“This evil barrier , can he be an enemy of the Emperor Zhun?” Fa Tiantong was shocked, and then filled with crazy jealousy. Before he wanted to come, Ye Fei could abandon it with heaven. The body, being able to become so strong, must be related to Ye Fei’s “refining” Xiaocao.

“The Spirit Mushroom girl is a spiritual object that the old man found after so much effort. There is no way in the law, and it is the strongest genius in the bloodline of my Fa school. His future is very likely. Break Broken Bloodline, become a top genius, even peerless genius! And you, you killed him and ruined my legalist hope!”


At the moment when the fate wheel was blocked, Fa Tiantong suddenly furious, his fate wheel became stronger and more radiant, like a bright moon, falling into the sky.


The 12 layers Yin-Yang Symbol collapsed one after another. Eventually, the fate wheel fell on the ground, directly smashing this area of ​​hundreds of miles into a black lake.

Ye Fei’s silhouette was also on the edge of the lake and rushed out. He didn’t dare to look back. Even if he had 7-level battle strength, at most, he could only fight with Zhundi Early-Stage. .

The strength of the ancestor of the Fajia has obviously surpassed that of the quasi emperor Early-Stage. Ye Fei used the War God to break through the 8th floor and may not be the opponent of the ancestor of the Fajia.

All he can do is to escape, the faster he escapes, the better.

But the Gorefiend obviously wouldn’t let Ye Fei escape like this.

“Ye Fei, you can’t escape. If you don’t want to die, you just hand over your body. With Power of the Demon God, I can instantly defeat these four ants!” The blood demon made evil temptations. Tao.

“Close your dog’s mouth!” Ye Fei was furious, if it weren’t for this blood demon, he would constantly control his blood and affect his speed. He would never be easily found and hunted down by Emperor Zhun.

This demon must find a way to kill sooner or later!

Ye Fei’s heart is already ruthless.

Suddenly, a terrifying shadow appeared above his head. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a huge mountain.

Heavenly Dao’s unique school, Heaven Overturning Seal!


The giant seal is like a mountain, crashing down, suddenly like a lying mountain range giant dragon, and like an insurmountable towering city wall, blocking Ye Fei’s road.

“Under Heavenly Dao, all are ants! Ye Fei, can you escape?” On the Heaven Overturning Seal, the Fire Dragon Zhundi exudes the breath of Heavenly Dao, his eyes are indifferent. Flashed disdain.

“Evil creature, you killed my disciple Qin Wuyang, did you ever think about today!” Before Ye Fei answered, it was angry roar again, coming from behind.

Han Feng rode the demon cow, his face and body, the murderous aura was like tide, and turned into a terrifying hurricane. Then, the demon cow suddenly broke away from the Korean wind, and the whole person stood up and became A bull-headed puppet made of black iron, the huge puppet rammed Ye Fei directly, unexpectedly beheading Ye Fei instantly.

“You guys are so unreasonable!”

Ye Fei was angry, and it was the blood demon who killed Liu Rufeng and the others, not him. These quasi emperors even explained The opportunity to meet is not given, and meeting is a painful killer.

“Eight dragons!”

Ye Fei roared Heavenly Dragon’s Octave, but was shocked to find that what appeared behind him was a blood dragon, a huge blood dragon, flying away Go out and collide with the demon cow, making a loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Then, Mo Niu all split up and in pieces.

The blood dragon is intact!

“Damn it, that is the eight poles of the Heavenly Dragon that this god failed to complete! It also contains the realm of my blood demon!” l

That is still a complete realm!

Ye Fei is now cheaper. If he can vomit blood, the blood demon must spray three catties of demon blood.

“What kind of evil is that, I actually broke the magic cow that I spent my whole life building!” Han Feng was shocked, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“No matter what the evil method, this kid must die!” Liu Rulong’s imposing manner Rulong, suddenly shot, behind him, a God appeared, holding a battle axe, slashing towards the blood dragon.

Ye Fei’s mind suddenly moved the remaining seven heavenly dragons, together with the blood dragon, rushed to the heavenly dragon, and started fighting with the god of Liu Rulong.

“courting death!” Liu Rulong was furious, and the god behind him became more sacred and bright, like a War God, holding a large axe, and beheading all the seven heavenly dragons.

Only the blood dragon, heads up and roared, killing intent boiled, and the dragon jumped forward, shooting the gods with cracks. Ye Fei also took a breath, “The Primordial Heavenly Art is so strong!”

You should know that this is still an undeveloped Primordial Heavenly Art, and it can rival Saint Court Absolute Art! Seeing this, the blood demon was even more regretful, regretting that Ye Fei’s consciousness should not be removed, and anxiously cultivation Taikoo Tiangong, which in vain strengthened Ye Fei’s battle strength.

“Let’s do it together and kill this demon!”

Fatiantong suddenly roared, the life wheel in his hand suddenly became a terrifying blood moon, blood The moon turned into a more terrifying blood wheel of destiny, just lifted to the sky, the sky could not bear it, and the space began to shatter.

“Tiance Fumo!”

Han Feng’s face was gloomy, and he suddenly swooped down from the sky. A huge fist suddenly wrapped around countless runes, forming a terrifying piece of rune. vortex directly penetrated into the blood dragon body, and in an instant, sealed the unstable blood demon field inside the blood dragon.


Fire Dragon Zhundi took this opportunity and suddenly took a picture of a huge palm. In the palm, he gripped an illusory sky seal, fiercely covering it. The blood dragon, who was fighting with the god Liu Rulong, couldn’t hold on anymore, and broke apart.


Ye Fei’s eight heavenly dragons also completely collapsed. It made his breath a lot weaker, and his heart sank even more.

Because the blood dragon was smashed, the first thing the three quasi emperors did was to join forces and attack Ye Fei!

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