the imprisonment of Heavenly Dao Saint Court, and then Zhao Yu will take action to solve the last weak spot of her integration into Heavenly Dao.

Chapter 1344 is exposed

Chapter 1344 is exposed

Of course, Fire Dragon Zhundi will not tell others his purpose, so on the surface, he still Full of hatred, as if to avenge Huo Qianqiu.

His hatred has infected the Heavenly Strategy Saint Court Zhundi Han Feng, who is riding a demon cow next to him. “Qin Wuyang is my most satisfied discipline. He is humble, kind, and loves Junior Brother. He is very It is possible to become the pillar of my Saint Court, but died in the hands of Ye Fei and other wastes. I can’t bear it. I will kill this person and avenge the discipline!”

“Vengeance for the discipline? Tiance Saint Court is clearly afraid of Ye Fei’s rise, deliberately strangling it in advance, what humility and kindness, the three major Saint Courts who don’t know, Qin Wuyang is jealous and capable, as long as it is slightly possible to surpass his genius, he will try his best to suppress , Even assassinated.”

The last Liu Rulong twitched his lips, very disdainful of Han Feng’s hypocritical manner. If anyone here is sincerely avenging the disciples, then only Fa Tiantong can do it.

Liu Rulong’s move this time is not really to avenge Liu Rufeng, but to preserve the reputation of the first Saint Court of Shenwu Saint Court, and will not suffer losses because of Ye Fei.

With each other’s purpose, on the surface, the four great Zhun emperors are all in harmony, and they are also greeted by brothers and sisters.

Fatiantong, who was eager to avenge his grandson, didn’t have much patience. After the greeting, he immediately looked towards Han Feng and said, “Brother Han, your Heavenly Strategy Saint Court’s Heavenly Strategy technique is best at predicting, you Hurry up and help the old man predict, where Ye Fei’s evil creature is hiding now, and when he kills this child, the Legalists will have a big reward!”

Han Feng triumphed, modestly said: “Fa Old Patriarch is polite, even if Old Patriarch doesn’t say anything, I’m determined to find out the whereabouts of the evil obstacle and eradicate this demon.”

Speaking, Han Feng has already pinched his fingers and used the most mysterious method of Saint Court. It is also the most complicated heavenly strategy, which quickly deduces the position of Ye Fei.

At this moment, Ye Fei didn’t know that there were already four quasi emperors who had been eyeing him, and there were others who used secret techniques to deduct his whereabouts.

But out of intuition about danger, Ye Fei always feels uneasy during the cultivation. Especially, after roaring for a while, the blood demon suddenly became silent again, neither releasing the demonic energy. Attracting people to deal with him without disturbing his cultivation.

Such blood demons make Ye Fei feel even more dangerous.

“Could it be that Old Demon’s head is also holding back what’s bad, wanting to veil me again?” Ye Fei secretly increased his vigilance.

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