She said very hard.

This kind of force makes Ye Fei a little speechless inexplicably, I just defeated you once, so why did it be so serious?

“Sure enough, no one can fight with a woman.” Ye Fei muttered involuntarily.

Seeing that Ye Fei didn’t say a word, Lu Qing was too lazy to say, immediately turned around, moved towards the distance, and Lu Fang and the others hurried to follow. Before leaving, Lu Fang stared at Ye Fei bitterly, and said cruelly, “Ye Fei, the demon of base and shameless, my three great Saint Court experts are countless, and there is always one who can defeat you!”

“Hold on, you guys can’t go!” Ye Fei suddenly said, frightened Lu Fang’s face paled, and then I remembered that Ye Fei is different from other Saint Court disciples, this is Great Demon who will kill if you make a difference. .

Other Shenwu Saint Court emperors also gathered nervously around Lu Qing, looking at Ye Fei hostilely: “We are all Heavenly Grade disciple of Shenwu Saint Court, Ye Fei, if you dare to move us , That is to declare war with Shenwu Saint Court completely!”

“Declare war, just your clay chickens and pottery dogs? I am not looking for you, but your Goddess.” Ye Fei didn’t bother to talk nonsense with these emperors, looking directly at Lu Qing, “Goddess, have you forgotten, you have to promise me a request if you lose?”

Lu Fang and the others’ expressions suddenly changed tragically.

Lu Qingtian’s face also flashed a panic, but still gritted his teeth, icily said: “What is it, say!”

“This, I haven’t thought about it yet. Ok…” Ye Fei scratched his head. He wanted Lu Qing’s bronze shield, but he was too afraid to give it.

Chapter 1382 is missing a servant girl

Chapter 1382 is missing a servant girl

He hasn’t made up his mind yet, and suddenly Xia Jun comes over , Blinked at Ye Fei and said, “Big brother, what is there to consider? You just become a Holy Son, and there is one less servant girl around you. I think this Lord Goddess is pretty good.”

“What, do you want our Goddess to be your maid?”

“It’s a toad, I want to eat swan’s meat!”

“This matter, our Shenwu Saint Court, never agree, Ye Fei, do you dare to do this, Shenwu Saint Court and Lú Family, will not let you go!”

Hearing Xia Jun’s words, Lu Fang and the emperor of Shenwu Saint Court, All were furious, Ye Fei was also a little speechless, he was fond of the bronze shield in Lu Qing’s hand, not Lu Qing, the Goddess.

This Xia Jun actually asked him to accept Lu Qing as a maid. The news spread, enough to cause a mass earthquake in the four major Saint Courts.

However, the repeated provocations of Lu Fang and the others still made Ye Fei feel a trace of anger, and immediately coldly said: “Lu Qing, if you indulge this group of dogs, I will let you be mine. Maid!”


Lu Qingqi’s lovable body trembled, and suddenly regretted that he should not offer conditions when fighting Ye Fei. At that time, she was full of heart It was an invincible belief. I never thought that I would lose, but now, in Lu Qing’s heart, there is only regret and sadness.

But it’s about her own destiny. No matter how good Lu Qing is, she is a bit dissatisfied with Lu Fang and the others. She coldly said, “You all shut up. This is my business with him. Who Interrupting is to be an enemy of me!”

Lu Fang and the others shut up quickly. In the end, Lu Qing is a peerless genius, and it is not that these emperors can offend them.

Lu Qing relaxed, with the slightest hostility in her eyes, looked towards Ye Fei and said: “Now, you are satisfied, tell us your specific requirements.”

“OK , I want you…” Ye Fei just wanted to say that he wanted Lu Qing’s fast bronze shield, and suddenly a cough came from his face.

“cough cough…Holy Son, old man, look, the proposal you just made is very good, just because there is one less maid beside you, I think, let Lu Qing be your maid “It was the third director Xi Yingqing who spoke, and he blinked at Ye Fei.

Of course, Xia Jun was stupid, “I made a joke, but the dean took it seriously?”

“Go away, are you a joke? You are clearly harming Me!” Ye Fei was so depressed that he almost didn’t vomit blood, not to mention that he simply doesn’t need a maid.

The key is Lu Qing’s identity. This is Goddess of Shenwu Saint Court, the granddaughter of the heavenly punishment Zhun emperor. If Lu Qing becomes his maid, it is estimated that 2nd day, the angry Zhun emperors of Shenwu Saint Court, also If there is heavenly punishment, the emperor is about to line up to kill him.

“No, this is absolutely not possible!” Ye Fei shook his head.

“The Third Dean, I also feel uncomfortable. Or, for another condition, I think the bronze shield on Lu Qing’s body is pretty good!” Shang Luo also interrupted.

Ye Fei looked at her in surprise, “How do you know that I want that bronze shield?”

“This is a kind of heart. Seeing that I can help you, look back. How about selling the shield to this Fairy?” Shang Luo also stuck out his tongue playfully.

Ye Fei was speechless at once, knowing that Shangluo also saw the out of the ordinary on that bronze shield. It was obviously a rare treasure, not an Emperor Artifact, more than an Emperor Artifact!

“Mischief! Holy Son’s rare victory made me True Martial Saint Court. From now on, I’m proud of it, old man, this is all set. From then on, Lu Qing is your maid! “Xi Yingqing gave Ye Fei a deep look.

Hearing this remark, Lu Qing was already angry at this time not only was her body trembling, even her eyes were flashing lightning, she was like an angry electric mother, staring, her eyes flashing What passed is not hostility, but a touch of murderous aura.

Lu Qing coldly said: “This is your request, let me be your maid?”

“Yes, this is the request of our Holy Son, Ye Fei, old Man is right?” Xi Ying’s affectionate tone was meaningful, but his eyes flashed with a strong look of expectation.

Ye Fei certainly knows what Xi Yingqing is expecting.

In the end, Lu Qing is not only the granddaughter of the heavenly punishment Zhundi, but also the Goddess of the Shenwu Saint Court. Her aura is so dazzling, it can be said to be a focal point of ten thousands.

At this time, if he defeats Lu Qing and turns Lu Qing from Goddess to his maid, it will be a huge blow to Saint Court and the heavenly punishment of the emperor. This also indirectly established the reputation of True Martial Saint Court.

Ye Fei suddenly regretted it and accepted the position of Holy Son.

“Not enough. Since I have reached this position, as a Holy Son, I can’t just do anything for Saint Court… Lu Qing, it seems I can only wrong you and become my maid.” Ye Fei Can only cast an apologetic look at Lu Qing.

“You are not afraid, I will backlash!” Lu Qing’s face paled, and the expression in his eyes was full of anger and murderous intention.

Ye Fei went out and said: “Don’t be afraid!”

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