It just so happened that he was cultivation out of a God, sitting in his mind, together with the previous cultivation, Ye Fei, has now cultivation out of 115 Revered Divinity.

As long as he cultivates five more, he can break through to the 8th floor of War God Road, but for these five Revered Divinity, Ye Fei dare not easily break through anyway.

Once the breakthrough, his War God path and the battle demonic path reach 8-Layer at the same time, they will conflict with each other, unless, at this time, he can carry out the fifth integration of the power of despair.

“Fusing the power of the fourth despair, I almost cut me to death. That step, until the last moment, I must not try breakthrough.”

Fortunately, he Now that the distance to breakthrough War God is on the 8th floor, it’s a shortfall. He wants breakthrough, and it can break through at any time.

However, for insurance, Ye Fei hurriedly operated the Nine Changes of True Spirit and hid his breath before Heavenly Dao found out.

Then Ye Fei decided to scare the Gorefiend within the body.

After all, in the last Heavenly Tribulation, he ruined the blood demon fleshy body. This time, if he made a gesture of robbing again, it is very likely that the bloody Demon Lord would move away from him. body.

Ye Fei said solemnly: “Blood Demon, give you one last chance, get out of my body, everyone can discuss everything, otherwise, I will provoke Heavenly Tribulation, everyone will die together!”

Speaking, Ye Fei deliberately showed a crazy look.

The consciousness in the blood that the blood demon suddenly frightened was a tremor.

He knows how maddening Ye Fei is when he is desperate. The most important thing is that Ye Fei not only kills himself, but also often forces others to kill him. The methods are extremely dirty.

If Ye Fei threatened one day in advance, the Gorefiend might also consider fleeing Ye Fei’s body for safety reasons, but it’s different now. The Gorefiend has discovered that there are four powerful quasi emperors, right Flying quickly, this gave him another glimmer of hope.

“This little demon is really scared of the original god. When the four quasi-emperors arrive, this kid will not have time to escape. If he can still cultivation, the original god will have his surname! “The blood demon continued to remain silent, and his eyes became colder. He is the ancient Demon God, although he is terrified of the immortal Sword Soul.

But during this time, the blood demon was also very cunning to discover that Ye Fei did not seem to be able to fully utilize the formidable power of the immortal Sword Soul, and even the blood demon also inferred and calculated Ye Fei’s strength, It may be the limit to release the formidable power of Sword Soul ten 1/10000th at one time.

Moreover, it can only be cast once. After the cast, it will take at least a month or even longer for Ye Fei to be able to cast again.

At this moment, the Gorefiend saw the opportunity.

“hmph, when the four Human Race quasi-emperors arrive, any one of them, as long as they can force this kid to release the immortal Sword Soul to protect himself, I have a way to suppress his consciousness again. Control his body, when the time comes, I must use a thousand, no, ten thousand ways to torture him!”

The consciousness of the blood demon, reveals a chill, that chill, Even Ye Fei’s blood became cold.

Ye Fei’s expression changed: “This blood demon is so abnormal, it must be holding back bad and wanting to yin me, but under the immortal Sword Soul, he dare not show up, how can I yin me? It’s not good…”

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility that the blood demon could not insult him, but he could use others to insult him. It must be the action of the blood demon that caused the expert to notice him.

Even though Ye Fei did not sense any expert approach, he still subconsciously communicated with the Beast Seal Space and said quickly: “Little grass, fast sensing, are there any dangerous things around!”

Xiao Cao rubbed his eyes and was reluctant to be woken up by Ye Fei. Ye Fei was very depressed to find that when he was plotting against the Gorefiend repeatedly, Xiao Cao and Dragon Tortoise were actually sleeping, seemingly still asleep. Fragrant.

But when he heard Ye Fei’s voice, Xiaocao woke up very quickly. Then, Xiaocao’s face suddenly showed a touch of fear, and Yiyiyaya yelled.

Xiao Cao’s speech speed and gestures are very fast, but Ye Fei quickly understood Xiao Cao’s meaning, “What, there are four quasi emperors, coming over here, it’s not from Senluo Temple. Zhundi, could it be…”

Suddenly, Ye Fei thought of what Fawudao had said before his death. The Fajia would not let him go, so what about the three Saint Courts, would they also Count the death of Liu Rufeng and the others on his head.

“Damn, it’s no wonder that the Gorefiend is so silent. He is deliberately delaying time and wants to use those quasi emperors to come to shame me.”

Almost the moment Xiaocao reminded, Ye Fei hadn’t cared about whether he would be exposed, and immediately rushed to the sky at the fastest speed, and even used a hundred miles continuously to rush into the distance.

The Gorefiend looked at this scene in shock, “What is this kid hiding in the Human Sovereign Seal, how did he find out that a quasi-emperor is sneaking close?”

Immediately, The blood demon immediately released a divine sense and wanted to rush into the animal print space, but for Ye Fei, the beast print space that the divine sense can easily enter is just like the Copper Wall Iron Bastion to the blood demon. The divine sense is not only inaccessible, but also crushed on the spot.

The crushing of the divine sense immediately made the blood demon furious: “Ye Fei, where do you escape, as long as there is me, you will definitely be exposed!”


Ye Fei was not given a chance to escape at all. The blood demon directly controlled Ye Fei’s blood, releasing infinite magic power.

Chapter 1345 Fights the quasi emperor

Chapter 1345 fights the quasi emperor

Infinite magic power, mighty all around.

Such a terrifying magical nature, naturally, I can’t hide from the eyes of the four quasi-emperors, the Han Feng of Tiance Saint Court, his face suddenly changed, his fingers slammed and said: “Not good, then Ye Fei found us I’m approaching, I want to escape!”

“To escape, he just flees to the ends of the earth, and the old man will kill him and pay for his grandson!” Fa Tiantong’s eyes were red, almost feeling At the moment of demonic energy, a huge chakra appeared under his feet, and then he stepped on the chakra and rushed into the distance.

Liu Rulong and Fire Dragon looked at each other without hesitation.

The moment Ye Fei was found to escape, the four quasi emperors also used the teleport that only Martial Sovereign Realm could use. Ye Fei also immediately felt that a terrifying aura was on him. Behind him, he approached like lightning.

His face suddenly became a little pale, and he didn’t expect that the teleportation of the quasi emperor would be so terrifying. Just now, Xiaocao also sensed that these quasi emperors were beyond a thousand li.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Fei has already seen that a huge wheel of life appeared above his head, and then, the wheel of life, like a ferris wheel, ruthless, hit Ye Fei’s head. If this is hit, a mountain may be smashed into dust.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became extremely dignified. After casting Baili for a moment, while escaping for his life, he was not even think, releasing the realm of Tai Chi, using all his strength, swaying twelve Dao, Taiji Sword Figure, this is also the limit that can be released.

hong long long!

Twelve Yin-Yang Symbols, forming 12 layers of Tai Chi defense, collide with the life wheel of the sky. The huge life wheel is immediately blocked in the sky and cannot fall.

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