While speaking, the heavenly punishment Zhundi suddenly slapped and slapped it to the sky, trying to force out the Azure Dragon in the sky.

“Heavenly punishment, if the old man does not die in one day, then you can’t help but come to me True Martial Saint Court impudent!” In the sky, there was an old angry shout.

Azure Dragon spear, formed a mountain-sized Azure Dragon spear, stabbing forward, and the world was shaking violently wherever it passed.

Heavenly punishment The Thunderbolt giant palm of Zhundi was once again devastated. The silhouette of Thunderbolt also staggered back a few steps.

“Grandfather…” Lu Qing took an anxious step forward.

“Qing’er, don’t worry, grandfather can’t save you out, he will surely redeem you out! The old fart of True Martial Saint Court alone can’t help this emperor!” came from the thunderbolt The voice of quasi-dihaoran.

“This emperor?”

Ye Fei looks sideways. From this title, we can see how great the ambition of the heavenly punishment Zhundi is. This person actually wants to become a real Martial Emperor.

“Where to go, now that you are here, then you Avatar, just stay.”

The dean Taishang said a lot in one breath, and was slightly panting. Like a late old man. But the power of the Supreme Master was still terrifying, and a sharp wind suddenly appeared in the shattered sky.

divine spear Dragon Transformation, before the heavenly punishment quasi-emperor Avatar escaped, the thunderbolt silhouette suddenly stabbed to pieces.

“Qing’er, waiting for grandfather, kid, if you dare to touch a hair of Qing’er, this emperor wants you to be better than dead!” Before the thunderbolt silhouette shattered, such a warning was issued.

“Your mind is wrong, even if your aptitude is amazing, don’t want to break through Martial Emperor!” In the sky, the voice of the Supreme Master gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Even the confrontation between the two quasi-emperors did not attract the attention of the others in True Martial Saint Court, which shows how terrifying the strength of these two people is.

“Qing’er, did your grandfather threaten me just now?” Ye Fei touched the chin, looking at Lu Qing with a bit of discomfort.

Heavenly punishment Zhundi doesn’t seem to take him seriously.

“You call it again, I will poison you in the tea, poison to death!” Lu Qing was full of anger, and ran away with the urge to kill at any time.

“If you are unqualified for serving tea and pouring water, you, a maid, will fail too much. It seems that you have nothing to do except for thinking about letting you go to bed.” Ye Fei Sneer, if the heavenly punishment threatens him, he will threaten Lu Qing, bully the weak, so will he.


Lu Qing’s gasping gasp, she was trying her best to endure the impulse that thwarted Ye Fei’s bones.

At this time, Xia Jun seemed to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two of them, and he was shocked to respond: “What, the big brother actually wants Lu Qing to sleep, then I will not call her sister-in-law… …”


Xia Jun didn’t finish speaking, suddenly a sky of thunder blasted him outside and tender inside. He fell to the ground, his twitching body foaming. Has been electrified to half-cooked.

Lin Heaven’s Chosen and Little Fatty immediately looked at Xia Jun with sympathy. Originally, they came over and wanted to experience the addiction of being served by peerless genius, but Xia Jun’s tragic situation immediately made them dispel this idea.

Chapter 1385 Followers

Chapter 1385 Followers

“Why is it always me who is injured?”

Xia Jun’s tone With sadness, Lin Heaven’s Chosen and Little Fatty were carried down the mountain.

After smashing Xia Jun with thunder and lightning, Lu Qing finally let out a bad breath in his heart.

At this time, she has completely recovered her peace and looked at Ye Fei seriously, “The reason why you have the confidence to surpass us is that you have not tasted the bitter fruit of failure. Your invincible belief has affected you. When you fail once, your belief in invincibility will be overwhelmed, and you will not be able to cheer up! What is peerless genius?” Lu Qing suddenly asked, but did not wait for Ye Fei to answer. The explanation of each minding their own business: “The so-called peerless genius is not only our high aptitude and strong talents, but also that we can stand up quickly no matter how many times we fail, and you are different. Once you believe in invincibility If you are shattered, you will be defeated, and there will be no chance to rise again, even if you defeat me. You are still very fragile!”

Ye Fei looked at Lu Qing funny, and shook his head. “Qing’er, I know you want to defeat me, but don’t forget, you are still my maid. What you have to do now is to make good tea, pour good water, and serve me as Young Master.”

“Ye Fei, you…” Lu Qing couldn’t say it angrily. This kind of verbal confrontation was originally a very serious and dangerous thing. A little careless, he fell into the opponent’s thinking, Martial Dao Will , Will be shaken and lose the forge ahead.

But Ye Fei uttered Qinger, and he just called Lu Qing because she was angry and couldn’t get out of her temper. She still belongs to Ye Fei’s maid.

All Lu Qing can do is to fiercely stare at Ye Fei, then hold the teapot, run out in anger, boil water and make tea again, if there is an opportunity, she really wants to be in the tea, Get some laxatives or something.

Helplessly, Ye Fei is very shrewd. Every time I drink tea, Lu Qing must drink it first, and I will taste it slowly after making sure that there is no problem. This made Lu Qing want to play black hands, but couldn’t find a chance.

“But what Lu Qing said is right, peerless genius. No matter how many times they fail, as long as aptitude is still there, they will have countless opportunities to return in a swirl of dust. But I am different, mine There is only one chance, the road of despair, there is no retreat! Further, call the saint as the ancestor, take a step back, consigned to eternal damnation!”

Looking at the silhouette of Lu Qing leaving, Ye Fei’s face His smile disappeared, then became solemn again, and finally became extremely firm again.

“Since I have embarked on this road of despair, I have never regretted it! I can’t match these peerless genius, and these peerless genius can’t match me, because they don’t have my Courage, dare to cut all retreats and embark on the strongest path of despair!”

Seeing that the heavenly punishment has been repelled, Ye Fei intends to retreat and cultivation another One Taikoo Tiangong, True Martial four-phase.

This is the inheritance martial arts belonging to the True Martial Divine Emperor. Although it is not a complete Taikoo Heavenly Art, its cultivation success is definitely more than ten times more powerful than other Martial Emperors.

“But before the formal cultivation, there is one thing I have to deal with.” Ye Fei thought of the real Martial God Palace.

The previous true Martial God Palace was closed, and only Martial Sovereign was required to enter the cultivation. Everyone had only three chances to enter.

After three times, the Emperor Zhun could not continue to enter.

But it is different now. Since he inherited the inheritance of the True Martial Divine Emperor, accordingly, protecting the temple of inheritance is not so important.

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