Anyway, I have already offended, so I simply offend to the end, by the way, also kill the spirit of Goddess.

“Well, I’ll be your maid, but, time, up to ten days!” Lu Qing said through his silver teeth.

“One month! This is our upper limit. Of course, you Lú Family can also redeem people at any time, but you need 50 spirit veins!” Xi Yingqing suddenly coldly said.

Ye Fei eyes shined, secretly thought Jiang is still old and spicy, he only thought that from Lu Qing’s hands, he would point treasures, but Xi Yingqing not only used Lu Qing, but also fiercely to defeat Saint Court, Shenwu. Raised the prestige of True Martial Saint Court. In the end, the salary was drawn from the bottom of the tank and Lú Family was slaughtered.

Fifty spirit veins, that will definitely give Lú Family strength and great injury from then on. Such a strategy of killing three birds with one stone is simply murderous intention every step of the way.

“Sure enough, anyone who can become a quasi emperor is not someone who is easy to deal with.” Ye Fei shook his head helplessly, understanding this matter, already he and Lu Qing have become the standard The bargaining chip of Emperor Game.

Lu Qing quickly realized this, her face was paler, and before she could respond, she realized that the very ruthless place of Xi Yingqing’s move, Lu Fang and the others, was already furious. Jumped up.

“True Martial Saint Court, shameless!”

“This is the battle of our juniors. If the emperor intervenes, it is to declare war with our Shenwu Saint Court!”

“Not only our Shenwu Saint Court, Lú Family, Heavenly Dao, Tiance Saint Court, we will unite and declare war on you!”

The emperor of Shenwu Saint Court are all furious, If Goddess is reduced to a maid, they will all go back and be stripped by the quasi-emperor of Saint Court.

Lu Fang and the others anxious Lu Qing shouted: “Goddess, run away! We will help you break the queen!”

“After the break, just you clay chickens and pottery dogs?” Ye Fei shook his head. It seems that Shenwu Saint Court has developed too smoothly over the years. The disciplines inside are too arrogant and supercilious.

“You are going to cheat, right, well, catch them all, and then let Shenwu Saint Court, also bring the spirit vein to redeem people!”

Ye Fei now learns now Yes, I gave an order directly, without him taking action. The Martial Sovereigns of True Martial Saint Court who had been holding fire for a long time had already taken action and suppressed all the emperors Lu Fang on the spot.

Chapter 1383 is invincible and lonely

Chapter 1383 is invincible and lonely

“Ye Fei, you demon, you must die!”

“The quasi-emperors of Saint Court of Shenwu, I will never let you go!”

Lu Fang and the others are angry with Qiqiao, but the Martial Sovereigns of True Martial Saint Court also not to be Those who were trifled with, suddenly the emperor of Saint Court of Shenwu were sealed with the cultivation base and arrested. Lu Qing’s face changed horribly, but she didn’t run away impulsively, but stared at Ye Fei coldly, with thunderbolt flickering in her eyes.

“Today’s thing, I remember!” Lu Qing’s voice has a killing intent. After all, he has become a maid from Goddess of aloof and remote. This gap, peerless genius, can no longer Keep calm.

Ye Fei is even more depressed. It is clear that this incident was planned by the Emperor Zhun. This Lu Qing was good, but only aimed at him.

Ye Fei originally sympathized with Lu Qing as a maid, but now he is angry. He just wants to fiercely combat the arrogance of Goddess, so he deliberately coughed: “cough cough, my voice is a bit dry , Then who, hurry up to my mountain and make a pot of tea for me to bring it over.”

“You told me to bring you tea?” No matter how quiet, Lu Qing was also out of anger by this order All of the expressions popped out of the fire star.

The scared Xia Junlin Heaven’s Chosen and the others hurried back, lest the Goddess explode and then fight Ye Fei in the dark.

Only Shangluo, walking side by side with Ye Fei, still calmly eating melons, but seeing that Ye Fei asked a peerless genius to serve him tea and water, Shangluo’s face was also A strange color could not help appearing.

“Qing’er, bring me a pot too, and some snacks as desserts by the way!” Unearthly, Shangluo turned Lu Qing into a maid.

Lu Qing almost burst his lungs, his eyes turned into two horrible thunderbolts, staring at Shangluo coldly, Shangluo blinked innocently, “Ye Fei, you maid, a bit disobedient, You have to be careful when you go to bed tonight.”

“Wait to bed?” Ye Fei was taken aback at hearing this.

“What’s weird about this, in the big Aristocratic Family, many maids will wait for bedtime!” When Shang Luo spoke, he looked at Ye Fei’s face seriously.

Ye Fei’s face straightened, and he severely criticized Shang Luo: “talk nonsense, the maid is the maid, serving tea and pouring water, the most is to make a bed and be warmed by a quilt. I am an honest person.”


Shangluo stared at him for a long time, but didn’t see anything wrong. He was nodded and said seriously: “Well, I believe you are an upright gentleman. At that night, let Qinger sleep with this Fairy, just like me. One less girl, coax me to sleep.”

Ye Fei suddenly regretted it, and suddenly realized that Shangluo was deliberately trying to get Lu Qing over. The helpless words have been spoken, and he will not take it back. , Can only helplessly look at his maid, unfathomable mystery, has become the maid shared by him and Shangluo.

Lu Qing was actually very grateful to Shangluo. That sentence of waiting for the bed made Lu Qing look at Ye Fei’s eyes even more fierce.

Ye Fei’s heart of vomiting blood is gone. He is very depressed to find that he is not looking for a maid, but a sin.

Simply what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over, return to Cave Mansion and continue cultivated.

At the same time as Ye Fei cultivation. The news of his defeat of Goddess Lu Qing also spread like wings, spread throughout the three Saint Courts, and also spread to many empires in Zhong Prefecture.

This is naturally Xi Yingqing’s handwriting.

True Martial Saint Court has been in decline for hundreds of years, and finally, with a chance of re-emergence, such news will definitely be publicized.

“What, Goddess Lu Qing was lost to a man who was abandoned in the sky. This news is really fake?”

“How could it be fake? This is from True Martial Saint Court’s discipline came from himself. I heard that the emperor of Saint Court in the past was annihilated. Like Goddess, he has become a prisoner of True Martial Saint Court!”

“My God , Shenwu Saint Court is today’s first Saint Court, like the sun at high noon. Unexpectedly, it’s not as good as the declining True Martial Saint Court?”

“That’s a must, True Martial Saint Court, but the only Saint Court created by Martial God, surpasses other Saint Courts by a lot of innateness, and has a very profound background…”


The news soon reached the high-level ears of Shenwu Saint Court. Liu Rulong who heard the news, as if was struck by lightning, his hands and feet became cold.

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